Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

APHE is broken.

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76mm M79 AP is worse in every way than 76mm M62. Same goes for 75mm M72 and M61. Same for 90mm T33 and M82.

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I know. The 17 pounder of the Firefly is a beast of a gun but I prefer the 90mm of the Breda 501. We need a shell model that will “bother” the least amount of people

There’s a difference between your 2 posts. Being better overhall and better in all aspects, and tbh it depends the targets, aphe takes the lead for light armored, but +100mm is welcome for heavy armor

I think he means a tank that carries ap, like somua, arl and else vs one that carries aphe, not a one that carries ap then aphe when spaded

That’s what I mean

APHE is simply superior for all types of tanks, if you have APHE you kill more regardless of the tank, and having 100mm more penetration will do the same, you won’t kill as much as a tank with APHE.

No you dont get me, i mean same as italianace, a tank that "is made " for carrying aphe will generally have a better post pen, it pays this by inferior pen, and yes 100mm can helps, that’s what separate a tank that pens/one shot a panther and jumbo front, and the other. Arl44 has more chance to one shot than t34-85 coz you wont one shot what u cant pen, and pls do not take subatomic ap as reference to Say it does 0 dmg, it’s not an apcr

APCR is bad, my god! If a tank can’t frontally pen a tank you need to flank. I’m I right?

The T-34 85 kills the ARL without any problems by shooting at the front of the turret. Besides, as I said before, don’t just compare one tank with another, in the game there are more tank models than just ARL and T-34, and above all more situations, you don’t have to face the ARL head on.
The imbalance of the APHE is an undeniable fact.

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Yes apcr are bad, and a decent ap is far from this garbage, but it’s still better if you’re not forced to flank, kills faster

Once again you dont get me. I wasnt comparing arl and t34, i was comparing their shell.
As you said there are not only these 2 tanks, the point being that you Can Pen every tanks of the tank front with arl, and with a decent post pen, while you cant on t34 and some other aphe tanks

WT need to have a system where light tanks need to be incentivised to scout, medium tanks and heavys battle and TDs and artillery need to stay behind and offer cover by destroying hard targets

I was responding to the point that every round should have its use. Every round doesn’t currently have its use. No one uses AP after APHE is unlocked. AP offers nothing over APHE.


Definitely, but if I have a hypothetical penetrating 120mm AP VS a 90mm APHE if I was in front of a heavy I will use the AP and then dissect him; if I was flanking him I would use my APHE. So different uses for different shells

You don’t need a hypothetical, you have the T32E1 and M103 at 7.7. According to Gaijin, be T32E1 is more efficient with its APHE.

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I think for these tank the ap is just an excuse to set it longer to spade

Or we have the Turan I with he AP that penetrates 73mm at 10m and the APHE with 63mm of pen. I use the APHE against the majority of enemies and the AP against more armoured vehicles or from long range

The clear example would be the M48, once you unlock the M82 you forget about all the AP and APCR even though they pierce more, and you only carry HEAT-FS bullets separately in case you find very armored enemies.

And it is a reality, that is why an essentially older tank can compete or even be better than more modern tanks, due to the fact of having APHE.