Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

But a Full AP can’t pierce the front of the Maus and the Jumbo? Does it have to be only with APHE? AHH of course, because with APHE you kill it with one shot.

He Can disable you

I didnt understand sry

According to gaijn, since their BRs reflect it.

It is mainly APHE because (ATM) most tanks at the heavy tank BRs carry it, and those that dont rarely have trouble punching through the armor of heavies due to sheer pen. I do, however, think that the other rounds need postpen bufs, since rn a lot of them are fairly poor.

It’s not as if ap/apcr were made to pen thick plates… Remember that if that sherman has 180mm of pen in 5.0 and arl44 230mm while d5-t having 130, it’s for a reason

But it doesn’t kill me 100% of the time, that’s a big difference.

Simple, you think that changing the APHE unbalances the game, when what it does is balance it.

T95 for one, also tortoise and a couple others- plus many tanks have this weakspot as an intergral way to kill it.

The tortoise has the flat area of ​​the machine gun and the flat area where the sight is, where you kill crew members with Full AP.

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As I’ve already explained, the difference in post pen between APCR and APHE in reality was small. APHE and APCR having similar post pen is realistic. The KV2 having APFSDS is not realistic.

It’s still weird sentence, current br is in Big part based on current aphe system, changing aphe system would break the br

What i meant for the kv2 wasnt realistic reason, i was just saying that you dont do things like that because that Can be how it works irl, but in wt, apcr have more pen and less post pen. Doing this would just set the apcr even more op than the aphe you are complaining about

But not their spawn costs.

BRs are based on players performance, not the difficulty to kill.

What does the number of tanks carrying a round have to do with anything?

But you want things to be OP. APCR being OP would be a good thing, right? Making tanks even easier to kill would be a positive.

The thing is that tanks that don’t have APHE have in some cases needed an artificial buff to balance them, and even then they are still inferior to tanks with APHE.And yes, you are right, the current br is in large part based on current aphe system, that is why you can use a 1943 Tiger 1 against a 1960 M51 with its 400mm penetration heat.

I want things to be op ? Even me i didnt know i wanted this, i just thought i prefered that gaijin spends Time on working on something else than this very change. You must be right, you voted yes and i voted no

I see, but nothing says that these artificial buff would get retired

Well, the APHE is not going to be modified by the vote either. The correct changes would be to modify the APHE and then rebalance some tanks that had to be adjusted to try to compete against the APHE, which still can’t.

Would be another big time rebalancing things. It’s still not over with last one so imagine for this, they dont have only this to do

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Well, it is something necessary and important, since it fixes the game, I am not against them not adding anything to the game for a while, and being reasonable, it would not take that long to rebalance the tanks after the APHE change.

Yes, you’ve been arguing that APHE should not be nerfed to realistic levels.

I think it’s not that easy since all the tanks arent moved yet in awnser to a change happened years ago