Following the Roadmap: Vehicle Research Bonuses

ah cmon dont remind me on that xD

I saw quite a lot of feedback regarding 3 matches a day not being enough, people being outraged the first few ranks weren’t included, anger about the bonus dissapearing after purchasing an end of line top rank vehicle, etc.

They changed all of this, increasing the number of matches per day, including rank 1-3 which are incredibly fast even before any changes ever occured, and now you can buy the top vehicle and still get bonuses in the nation. They changed a lot based on feedback lol.

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People don’t remember that before this miniscule and insignificat implementation we had every day a x3 game and a x5 game during events. I mean, what would be like to have 5 games where you can get a +100% increase in rp based on total RP earned. Would be so bad for the game economy?

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Changing smt that is more of a bug then a change, i will not consider as listened to the community…

oh look the car only had 3 wheels when tested, now we listened to the feedback and added a fouth one xD

At the end of the day we will just have to agree to disagree, I’ve always been fine with the progression in the game, and now it’s the easiest it has ever been. I’ll just continue to enjoy the game and play it, instead of treating it as if I’m a labor union negotiator and this is my career.

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The majority feedback was for a permanent and flat % percentage. Which would have solved effectively all of the major gripes. That anything less than 10 battles didn’t really amount to anything. Which is obviously true. Keeping largely the same format with tiny improvements isn’t really listening to feedback.

It’s currently 1865 battles per nation per branch per year.

Because everyone have time to play everyday 5 battles per nation…

They especially didn’t listen to the feedback of making it based on your total RP reward, instead kept it on only your base RP. Why would you give up a chance to increase the benefit and appeal of premium time? Thats bonkers.

This is a very healthy way to look at the game :)

This is wrong though x) at the beginning of the game a top rank vehicle was 160k RP. now its 420k. the total RP to get to the top is WAY larger even after all the bonuses.

Look at these numbers to get a feel for how fast the grind is actually growing and you might realize how soon this bonus will have done zero cutdown to the grind:


Well u can believe what u want at the end of the day.

But what u say about “now it’s the easiest it has ever been” is absolutely not true.

Before all the copy paste nations and before rank 8 and 7 the grind was much much quicker

You seem to not be able to differentiate between a meaningful change and a technically true change.

If they advertised they were going to reduce the grind and then lowered RP costs by 1 RP per vehicle it would technically take less time to finish a TT.

They are saying 100% RP bonus!
When in reality it’s more like 25% since its base RP.
It’s like saying a $100 item is on sale for 10% off. So it’s cost is now $90… they then say we are going to give an additional 50%! For your first purchase

So is it $45… no it’s an additional 50% of the 10% so it’s $85.

Saying 100% RP bonus is pretty misleading. Getting the additional “5%” in this example is pretty miniscule. When you’re talking about a grind that would take a dedicated and skilled player months to complete shaving off a few days isn’t much.

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i believe there was acutally a community poll about that with a very clear winner (flat bonus) :D

We can see what lenght the community has gone and the snail still dont do anythink of it :(

And we please also dont forget that they changed the reward system aswell, giving in general less sl and rp now.

It’s peculiar to see a representative of the community speak out so negatively against the state of the game tbh.

Game Masters are volunteers and don’t speak for Gaijin or the community anymore than you do

He/She is the only one playing this game, thats why xD

How so? A large part of the community still think the progression of this game is in a terrible state. Just because you are okay with it, does not mean the rest of us are. I mean, if it works for you, then why bother commenting?

From the actual game master recruitment post btw

" * An ability to always keep personal bias and preferences apart: Fair, decent and objective reactions and communication is an absolute must in any situation."

Having an opinion supported by arguments is a bias for you?

Also this: “A positive connection to the game as well as a desire to make the game better”