Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

I hope that gaijin uses his head and finally balances the bullets, that the game is no longer Germany against UUSS.

You don’t know that at all because you haven’t tested it. This is fear no proof at all.

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People keep saying that tigers and panthers would end up going up in BR because without cupola shots, they’d be unkillable.

But they can be easily disabled (killed less so, but a tank with a broken breech, dead gunner & commander is not a threat anymore) as is using solid shot if aimed well, so I’m confused why people are so adamant that removing cupola shots would ruin everything.

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It’s logic. Overpressuring ammo dont Care of spall, you Can admit that this will more affect t34-57 than is2

Agreed. There is no proof that cupola shots are the only reason they aren’t higher br. For all we know the numbers could have any of these tanks borderline considered for lower br, we just don’t know and it’s all pointless speculation and fear mongering.

It’s the “everything needs to die frontally in one shot” mentality.

Flanking? Disabling? Disabling AND flanking? Madness! Everyone and everything needs to have a one-hit kill button regardless of the angle, position or vehicle class; even if we are talking about a 4.0 30 ton medium tank vs a 5.7 60 ton heavy tank! Otherwise it’s not balanced! /s


Well, if they are still there, let them finally make a balanced damage model, which is already needed.

No idea what your talking about. This change being proposed is about balancing damage physics. I thought you were a no voter but if you want fixes you must be voting yes.

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And the reason being because you said so? You can’t know what will exactly happen with the BRs, it’s nothing more than fortune telling.

Also I don’t want this change to buff or nerf anything. I want this change, because while it’s not ideal, it’s more realistic than what we have now. I take reality as it is and I’m not offended by it. If APHE being a nuke shell actually was realistic, I would 100% support it.


Hey CMs,

Shouldn’t the poll have closed 25 minutes ago?

Its… basic logic?
Vehicle becomes much harder to kill, thus gets moved up.

oh no, quick, before they’re gonna win


Or other vehicles get less kills and get moved down… You can’t know what exactly will happen.


Gaijin said that cupola shot will be less effective, and the shots would do less dmg. Less post pen is good for light tank and tank with fast reload, so we cant predict future, but we can at least imagine what could happen

if everything else gets less kills and gets moved down, its legit the same as heavies getting moved up

Sometimes possible, sometimes not thanks to constant narrowing of maps to become nothing more than barroom brawl fights. Hard for an M18 to flank when the flanking routes have been sectioned off.


In that case, the issue that needs addressing is the maps- artificial buffs or nerfs of vehicle technical capabilities to “balance” flawed map design is madness. It’s fighting an issue by bringing another issue.


That is true, and something that needs a much harder push to be reversed.

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But this way heavies don’t get pushed up to HEAT territory as you suggested. Vehicles relying on HEAT would only stay the same or go up, but they would never go down in BR due to this change.

And m18 would be able to go back down in br as they no longer nuke everything they pen which got them up br year after year.

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