Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

Can you name one BR where tanks are unfairly matched based on APHE/APCBC availability?

In all the BRs where there is a nation with APHE and another without it.
It must be admitted that the other ammunition has improved quite a bit since they were added, since at first the Full AP bullets were almost completely useless, but even after the improvement they are still quite inferior to the APHE simply because the damage of the APHE was designed incorrectly from the beginning. In frontal shots the Full AP often work well, but sometimes they do not generate enough damage to disable an enemy tank, whereas in lateral shots the Full AP depend a lot on being lucky enough to hit the ammunition, while with the APHE a lateral shot is death because that damage is in an unreal sphere.


My point was that the IC and VC agr good enough but for other AP tanks it’s not like that

I also use low caliber AP and I know Gaijin use the wrong formula. The Backups aren’t a thing to you? Cheaters will have a second chance already!

The German 75 is not a one shot I know, but that APHE is almost “realistic” other shells aren’t. I use HEATFS and I was pleasantly surprised when Gaijin implemented the but to them. To sum up: balance the APHE damage and overhaul the calculator to give other shells a good damage!
P.s. I voted yes to this proposal so I don’t want to force others at all costs: Overhaul of Gaijin calculator

All nations have AP with HE filler from BR 1.0 to 4.7, your point?
The only nation that doesnt get APHE is britain, which is funny you ignore this.

Like for example France? France does not exist for you?
P.s. before you say something; yes, France has also APHE

Name 3 AP tanks that aren’t good.
I’ll name 3 that are NOT underpowered.
Sherman IC “Trzyniec”
Concept 3
Charioteer MKVII
all of the above can 1 hit T-34s, Tigers and ST-A tanks.

Backups can only be deployed once on the same vehicle per match, I’d say good point if the fact they’re playing on cheaply bought alts with 250$ worth of premiums wasn’t so prominent.

The German 75mm uses low power projectiles, you’d know this if you looked at the tanks its used on, again i dont know what your point is here lol.
APHE damage needs not be ballanced if the other shells are broken.

Also france literally gets AP with HE filler what are you on about lol.

What is unreal is that shrapnel doesnt exist, crew is simply considered a hitpoint in this game and fights to the last man, if you wanted more realism and ballance you’d implement those first so all shells could be better across the board.
But what am I doing arguing to people who go 1-3 in a tank without APHE, it just shows your lack of skill and (eventually) your ignorance towards the games ballancing.

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Many French starters only have full AP, apart from the 2 pdr received by APHE a while ago.
However, in very low Br the difference is not that big either, due to the fact that there are mostly cannons that reload in three seconds, so the difference with APHE is not that big, as you can fire a second shot before they respond.

Ignoring what I wrote check…

Yes! Don’t adress any of the other points and cherrypick one because you simply cannot argue that AP is worse than APHE.
You’re simply bad at the game mr 6k deaths to 5k total kills.

Man chill out! I was reading and I will reply to you! I want to discuss but you are only here to fight?

AP vs APHE is like rock vs grenade.

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AP uses kinetic energy to penetrate, while APHE also uses kinetic energy to penetrate it has a chemical post penetration effect.

Again learn to play the game and stop complaining, where is the “FUN” that you guys talked about before ignoring all my points?

Rock can destroy when hits grd, and the bigger they are the most Big the explosion is, what i mean is that you can’t summarize ap shells by only the subatomic caliber, starting and over 90mm they do a decent ammount of pen

Fight the idea not the man


I would love to see that in the game, that the fragments of ALL the bullets would bounce inside the vehicles and that it would not be necessary to kill so many crew members to destroy a tank.

What you call your balance is that you have more or less advantages depending on what ammunition you use, due to an unreal damage mechanic. Simply brilliant.

My bad, monkey see monkey do, nature has forgot to put a brain in me clearly.

But as you can see they ignore all my points and gloss over them in order to propel the argument.
I think it’d be nice if a moderator wiped this senseless fight.

There are 2 things to be realistic, the shell explosion and the animation, remember it has to be simulate in a tenth at most

I know what you mean, i’ve seen this since last 2000 messages but it wont serves you to do this

Ignoring what i wrote
Point invalid
Yeah seems like I am the only one thats here to start fights, not like you ignored 90% of the points i posted and propelled the argument by simply posting things that do not check out with what is currently implemented in the game.