Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

Today DollarPlays uploaded a video and during his intro and outro he talked about the proposed aphe changes and how he voted (he didn’t ask his community how to vote, unlike others). I don’t know if it can be correlated with the slight shift we noticed today, but I’m still speculating it.

This photo is from a soviet test of the US 76mm gun.
Here is the source.
Of particular note are the obtained penetration values:


As you can see, no, soviets are not using some super restrictive penetration criteria that makes the guns they test have -50% less pen like Gaijin seems to believe.

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M68A1 BDF weights at 1.44lb. (0.653kg). Which brings the total mass of the penetrator of T50E1 shell to 9.393kg.
I’ll write this down in my database. Thank you.

The survey has ended, right?

Maybe. But not helping the argument against not being able to trust Gaijin. The poll should’ve been closed almost two hours ago.

Yes, the Maus is currently balanced.

Nice try man, I’m on vacation too, but I don’t get why a game like this would attract someone who hates its mechanics and who “has a life”?

You’re comparing singular tanks with entire game mechanics again. Apples and oranges.

Wtf? Man last time I played was 15 days ago! You are currently playing! Also @ShermyDragon is playing it! WHO ISN’T PLAYING ANYMORE? Sorry but I don’t get it. And also I can balance private life and playing a game like WT. Last thing I don’t hate it’s mechanics

Currently. How long did it take them again? And do you remember why they removed it in the first place even though it is a historical vehicle that was build?

Tbh italian ace is one of the only person here understanding that everybody got a brain, even “no” voter, and is very open to chat. Not rly what i call hater

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Thanks man, I appreciate your “defence”. I’m aware that this change has positives and drawbacks I will test and change my opinion if it’s needed


If we get a test. I think it’s close enough we will just insane people voting no on a test.

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Yep, we will see…

People have jobs and other irl things that they are required to do. It’s not hard to form an opinion from videos from CC’s either. Someone shouldn’t lose their opinion because they can’t play WT daily.


It’s not insane at all. What’s bonkers is you can’t get that. At 7am when the poll should have ended, it was just about 52/48 with the no’s having it. People voted. No test. Simple as that.

Three hours after the vote was suppose to close, people can still vote. Talk about a disingenuous poll. And we’re suppose to trust them to handle this fairly? No way.

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It’s really not that insane to not want a test. If someone doesn’t like how they feel the change is presented, it is 100% in their right vote no.
It’s like telling me that I should vote for AfD because I might like what they do in power, when I infact do not like their policies, and do not want to see them implemented


Time to close the poll! If it’s not already closed!


You’re welcome