Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

Yep, but not so much. The effects of an APHE are Overpressure+Proposed changes; with a more gradual overpressure: from unconscious to light Simpsons. They need to use a system like that to have the real deal

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this is why we say no to every suggestion gaijin makes, cause all their suggestions are 2 options between bad and worse. they will find a way to fuck it up, BECAUSE THEY ALWAYS FUCK IT UP.

their entire history is filled with fuck ups. their future will be filled with fuck up, because they ARE.

this is why we need to resist everything gaijin does, until they fix the core mechanics of the game.
create better game modes that work for every vehicle involved. change the maps to better balance both sides. most maps are too one sided.

volumetric armor needs to get thrown out of the window. it doesnt work.
and stop making everything so goddamn realistic! ITS A GAME!!! realism doesnt work inside of a game. you need to balance realism to make it fun for the players.

The game advertise himself like “the most realistic military vehicle simulation game”

No because they are trying, and if you resist everything you won’t have improvements. (Looks like you are against changing anything and you are fine like that)

They are tryiiiinng!

Well volumetric need a rework because it inconsistent but it fundamentally works


Like APHE behaving in unrealistic ways!


aphe works just fine. it doesnt need a buff or a nerf. its solid shells that gaijin needs to stop nerfing. half a year ago they pushed through a nerf to APDS shells, that introduced shell shattering. before that, APDS worked just fine. big pen. little post pen damage, but atleast it worked.

now, its freaking worthless to use. i still got APDS sometimes shattering against flat armor, simply because its double layered armor, like on the sherman jumbo, ferdinand or tiger P. it only shatters, because the game tells it to do. its not realistic. its bugged. and becuase gaijin is incompetent and more focussing on fixing the cockpit view of yet another mustang or La, the realism escapes me. not just me, everyone involved is annoyed and bothered by this.

they implement a system, and it works great for a few months, and then they break it. they break it, due to incompetence. they have a test server available, they dont test their own shit.

why does APHE explode against a fence? because gaijin bugged it a few months ago. it never did that. it never reacted like HEAT shells before, yet at some point gaijin decided to make APHE explode against fences. they never even made an update about it. at one point, you just notice your aphe shell doesnt reach the target because a middle sized soft wood tree was hit.

they cant fix stuff, because they are too focused on the realism part. they need to call in a hiatus from updating the game, and start, fixing, shit. will they listen to this advice? of course they dont! these are gaijin’s own forums. they need to protect the safe bubble their employees are residing in, and shield them from any negativity, because cricisism isnt seen as positive input, its seen as toxic, and we cant have our precious incompetent developers experience toxicityyyyy.

its even more rediculous when you start to notice that everyone involved is in on it. their tech moderators who dismiss every bug report as not a bug. do they get a thousand bug reports every hour they need to scroll through? maybe. does that mean they can simply dismiss 90% of all the bug reports? no! that is an employment issue. hire more people to shift through the bug reports. you rake in hundreds of thousands from kids here, promoting gambling to their young innocent minds. dont tell me you cant spare some change to hire a few extra people. if they are hired at all. i think even these forum moderators arnt exactly paid, other than in gold and gaijin coins.

i just hate to see that time and again, we get censored. we get ignored. we get dismissed, becuase all we are are whales to them. gaijin is a company, a company is made to make money. as long as they make money and we are dumb enough to give money, they dont actually care.

aphe dosent work just fine its op you can shoot a tank in the engine and some how kill all crew with a 100g tnt shell like its broken. realism is not the only part of this its because the other tanks without aphe cant compete like a crusader shoots a tank on the weakspot where it only can pen but theres no crew directly behind it so the tank cant be killed by the crusader.


bro why are you talking about stuff that isnt even related to the topic low moderators and other stuff this is an aphe disscusion so keep on topic

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It never happened are you shure are you playing the same game as us?
For the res arrass Is not an option nor a solution

The fuck are you saying?

“Everyone is corrupted except me!” Wow man you scored a 100/100 in the toxicity competition!


not exactly sure what you are getting here at. yes, the game has an overpressure system in place, but this only works with 165g filler TNT equivalent or more. and its not when you shoot the engine, its when the shell can reach into the crew cabin. an open topped vehicle is a different story, since the HE shell explodes ON the armor. i have to agree, overpressure is quite an abusive game mechanic. the tiger 1 works, because it has as hell that can create overpressure.

no i meant it as the fragmentation can shoot 90 degrees and hit the crew from so dumb places

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You realise your playing a game where every single thing you do is something gaijin did right? Why are you playing a game if you think they can’t possibly do anything right? This is a rediculous statement.


Conservative players, who are completely agreed with old and unfair shells voted NO and we have this sh93 today. “Never do change the game till it still playable.” bruh 😒️


hello from the other side brother!
just a thing to tell you: devs that develop ballistic mechanics are different than the devs that fix bugs. they can’t just stop all development to just fix all bugs, no game dev works like that.
they could develop new things along side fixing more bugs… listening to us more…


It’s more like voting to see what effects certain policies have in an insulated alternate universe, which has no bearing on your own reality.


Bro is asking for a unicorn of a game.

Let me know when you find a game with over a thousand- no, even just hundreds of different weapons or vehicles that is even slightly close to being balanced and has no core issues. I would love to try it out.

My main concern with this is how it would impact tanks with large calibre (over 100mm) guns with slow reloads that rely on APHE. For example, ISU tanks, Jadtiger etc.

Currently these tanks can work despite their very long reload times because they can fairly reliably 1 shot anything they can pen. If the rework results in them being likely to require 2 shots to kill an enemy, this has the potential to have an extremely negative impact on their performance. Consider the situation where such tanks need to hit twice to kill and have a reload time that is greater than the time it takes the enemy tank to swap crew positions or even repair a broken breach. The enemy can simply take the first hit and will be able to fire back before the tank with the large calibre APHE gun can reload. I don’t think that would be a particularly good change.

Whatever else happens, just make sure that these big guns can 1-shot the things they are likely to be firing at.

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Those guns deal overpressure damage. This is how they 1-shot reliably.

As stated multiple times, overpressure is not being changed whatsoever. So they will still one shot


That and any tanks that do become useless would go down in br.

If course we won’t know unless we have a test…


I do want this, but you have a history of implementing half-completed mechanics; like volumetric armor and shells. We still have many ground vehicles with highly outdated armor profiles, a.k.a little to no volumetric armor, and buggy shell physics where edges of armor completely stop/disappear shells instead of redirecting them, and allowing them to behave naturally. These inaccuracies lead to unrealistic and down right frustrating inconsistencies. I don’t know why this new feature is being added before solutions are adopted for the two previous mechanics, which have both been around now for many years and widely documented. You seem to rush from one project to the next without making sure the one you left is done. This comes off as unprofessional and disorganized in terms of both game development and management. The purpose of the roadmap was to alleviate the anger the community was feeling towards you, Gaijin, and to provide clear and concise organization to large issues present in the game. An obvious criticism leveled at you were these incomplete mechanics. I feel that little to no real effort has been done to resolve these issues and you are just repeating old mistakes, that you have very clearly been made aware of. I suggest before going ahead and bringing in this new shell mechanic, you go back and fix at least these two older mechanics. If fixed, volumetric armor and volumetric shells would bring massive benefits to both immersion, and realism. And would be a truly awe inspiring aspect no one has really seen in a game before. Bugs are inevitable, code can be down right frustrating to get right at times, but I think it would tremendously benefit both you and the community to fix things. That would go a long way to do what the original purpose of the road map was; to sew goodwill between your company and the thousands of players that participate on your servers everyday.