Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

Ppl are saying yes could pass because some voted yes from a video, so no we couldnt then, either you say that the Guy who voted for a youtuber are petit too

I don’t know what afd is sorry. But this isn’t a vote for change it’s a vote to test it on a separate event. It won’t effect the main game at all. If it sucks then vote no and no harm has been done.


Yep man I hope sooner or late they will understand (excluding @kungfuwushu06 and people’s that are aware of this)


the vote is ultimately for change or no change, a test between said final vote does not make it any different. If someone does not want the change in the first place, that means they are going to vote no. Its extremely simple to understand.

Ppl saying yes could also finally dont like the New mechanic, and ppl who voted one awnser could have also changed opinion

Maus wasn’t removed, it was delisted, and comes back once a year.

Im only talking about people who voted no here. I’m completely aware that some people who voted yes for a test may not like the new mechanic, and frankly their vote is reasonable and understandable. However people had until today to consider their vote, if they were on the fence that much, they shouldn’t have quickly voted for one or the other.

You cant change your vote, maybe some persons that said no changed their opinion After their choice.
Also for the poll, it’s closed, but does someone know what will happen ?

I’m sure theres people on both sides who wish that.
I’d assume an announcement tommorow, or sometime later this week regarding the results

People have jobs, but there are days called Saturday and Sunday as well as free time during the week. It’s not that hard to find a little bit of time to test these things, if the test would be available for like 1-2 weeks.

CC’s videos are usually biased and direct people towards one option or the other.

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some jobs require you to be gone for weeks/months. Some people also have Schooling + a Job, which will at some points take up their entire day + weekend.

It was still removed from the tech tree.

In that case… shit happens. You could also say that some people might be on vacation during the test…
Some people will not be able to do the event either, because they were on an oil rig or on vacation.

Even national elections don’t care that someone might not be able to vote that day.

If that’s the case, then how do they find time to play the game in the first place.

Nothing here prevents them from voting, just playing the game. Voting requires you have purely an internet connection, and something like a smartphone. You are quite literally depriving them of a vote

Nonsense, voting by mail and absentee voting exists pretty much everywhere. The days of National Votes are also known well into advance and are usually public holidays as well.

You are not permanently at school, and things like exams can make it so you can practically not be able to touch the game for a couple weeks.

But it prevents them from testing the changes, because they don’t have a powerful enough PC there to run the game.

And yes, I am depriving the people who didn’t participate in the test of the right to vote after the test, if there will be one.

Ok, my example was bad, but you know what I mean. If there was absolutely no way someone could vote that day, no one would postpone the elections. Unless a large portion of voters wouldn’t be able to vote that day.

Then my point still stands.

Which is wrong. You are quite literally removing the ability to vote of someone who might be extremely active whilst not busy, because IRL has a conflict where they are unable to play the game.

There is no talk of postponing the vote here, the situations I have mentioned quite literally give them the ability to vote, but not get on the game. There will naturally be lots of media explaining the changes, and they can quite literally make an informed decision for themselves based off it.

It doesn’t, because its still possible to make an informed decision without experiencing it yourself.
Just because you (pretty clearly) have not had to be in this position does not make it so they are invalidated from voting. Believing that everybody can take time off for a game, just because you can, is extremely selfish

Yes that’s true, but videos can be misleading and some people will vote with blind folds without even reexamining the situation based on new facts, like someone already declared.

However, you’re probably right. This would be just one more step for some people and it would be unfair to other people. There’s no way to protect voting from dishonest votes, such are the charms of democracy.

I was not confident in my point from the start for that reason. Any attempt at improving democracy will lead to it being unfair to some people.

In short: Yeah, you’re right.

Cool, still doesn’t change the fact that the new system is still by far nowhere as accurate. But I respect the choice.

Why is no were accurate? If a round explode inside a vehicle it won’t create a Sphere of Death like it’s now in game


Because we could imagine that the sphere counts the heat, the qwake, which are not in the new system