Following the Roadmap: Vehicle Research Bonuses

I love the game, very much. This isn’t a “state of the game” thing, its specifically about this topic.

There are many many changes that have come since i started playing that i absolutely love. I also state that about those things when they get announces/implemented but i also think that criticism is to be given, where its warranted, In a constructive maner.

There are not many things that i feel like are needed to be changed within the game but this is one of them, another being a need for a larger focus on bugs/issues that have been around for way to long.

Then there are things that i want but don’t really need, those i bring up in historical reports and suggestions, etc.

I try my best to be constructive but sometimes it’s hard to keep it that way and a bit of emotions creep in.


And this is me following the last point of that image to the best of my abilities.

If you feel like i have not been objective or fair in my communication then feel free to point it out and i will gladly change it and apologise.

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but offtopic:
P2W always depents on how you set the limits for yourself.

For me, im oldschool, anythink that is better, even just the slightes amount, is p2w… and just look at the two OF-40 at 9.0… best example of having a benefit for paying.

also everyone will think different about certain topics… like for me Su-11 is very OP and p2w… for others on a different skill level, may it be higher or lower, its maybe not that good.

I mean if they dont intend to give permament bonus atleast they could do +5 battle for the vehicle being researched, per top tier vehicle unlocked, as for the rp bonus it should be on the total rp and not base rp.

well tbh, its great update for me, i would just play 5 battle per day while activating daily boosters

but it punishes the players who plays a lot. not sure if gaijin wanted to implement this. anti addiction bonus? hmm


also no research bonusses for new vehicles

They clearly have a desire to make the game better.

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Think so? I mean visually sure. But progression wise, I don’t see it.

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I meant Necronomica. They were attacked for daring speak out against bad implementation of economy changes for “stepping out of line” and had the moderator/community helper rules cited at them.

Those community rules include wanting to improve the game.

Necronomica wants to improve the game’s economy, therefore their criticism is positive and a show of love for the game rather than whatever “gotcha” it was meant to be.

Please read the entire thing someone replies to before casting judgement.


Ignore the toxic people and comments. They are only trying to cause hate and derision, if they had anything positive or constructive to say, they would. As soon as someone resorts to Ad Hominem attacks, or any other logical fallacy, ignore those comments. If they have nothing intelligent to say to “win” the argument, and instead care more about stroking their own ego, they do not dignify a response. Replying to their negative or fallacious comments only gives them attention. And if attention is all they crave, starve them of it.


I have almost all vehicles in all nations except ships

The only correct reaction to this garbage

It’s a shame you can’t modify the hangar to the point where you can cut all that junk out of view completely.

THANK YOU FOR LISTENING. I will now buy golden eagles as a thumbs up to actually doing what was largely requested. I know you guys take lots of criticism from all of us, myself included, so thank you, well done! Everyone i play with is delighted with this. @Stona_WT


In argument against people saying 5 battles isnt enough: 1 sim battle with a booster can net over 100k rp as it was before, pretty easily, and quite repeatable. They obviously had to take that into consideration when they decided their number of battles and 5 battles is a pretty good amount.

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Why in god’s name does squadron battles count to the pittance bonus?

I’m very disappointed in the final outcome here. This isn’t what we expected. There should be no limitations on the amount of battles we have a bonus for. It should be for every battle, every vehicle no matter if it’s new or not. Especially, for new vehicles. Do you really expect us to play all different class vehicles and all nations to take advantage of the bonus? That completely ruins the game we’re trying to play at the time. This isn’t helpful for trying to keep tech trees completed before moving on to the next tree or next nation. Doing the bare minimum to simply say you addressed the issue isn’t good enough. This is still very greedy and not at all what we wanted and was expecting. It’s at least better than the bogus “skills bonus” that was a total flop. Why can’t it just be good for the players again like it used to be?

Maybe if you’re playing Air Sim and you’re really good but not for ground Sim or ground in any format. This was supposed to help in all aspects and for all player skills. It’s still lacking so much. There shouldn’t be a limit to how many battles the bonus is good for or if the vehicle is new or not. That’s not what the majority of us had in mind when we asked for better RP. After over a year and a half I expected a lot better job on the issue.

The RP economy for ground and helicopters is so bad still, even with premium time, extra bonuses and premium vehicles. They did the bare minimum just to say they actually did what they said the would, but, still they didn’t.

Speak for yourself. I didn’t expect anything meaningful.

This is better, but still feels underwhelming.