Following the Roadmap: Vehicle Research Bonuses

I have fully researched USSR ground, have like 2-3 million RP left for USSR air, and under 1 million for USSR helicopters, along with researching all of rank 3 and under Germany ground, and all of Rank 4 and under USA air, and I haven’t even broken 40 million CRP.

100 million total RP probably for ground, air and helicopters for USA, Germany and USSR.

True, though imo they should do it anyways, as well as balancing out rewards cough cough GRB/GAB/AAB, please I should not be getting only 3k from a 9 kill game

This would be awesome, though foldered vehicles probably shouldn’t count into the total number.

With the vehicle RP requirements getting higher and higher we should absolutely get a cap on how high they should get.

Imagine when we get an F-22 after some years and it cost 10,000,000 RP to grind, not even premium bonuses will save you let alone the nation bonus

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F-35 grind time will be longer than the IRL procurement time.

finally, true realism

So i played 5 battles at VII era, getting 50k exp where 10k was from bonus (Using premium account and premium vehicles). You want me to say that 20% bonus exp after 5 battles, that will deteriorate if i continue to play the same tech tree (because i want to grind that specific tree) is enough? Not gonna say that bonus will apply on your shit battles (i had one where i get 200xp bonus xD). 10+ years to implement x2 exp bonus from this other title with tanks, and still failing to do this correct.

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I’m glad the changes were made.
It’s a better system compared to the initial test but for me there’s still one big Issue.

The current system punishes people that only play one tree at a time compared to people who play many nations at a time.

I don’t just play 5 games with 1 nation, then move to the next and play 5 games again.
I play 10, 15 or 20 games with a single nation because I’m only grinding the tech-trees after each other and not all at the same time.

I really wish they would’ve made it so you get the number of bonus games and you could distribute them as you wish.

The people who want to grind only one nation get the same amount of bonus/advantage from that as the people playing 5 games with each nation


It’s a higher RP bonus the higher the rank is, be happy with what you get.

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Wow this sucks. Took them a year to give us a worst version of the booster we get daily. Good job Gaijin.

U saw what? that i changed my comment to make it less offensive? shame on me… but hey feel free to react to it… as you appear to have planed it… otherwise your post is pretty worthless :D

back to the topic:

Prem Acc and Tali Vehicle:
Rank 1-4: __ +6,25%
Rank 5: ____ +12.5%
Rank 6: ____ +18,75%
Rank 7-8: __ +25%

Prem Acc:
Rank 1-4: __ +12,5%
Rank 5: ____ +25%
Rank 6: ____ +37,5%
Rank 7-8: __ +50%

this devalues already the whole system.

and getting the same on rank 7 and 8 already brakes your statement that u get more the higher u go

Wait u get less if you have a premium account. Such forward thinking gaijin.

Yes and no,

let me wrap it up for you real quick:

Prem Acc and Tali Vehicle:
Rank 1-4: __ +6,25%
Rank 5: ____ +12.5%
Rank 6: ____ +18,75%
Rank 7-8: __ +25%

Prem Acc:
Rank 1-4: __ +12,5%
Rank 5: ____ +25%
Rank 6: ____ +37,5%
Rank 7-8: __ +50%

this is the NETTO reward u get with this bonus active.

The Bonus is based on Base RP, so everyone gets the “same” amount of RP as netto bonus, no matter if he has prem or not.

(warning analogy)

The F2P car has 25HP and gets 100% of these 25HP more, so he starts the race now with 50HP, he is now twice as fast and cuts his time by half.

My Prem acc and Prem vehicle car has already 100HP and now gets also 25HP more, so my car is now only 25% faster and i safe only a quarter of my time.

Prem/tali car has: 100HP = 25 sec (gets 100% of 25HP as bonus)
125 HP = 18,75 sec (25% time Safed)

F2P car has: 25HP = 100 sec (gets 100% of 25HP as bonus)
50 HP = 50 sec (50% time Safed)


That means u get a smaller “acceleration” or “time cut” from it with a Prem account.

or in other words u will get a smaller benefit when u have already a prem account

This. Although I would say +2% per rank if it’s tree dependant or +1% if it’s not. Or even better, as I proposed in the first iteration thread, +0,1% per spaded vehicle, and an extra +0,1% for spading specially bad ones such as italian P108A in arcade back when it wasn’t at 1.7 or any slow bomber right now with BR higher than 4.0 also in arcade.

