Following the Roadmap: Vehicle Research Bonuses

This guy is clearly a gaijin employee.

No, I just believe that if you dislike something, you need to bring a valid argument against it.

To see a literal gaijin employee (the game master) respresnting the company while acting like he’s on the warthunder player union reddit in these comments, commenting as if this is the very first research buff we’ve ever received when it’s been a year long process is just saddening and makes the community as a whole look worse.


I can tell you, necro is not that happy with this little change aswell… check his other posts and u will see

Yes, he’s the literal gaijin employee who is framing it poorly within this comment section whom I previously referred to.

Thank you.

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U also dont bring any valit arguments here as well, so why are u keep posting?

This is a forum, everyone can post his believes in it… also you can do that.

Complacency is how you get shafted and ruined. Strive ever for more, so long doing so does not harm your fellow human in body or mind.

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Gonna leave it here


I’m assuming you’re saying this is fantastic and you’re in support of the changes, as you’ve accumulated an additional 5930 research that would not have existed in june of last year?

he got 2550 RP from that Nation bonus… not 5930…

i am sure he is sarcastic :D

Gratefull for 3400 for playing good, not gratefull for spitting in the face with 2550 5 times per day

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I am looking at the screenshot he posted. It clearly states 3400 skill bonus and 2550 new nation bonus, for a total of 5950? Neither of these were in the game at the point I specified. You’re stating this is incorrect?

this is a tread about the nation bonus isnt it? :D

why u always try to bend what people say? D:

It would be very comical if they double the bonus from this and remove all previous changes since last June, as everyone wants to pretend they didn’t happen. I would happily consent to this with how many people are reacting as if they never existed in the first place.




It isn’t.
They were both added to lessen the “grind” but they are two separate things. you can’t lump them together when calculating their effect as they are both applied at different frequencies and amounts.
They also do not effect each other as both are calculated from base RP.

You need to calculate these effects separately to get an average of them that you then add together. Lumping them into the same calculation will absolutely skew one of them in one direction or the other due to their differing frequency.

Since base RP is gained from playtime and the skill bonus from kills you can have two games with the same base RP where one has 3 kills and the other doesn’t. If you just so happen to get 2/5 games with the skill bonus or all 5 will make the resulting calculations on the effect of this new bonus completely different.

Had you had an average over several days/weeks i would not have complained as then it would most likely average out to something that could be considered your personal standard gain.
But its way better to calculate the percentage increase and compare the time you would save per tree on average compared to before.

it really isn’t as long as you clearly state that you are only calculating the impact of this bonus and not the total change in RP from all the implemented changes.

My biggest issue with all of these changes is that you get an average percentage increase in RP gained per day that will in time get negated by vehicle additions. This is a short term solution that effectively shortens the time it takes to research a tree by an amount that wont increase (or keep up) as new vehicles are added. This results in all these changes eventually becoming nullified and bringing us back to exactly the same place as before the changes.
Even if they were to magically cut the entire RP cost in half for everything in the game that will still have the same end result of eventually falling back to square one (although it would take several years iunstead of, like now, one or two years).

I am to lazy to do more as a counter:

Old Top BR cost 160K RP
Old Top BR reward around 400%

New Top BR cost 400k RP
New Top BR reward around 550%

should be enough to claim, if u want to look in the past, look furhter… it was good years ago, they increased the grind dramastically over time, patching up the wound now is not a permanent fix as u claim it is.

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All three changes work together in a cumulative fashion. We gain more RP per day via skill bonus, we gain more RP per day via the vehicle research bonus (today’s change) and we are required to have a lower total number to finish an entire nation through the changes they made to lower end of line costs and foldering. Regardless of whether there is 1000 vehicles in the game or 5000, we will research the total number faster and it will cost less than it would have prior to all of these changes.

I have the feeling that u completely oversee the main issue here.

The issue they are tryiung to fix with these changes are the dramastic increase of Grind over the years.

Old Top BR cost 160K RP
Old Top BR reward around 400%

New Top BR cost 400k RP
New Top BR reward around 550%

But this changes this and last year do barely enough to stop the wound from bleeding

Yes, for now. That is my entire point. All these changes are things that will in time get nullified. They have helped the situation yes, many argue not enough, and i argue that it doesn’t matter how much as it will still get negated in not that long of a time. (around 2-3 years by top of head estimation, i might be of)

-Imagine the grind as drinking from a full glas of water (the total RP currently needed) slowly filling from a dripping tap (adding new vehicles).

-People are complaining about having to drink the entire glass as it is to much water to drink and it takes to long.

-The foldered vehicles takes out 2 teaspoons of water from the glass.

-The skill bonus and this bonus makes you drink a little bit faster.

-These things doesn’t really matter in the end because as long as that tap is dripping you will still have drunk an entire glass of water (or more) and since the tap is dripping it will probably still take you the same time to get to the end of it at some point in the future.

and again, you can’t lump them together when calculating as you don’t have nearly enough data to do that. you might be at an extreme end of a bell curve for all we know.

That that back and forth still doesn’t address the fact that they’ve had three separate CM blogs (better to call them CM blogs really) on this where the overall opinion and perception of them is negative.

They announced the mechanic some 13 plus months ago. Delay after delay after delay, with even a threat that they might just drop it all together based on the RP and SL costs (which are entirely still too high).

They made another announcement regarding what they had finally cooked up like two or three months ago. Overall reaction was negative, and the community gave plenty of feedback they weren’t happy. Gaijin ignored it, said they were testing it internally and would kick out like short public test. Again, feedback was negative.

Now they’ve kicked it out to the live servers, with two small changes, ignoring every other piece of feedback with zero reason why they didn’t go with X or Y, and it’s still a joke of a bonus.

So why ask for feedback if you aren’t going to use it?

Some people will tell you to be happy with what you get :>