Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

Most likely anything that relies on small cupola weakspots or MG port/viewing slit weakspots. I suspect that all heavies that have weakspots will move up, but some may move up more then others.

2c Can be rly easy to one shot with ammo being at the very front of the tank, and the thing IS that an apcr that Pen will do more dmg than an aphe that doesnt pen. That’s why i get kill by apfsds in more often than heatfs in maus

Yes, it’s very fun, it’s really fun to go with a tank with APHE and kill 7 or 8 per game, ahh, but it’s not so fun to go with Full AP, shoot someone, kill their loader or commander and have them kill you with their APHE on the first shot.

The balance is already broken. There are tanks that kill and others that don’t, that means there is no balance.

That wouldnt disapear with aphe rework

So because the balance already walks on 3 paw doesnt mean we Can break it another paw, and this join one of the arguments, there are things that players Want more gaijin to do instead of this rework

I honestly don’t see why the Br of those tanks would have to be raised just to make the APHE damage realistic.

Harder to kill, it’s the same case for light tank

Significantly harder to kill for the majority of tanks, with some weakspots (Cupola) entirely useless. Stuff like the tutels would also be pretty hard hit.

But you wouldn’t die from the first APHE shot.

Instead of breaking the third leg, you would put the fourth leg on, with four legs everything is stable.

They only fall into those two categories because APHE is OP.

Maybe all heavy tanks should get twice the rate of fire to make medium tanks easier to kill.

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If APHE was different, they would be moved up- because one of the key parts of being hard to penetrate is being easy to kill when you are penetrated.

Complete non-sequitr.

Depends what tank shoted, and you could get killed too, we dont know without a test

That’s exactly what i said, focus on the br balance now instead of reworking aphe and break even more the br balance

The only one I can think of that needs to be shot in the dome is the T95,due to its heavily armoured front and sloping sides with spaced armour.

According to who? If that was the case, heavy tanks should be cheaper to spawn. And why only APHE? Why aren’t all rounds massively OP in post pen?

And jumbo, maus with aphe Can be killed only in the mantlet, same for these is with that plate

Coz you dont expect apcr to have same post pen as aphe but with more pen

Based on what exactly? Where is this limit coming from? How do you know what post pen APCR should have if you aren’t a tanker from WWII?

Balance, then let’s put an apfsds on kv2, and same post pen than an is2, btw it’s weird saying that we dont know real post pen of a shell from someone it’s not enough realistic how it works

Now you’re just being absurd.

No proof is needed, if he doesn’t kill you with one shot, there is the possibility that you can load and shoot him, or that a teammate kills him. He can kill you with one shot, he can, I was also able to kill him with one shot, in that case it will depend on luck and where you aim, not on whether you have APHE or not, and if you don’t have any, you depend on luck.

Balancing damage is not unbalancing the game. First you balance damage, and then you fine-tune the tanks, since at the end of the day modifying damage takes more time (it’s also more important), and then changing the Br of certain tanks is simply changing a number, in the same way that reload time is changing a number and that’s it, it takes little time.

Explain, btw for absurd thing you’re the one asking for same post pen between apcr and aphe