Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

If it was on the roadmap because everybody asked it, why would they do the poll

Then i let you read last paragraph that says the test would take a lot of time to do if players Want it

Why are you talking about overpressure ??

BRs can only work to an extent, and in some cases they do artificially nerf things.

You were the one complaining about being lolpenned by the M51 and such, yes? With a nerf to APHE, that will be happening with most rounds, not just the M51 and other HEAT slingers.

Hell- I am on the side that agrees that heavies should at least have a distinct role from mediums and be usable, able to tank non-high pen rounds fairly well. With this change they will be exactly what you fear- completely useless, their armor only a hinderance.

Or the tanks that can’t face them get put down in br. Many tanks are far higher in br then they could be if their aphe wasn’t a nuke. Wouldn’t you guys like you t34, panzer, m18 etc lower br? These changes could result in many many vehicles going back to their lower br as many have gone up multiple times in their time because their aphe is so deadly.

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Yeah, I don’t get it either. “Shenanigans”.

Because it’s not changing. It will still be here so many of the aphe shots will still kill tanks they are claiming will now shrug them off. Overpressure makes many tanks aphe mechanics change nothing vs many tanks.

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If everything else moves down, its the same as the heavy tanks moving up.

I honestly think that this change is not made by gaijin because he does not feel like modifying the damage mechanics, possibly it is something that requires a little work, and gaijin prefers to spend that time adding new premium tanks and a few tech tree ones, for example. That makes us a survey that knows it is going to be lost, and thus forgets about the issue, as happened with the shock of the crew members. In any case, gaijin knows what is right and what is wrong, they have the data, and they see how Clearly a tank with APHE kills three times as much as a tank with any other type of ammunition, so if they haven’t changed it, I highly doubt they will, unless almost the entire community demands it aggressively.

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No because not everything will move. Not everything will see much of a difference and you know what could help people stop freaking out? A test event…


Since these changes aren’t coming, can the Tortoise go down to 6.0 then, the Tiger can still pen the cupola from like 1.5km+ away anyway.

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I know, by weaksopts, i didnt mean overpressure, but the new mechanic will still improve weaksopts

People who make ammo physics are not the same people who make maps, ui changes, new tank models, sound, bug fix etc.


One thing I remain confused about is…

Maybe British tanks are built different, but the firefly, concept 3 and avenger are perfectly capable of disabling or even killing Tiger H1s and Panther Ds.

They cannot do cheese shots either.

Sure, you may end up getting more assists but is that really that big of an issue?

That’s why I mentioned overpressure as an example because it won’t be as universal an effect/nerf as you are saying. This is why they want to have a test event.

Well, they have developed it to some degree already, at least enough to be able to show us some of the preliminary internal tests!

Soon we will know whether it will be carried on until a second vote, or ditched.

You sure it wont ? Rumors said it could happen even if no won because of some ppl not voting on their own

Well, then those workers were fired years ago, because the damage model is a disaster, and it has been like this for a good number of years.

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I’m not sure what your actually asking, not being a tool just can you rephrase the question please?

This is a nerf of the aphe anyway. Most affected tanks are the one that dont overpressure.

What? Of course they have people making these things still. You think they do it by magic?