Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

It doesn’t matter the situation, with the ARL you won’t always kill by penetrating, with the T-34 you will always kill, and if you can’t kill it frontally, then you flank.

With t34 you will always kill after penetrate (most often) but you do also dmg with a good ap, but in front arl will always pen when t34 not

Nothing is broken, its been the same for a long time and only recently since 2022 has been recieving pen forumla nerfs and nerfs to the shrapnel damage.

You people simply complain because you dont see other OP guns in the game instead focusing on major nations like Germany, USA, USSR.

No, it’s broken. APHE doesn’t make a sphere of damage.


And Shrapnel bounces around inside the tank, it doesnt just stop, shells dont magically generate spalling on medium armor targets and like 0 on heavy armor, Yet we have those features.
How about you stop complaining about stuff like this and foucs on yet to be more important matters like the lack of SPAA for a lot of countries, the cheater problem and the divide between In game moderation and forum moderation?
All you do is complain without providing valid criticism, I say you’re just another one of the British mains that have a 0.37 KD even when using the IC.

Speaks about stats
Invalid opinion
The game is about having fun not being the one with highest KtD


Me, a Brit main?

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The problem with this approach is that people playing a game where they drive a tank usually want to experience more than just driving around and dying after first shot. The only plausible solution to this would be to add bots driving weaker tanks to the game for players to kill, but I doubt this idea will be popular among the playerbase.

Would you mind sharing where one can find the records of these tests? I would very much enjoy reading about how the authors objectively measured how much energy was absorbed by the shells body.

Or we could have a game mode, let’s call it “Arcade”, where tanks drive around like in video games and don’t immediatly die when getting shot.

Then there could be a mode called “Realistic”, where you have to play a lot more strategically and most of the time die when getting penetrating by another tank.


Probably measuring pressure increase inside the vehicle, I assume.

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This is exactly why i don’t get peoples (i dont target you but ppl in this topic). Ppl says they dont want this one shot aphe for realism but they want one shot shell for realism


Tank RB used to have bots on the Carpathians map


As long as it was balanced, I wouldn’t think it was bad at all. A GRB in which the first penetration would result in a destroyed tank, or simply losing 50% of the crew would result in a destroyed tank, but for all nations and all bullets.Although it seems to me that it will be impossible. Just by seeing how the survey ended to make the APHE just a little realistic, in the hypothetical case of a totally realistic damage survey the result would be the minimum. The only possibility would be that gaijin voluntarily implemented it without doing any survey.

On the topic of shell lethality, here is what a penetration by an APCR shell looks like from the inside:

Picture 1

Picture 2

14.5mm BS-41 vs 1/4in. 500 HBW at 45°

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If the game is about having fun why are they complaining in the first place LMAO?
Go on have fun, then complain because people dont want to conform to your playstyle.

I like how people want to fix something that was never broken, and are split over if they should cater to new players who dont know how to properly use shells or keep things as they are.

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If I have a shell that destroys me in one tap and I have a shell were I need to aim carefully, how can I have fun?

The IC and VC APCBC that have no HE filler also one tap most tanks in their BR range (with the exception of a few that they overpen)
What’s your point?
What is the fun in giving bad players second chances, is it fun simply because the guy who is obviously cheating and got distracted can get a second shot and ruin the lobby now? Or is it because you want to cater to a niche audience of players who use low caliber AP shells that dont do much damage thanks to gaijins formula?

Once again you people prove the theory of deflection and cherrypicking right by saying “APHE is a one tap!” while ignoring other shells like APCBC, High caliber APDS and HEAT-FS, learn to play and don’t force your playstyle on others.

Forget it, you’ve already seen how the voting turned out, the only thing to do is have fun in the game. Have fun killing a lot with APHE and have less fun killing and dying more with all the other bullets. Or in any case jump from Br1.0 to 9.0 and thus all the tanks play on equal terms, all with APDS-FS, although you will see more injufador using the T-55 and T-10 with their APHE.