I play same rank on all nations before moving to the next so I have no top tier vehicles, yet my stats card looks like this:

First approach they did for this mechanic improved my grind by 0 and final implementation offers me exactly the same.

Guess I won’t be renewing premium when it expires next month.

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This is completely dishonest and incorrect, as the skill bonus and this bonus have always only been proposed to modify the base RP; not RP that is already affected by modifiers. Having premium or not, I’ll still receive identical RP out of these bonuses, and there has never been any indication otherwise.

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Sorry what is incorrect? I dont see any flaw in my calculation but u see one i guess, so tell me where it is please.

This is completely incorrect.

In the original roadmap post Gaijin made last summer, there is a 3 part approach to fixing research bonuses.

  1. Lowering the overall cost by foldering vehicles and reducing lower rank end of line vehicle’s research cost.

  2. The Skill bonus

  3. This new nation bonus

At this time of the original devblog, which was made in response to the community outroar about the grind becoming “too difficult”, these were the 3 major changes that would affect the rate at which players can research vehicles within the game. Before this devblog, none of this 3 part package existed. This is the final portion of that package.

To disregard the lowered RP costs on end of line vehicles that aren’t at the top rank, or the skill bonus, and to only focus on this singular portion of the 3 part deal would be horribly disingenous. This is because all of those things have been cumulative and very beneficial up until this point, and will continue to aid us alongisde the newest change. It’s very important to consider these previous changes as well, as these have always been a part of the same overall solution package.

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Sorry but what point you try to proof here?

That they did what they saied or that u like the change?

No one claims that they did smt they havent promised (other then fixing the game, what they didnt)

But the calc is still correct… this System is decreasing the value of prem/prem acc once you have the nation bonus active and yes the Skill Bonus system did that aswell.

If I am a player without premium:

I gain 5000 RP in a match

If I am a player with premium:

I gain 5000(x) RP in a match where x = the premium modifier

Regardless of which example above illustrates my specific situation, I will earn either my respective 5000 or 5000(x) RP + The % of my base rp as a bonus which is determined by the rank of vehicle I am researching.

In no way do I obtain less through my bonus, whether premium or not, and whether or not I play a premium vehicle.

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My point is that:

Ignoring the fact that they drastically cut down on the overall research required to complete an entire tree through foldering and reducing RP costs and ignoring that we have had a skill bonus for an extended period of time already that has given us a very generous increase in RP whether or not we have premium, and only focus on today’s change as if it’s the sole solution we’ve been given; would be in bad faith.

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Again… bruh its getting tiring…

yes you get the EXCAKT same netto bonus.

and yet it will still decrease the value of a prem acc cause this very reason…

again analogy, i copy myself here again:

Prem/tali car has: 100HP = 25 sec (gets 100% of 25HP as bonus)
125 HP = 18,75 sec (25% time Safed)

F2P car has: 25HP = 100 sec (gets 100% of 25HP as bonus)
50 HP = 50 sec (50% time Safed)

The benefit for the F2P playes is: he gets twice the Horsepower, 25HP to be excakt and can decrease his timings by half with it.

The benefit for Prem/prem acc is: he gets also 25HP, but thats only 25% for him as he already had 100HP, cutting his time only by a quarter.

You can see it also the other way around…

U start with a F2P car, u have 25HP,
now u get the nation bonus, now u have 50HP, twice as much as before (for 5 matches a nation)

If you now buy a Prem account, you only get an additional 25HP, so u have 75HP now… which is less “more powa” in % then what u got when the system was not active because before u always got 100% more powa from the prem account, now u can skip having a prem acc to be at the same level and having a prem account only gives u a third more powa, which devaluates the prem acc

let me try differently:

Before Nation Bonus:
Your car had 25 base HP
Prem acc gave your 25HP

So your engine was with prem acc twice as strong.


Your car had 25 base HP
Nation Bonus is now acitve giving you 25HP already, being now on par with the old prems.
You still have prem that gives you again 25HP
So you have now only a premium benefit of 50% and not 100% as before… your car is now with prem not 100% faster anymore