Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

I readed the article no worry i believe you when you say there are documents. But you’re not gonna have exact shot as simulation because it’s too long to simulate

Again, I’m not saying they need an exact simulation. There is tremendous ground between an exact simulation and the current interpretation.

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Yes but if you take an example, why do not take the whole example and not just the parts that you agree with ? I mean, yes you could make it more realistic by adding it, but then you will forget other things so parameter that werent counted before are After, but same in opposite

I guess this vote was made by gaijin for the people who have been asking for more than 7 or 8 years to modify the APHE bullets, not only to make them more realistic, but to make them realistic and balanced. All this was achieved thanks to the insistence of players who have literally been looking for information for years, making reports and diagrams, seeing how gaijin did not pay any attention to them, until 9 years passed, most of the veteran players have left the game tired of gaijin’s lack of interest in improving their game, and now they come to do a survey.

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Ok i see that veteran could vote for it, but the game isnt full of veteran who maybe not even all vote yes ? Go explain a lvl 30 that a (inactive) lvl100 has a better value in a poll because he has +70lvl

What do you mean?

I don’t have to go to a level 30 player and explain anything, the level 30 player just has to play and realize what things are unbalanced and what things aren’t. It’s not that difficult.

The rework would make the shell itself more realistic, but will forget some parameter that we could imagine is on current, coz i may not was in WW2 but if dont think the shells do an exact sphere, i dont also think they do 3 exacts waves

There Can have a lvl30 that wants to vote no, and a lvl 100 that would vote yes, both have arguments then explain me why should we retire lvl30’s opinion. Since we fight the idea and not the man i dont think the fact lvl100 has +70lvl is relevant

You are missing the point, my friend. I can fully accept that it is pretty massively overperforming, but I give zero fucks that it is, for one simple reason- it is necessary for balance.

In order to fix the issues with solid shot, there is really only one solution- buff their post-pen, and dont nerf APHEs. The current game relies on large postpen damage to balance heavy tanks, and without that exaggerated damage they are significantly stronger- because they lose a lot of their weakspots.

With the weakspots gone, they will be forced up because they are so much harder to kill, which will make their armor irrelevent.

I really do understand your calls for realism here, but it simply will not work.

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That’s not how it works. Heavy tanks aren’t supposed to be easy to kill. They are bigger, heavier and slower. You might as well give heavy tanks engine boosts to balance light tanks.


Tank engine boost ? Bro it’s not mario-kart. Dont Say that if you want realism

What is the level 30 argument? I imagine there will be many arguments to say no, and other arguments to say yes, but which would be the most correct? I voted yes, to make the damage as realistic as possible and at the same time be able to balance the damage with the other types of projectiles, so that you have similar chances with the tanks of all sides, and there are no strong sides and weak sides. In any case, apart from fixing the damage of the APHE, the damage of the other bullets should be made more consistent, because even with the change, possibly the APHE would still be quite superior, when in reality they were not, and on top of that they harm countries that do not use APHE. Still apart, this change would also solve the unrealistic changes that were made to tanks to try to balance them with respect to the APHE, such as tanks with faster reload times than in reality, or with lower Br than their contemporaries.

That’s now what I said I want. Read the post I was responding to for context.

Ask him. A valid argument, no matter if it defends yes or no, is a good argument that values same as the one defending the other side

You Can admit there’s a gap between post pen in favour of some heavy and a boost, it’s also that no need to do tons of different tanks if they are all slightly have same caracteristic, but i had’t seen the as well, then sry

What will be the arguments of the people who voted no?

He would rather gaijin to focus on other features than this very change,
He thinks there’s no need to change it because it’s enough realist and fun now
He thinks it would break the br balance
He thinks that it will bring another hard feature that’ll go on the list of thing to patch.

These arent all my arguments, these are like a sum of some arguments

A question, what heavy tanks should be upgraded in the BR for not having weakspots?

Jumbo, maus, is4m or is6 (i dont remember which one of these 2, one of them cant be front killed with an aphe if not shot in a very plate