Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

How often is an M60 getting shot at by APHE though? It’s only really the Soviets and Chinese l using APHE at 8.0 besides a few other tanks.

The problem is both, even if the chemical and kinetic shells were buffed to historical standards, APHE is still massively over preforming ingame compared to other shells by miles, and as acknowledged by gaijin in this post and historical sources throughout time, over preforming historically as well.

I agree, such as things like barrel collision, friendly fire, etc. however I believe making APHE set to a comparable standard as the other rounds is more than a fair and just decision. Not every nation has APHE, and being able to consistently one shot enemy tanks is far from fair when you’re hardly even aiming…
There’s a reason many nations opted out of using APHE of standard Solid shot rounds during WW2 and after…

Welcome to the life of the average British main my guy, it’s not impossible, but yes gaijin moments will become a bit more prominent (again this is something anyone who uses HEAT/HEATS-FS/APCR/Solid-shot/or APDS has to deal with anyway, and some nations only have those rounds…

Uh huh… sure…


All shells need significant buffs, imo beyond their historical standards. Remember- the damage you need to inflict a kill ingame is far more then IRL.

It will. Without weakspots being good ways to disable/kill a tank, the heavies with them will be forced up to where their armor is irrelevant.


I have saw shell shatter of APDS.
I think this will make game worse and more balance problem

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APHE are overperforming when compared to other type of ammo, but it is healthy for the game. Just buff other types of shells in other areas to match their strenght, not nerf APHE.

APHE is very strong, but that’s what makes it reliable and much less frustrating to use, which is what we want to avoid. Game isn’t suposed to be frustrating.

Not every nation having APHE is why other shells should be buffed beyond historical standards, to match APHE.

No. As a person who has british ground tech tree grinded out to rank 5, it’s not even that bad and their vehicles aren’t even close to being impossible to balance.

What would be impossible to balance on the other hand is a Tiger Porsche without it’s cupola weakspot. It will end up like an IS-6 or 76 Jumbo. At the beginning at it’s current BR it will bully everything because nothing can pen it, but when gajin realizes that it will be thrown up to like 6.3 where it will be penned by anything and anywhere, while it’s gun will barely work.

Yeah exactly


i will love to test it, i think the right now mini nuke in the tank, as someone said earlier feels realy unrealistic

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spikes are a top tier minor problem, because they only effect a few vehicles, changes to aphe is effecting nearly 60% of ground vehicles, and the low and midtier are the majority of gameplay, also a gameplay veryy effected by aphe, while top tier isnt realy effected by changes regarding spike missles

Yeah, it feels unrealistic, but it is what balances the game out. A huge chunk of heavier vehicles will be impossible to balance without that “mini nuke”.

This game requires you to do much more damage to knock out a tank than it is in real life, so shells dealing realistic damage will have much harder time doing so.

If weakspot shooting will become unreliable, heavier vehicles will overperform and get thrown at BRs where their armor will be meaningless.


Definitely looking forward to trying these changes. APHE is over performing compared to all other shells. Solid AP and APDS have been updated to perform more ‘realistic’ so happy to see APHE receive the same treatment.

As other people have said, there maybe should be more of a cone effect if accounting for the remaining speed of the shell when it detonates?


How about you also rework APCR in the same update, because some tanks will become unplayable after this

Well well, it seems that after 10 years gaijin is TRYING to do something right. It was about time they adjusted the damage of the APHE so that it is something reasonable, in any case as colleagues have said, it is still not a realistic damage, and for sure which will continue to do absurd damage, but it is an advance, finally. Now what would be needed is to correct the damage errors of ALL the other bullets in the game, giving them real damage and solving the error of penetrations with 0 damage would be something wonderful for the game. In any case, I think that after adjusting all the bullets, a rebalancing of the tanks should be done, since thanks to this adjustment, the tanks with APCR.APDS, HEAT-FS and HESH could finally do correct damage, with which they could face tanks from similar eras.


It already is reasonable.

Doesn’t need to be, as the amount of damage a tank needs to take to be knocked out in the game isn’t realistic either.

They won’t. If anything even more late heavies will be thrown up, as killing them with APHE will be no longer reliable and their BR will skyrocket.

This change is a direct survivability buff to a tone of tanks, their BR won’t be left unaffected.

I am for adjusting APHE but only if they also promise (and go through with) BR changes. This kind of change can and likely will eliminate the usefulness of a lot of weakspots on many tanks which is both good and bad, for stuff like the M60 it is good but for something like the Tiger 1 it is bad, especially against something with a low velocity gun like the M4A3E2.

Additionally, while you’re changing the shells for realism, might as well go all the way and change them all to be more realistic.

Also, I wish they used a shell with real explosives as the example and not the ASU-57 lmao


That looks cool and interesting. Just a question because such mechanic must be hard to implement into the game. Why does it take you 1 year to implement RP booster for completed tech tree and only a few months for such complex damage mechanic ?

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The thing is, you can’t adjust the BRs after such change. Some tanks both get massively buffed and ruined by this change at the same time, Sherman jumbo being the best possible example.

Sherman jumbo will get a stupid survivability buff along with this change, as it will no longer get one shoted by MG port shots, and cupola shots will do straight up no damage. But it’s gun on the other hand that is already terrible for it’s BR and already works only when shooting weakspots will be massively nerfed.

You can’t bring the tank down, as it will go back to the place where it was back when it bullied everything around, but it can’t be left at 5.7 either, as it won’t be able to possibly face Tigers, panthers and similar tanks anymore.

This change removes huge balancing factor from all heavier vehicles in game essentially making them impossible to balance.

All heavy tanks that you had to rely on weakspots to kill will now receive Maus, IS-6 or 76 Jumbo treatment.

If they become too hard to kill with rounds at their BR, they will just get thrown onto BR their armor will be meaningless at


I think a good part of this, it would help vehicles more properly reflect their real role. Last I checked the US didn’t use 75mm Shermans to fight Tigers it was stuff like the TDs and maybe 76mm ones or relying on British 17-pdr stuff.

Sure something can’t be penned by a 75mm gun but that why other calibers of guns exist and/or different vehicles under different classes.


I’ll take either though I’d prefer it be removed for the randomness of it. A bit of me would like to see it though for realism reasons. Would finally prove the ap doctrine of Britain wasn’t so dumb as games like this make it seem.


This will never be in the game.

In real life, tigers were a small part of german military, so 75 shermans could face Panzer 3s and 4s, in War Thunder on the other hand they are half of each german team.

If a tank with US 75mm is at Tiger’s BR, it needs to have a way to deal with it. It isn’t a 75mm tank choosing whether it wants to face tiger or not. If only things enemy has is Tigers and Panthers you need to face those, end of story.


Just buff solid shot AP, it’s as simple as that.

Not everything that is realistic is good for the game. And this most certainly isn’t

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The issue is:

Some people are simply able to think abstract and are able to think 2 steps ahead and consider expected results based on educated guesses whilst building their opinion…

Whilst others follow their “feelings” or way too optimistic view on things on their first impression - whilst they are not able to ask themselves basic questions, like:

  1. Which nations or tanks will benefit the most?
  2. Which nations or tanks will suffer the most?
  3. Why is gaijin trying to change it?
  4. Does this change support skillful game play or not?
  5. Do i need more hits (=ammo & time) for a kill a than before?
  6. Will my mission score decrease as i might get less kills, but more assists?
  7. Am i aware of all pros and cons of this change?

The list is endless…