Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

It wouldnt, those Rounds have nearly 250g tnt, they will likely one shot anything anyway and they did before the internal overpressure was added.

Not really sure why you have mentioned this, because it isnt really relevant to what I said. Doesnt change the fact that the ovpressure mechanic as it is isnt particularly realistic, and isnt really fun imo because it completely negates aiming for specific crew, and makes vehicles like the tortoise or Doom turtle really unplayable because they consistently get oneshot despite their armour or the fact that the weakspots should only lead to the death of one or two of the crew. I’m not saying vehicles like that should be unkillable, but right now they are useless, and even if they survived one or two more shots, it isnt going to make them curbstompers.


Tortoise and T95 are just broken concepts.

And this was specifically mentioned, because irl if Tortoise or T95 got cupola shot and 2 crewmembers died, rest of the crew would bail out anyway and vehicle would be knocked out. In the game, it doesn’t work like that, so damage must be scaled up to make up for it.

Even though Tortoise and T95 probably wouldn’t break the game even after the change, things like Tiger Porsche or T26E5 that aren’t as slow and also can be destroyed by less potent guns only by weakspot sniping, definitely could.

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That’s why I said I would like shatter removed. It’s just a part of me that would like to see Brit haters learn why ap was so preferred.

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Yeah, shatter for APDS could be removed, or just damage scaled up, whatever.

But don’t touch APHE, unless you want to see whole low/mid tiers burn to ashes in that whole unbalanced mess

The changes don’t seem different than the regular AP shell. What am I missing here?

Voting no/against mainly because of this. Been an effective way of dealing with Tigers.

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And once again BRs change. Just because one tank then never meant to see them can’t kill them doesn’t mean an OP shell shouldn’t be nerfed.

Oh, it’s not like APHE-less nations don’t also have things that can’t kill Tigers seeing Tigers. The Churchill VII can see tigres and has no way shape or form of an ability to kill one.

The 75mm Shermans played a similar role to the British “infantry tanks” in American doctrine, the last time I read about them.


This game isn’t historically accurate and never will.

BR change won’t work. As for example if you put the Jumbo Sherman below Tiger’s BR, at the level of things like Panzer 3s and 4s it will bully the crap out of them.

Some historical inaccuracies must be accepted for the game to be balanced.

And APHE damage is one of them

Just stop for a second and think about an aftermath of such change. It will create the biggest BR mess we have ever had in the history of the game and somehow i don’t believe gajin will sort it out well enough and quick enough.

This will be a massive hit to overall game experience as well, as with smaller chance of one shotting enemies, kill stealing and stupid deaths after getting trolled by post pen damage will happen much more often


This sounds nice, and will be implemented either way?

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Leaving aside Jumbo, which is a special exception given its extreme protection levels, all other 75mm Shermans are 3.3, 3.7 and 4.0; all of which are far from 5.7. They can’t face a Panther or a Tiger even in full uptiers.


Except you can’t just leave a tank aside. Whether it is an extreme example or not, it is in the game and it will get crippled by this change along with many others.

You can’t just cripple a bunch of tanks in this game cause huh, now my Tiger will be better

Exactly, and answers to those questions are fairly simple.

  1. In the short term - Probably germany, in the long term, nations not relying heavier vehicles like Japan, France or Italy.
  2. Tanks with low pen relying entirely on weakspot shots in general, in the long term all heavier vehicles as due to lack of reliable ways to kill them their BR will skyrocket
  3. God knows, it makes no sense
  4. Absolutely not. It makes you get punished less for your mistakes and removes the need of weakspot knowledge
  5. Yes and it will definitely be frustrating as hell
  6. Yes
  7. Probably no, as this change is way too big for anyone to just simply predict what will happen after it gets implemented. I see enough downsides though to straight up say it’s a terrible idea.
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So a shell that affects dozens of tanks and the gameplay of 4 whole tiers should remain broken… because it helps a single over tiered tank…?

Decompression will fix that, not a shell type overperforming to comical degrees.


Right so remove every nation but the big 3 as there is no reason to play them. After all, they all have to pick off crew members one by one.

Said historical inaccuracies is a 1000% buff to APHE which is not acceptable more so when Gaijin has made all the shells realistic to give other ones their problems like shell-shatter.
Be thankful Gaijin hasn’t promised fuze failures. (The reason why the British dropped APHE in favour of AP only)

Oh, as SPANISH_AVENGER has pointed out your whole argument is based on one tank which is not an agurment. As I pointed out there are other tanks that can see Tigers in the game already that can’t kill them.


Not necessarily. US tank doctrine was based on tanks breaking through enemy lines and fighting anything they saw. Tanks are part of that. The 75mm killed basically any German tank it saw. Tank destroyers were more like rapid response units, meant to engage armored attacks or break throughs. Part of the decision to leave the 76mm in England on D Day was due to the success the 75mm had against German tanks in Africa and Italy.

It’s not broken, so how should it remain being something it isn’t?

APHE affects every single tank up until like 8.7 and it affects them in a good way.

It is only thing balancing out armor on heavier vehicles. It allows them to be strong overall, but with weakspots you can exploit.

You can’t have armor that is immune to everything, as it will be busted.

With weakspots not serving their role anymore, gajin will be forced to bring up all armor reliant vehicles up sooner or later, which will kill them.

APHE helps not only a single overtiered vehicle, it helps to maintain balance of all low tier vehicles in entire game

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It helps heavies by keeping their BR down, and helps anything with long reload. It also is just a great boon to mediums, because it means that when they pen, they kill.

Facing a tiger post-fix is going to be horrendous- most of the weakspots are going to be less reliable, and cupola shots will be useless. Thus, it will be significantly harder to kill, and will be moved up.

It doesnt just help the jumbo, it helps every tank.

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Ah, thanks. I just read the 76 was left behind due to them like the 75 and it was found fined fine until loss started happening in France when they started to send them in.

All minor nations in game besides Brittain and France also use primarly APHE and for those 2 nations just buff solid shot, it’s as simple as that.

Yeah, and it is acceptable. But fair point, if this shell isn’t too realistic, others shouldn’t be either. Just keep realistic shell behaviour as a guideline, but change it if it’s necessary for the balance.

It is the biggest nonsense i’ve ever read on this forum so far.

My argument isn’t based on 1 tank, it was based on many tanks, just read my other comments. I only used Sherman Jumbo as an example.

And the tank you brought up is quite literally the only tank that fits into the criteria and is a full downtier for a Tiger, known to be extremely opressive by itself in good matchmaking. Churchill mk VII is probably the worst example you could’ve brought up in this discussion


No. Just NO.
Don’t add this in game