Following the Roadmap: Vehicle Research Bonuses

To be Fair, Italy have a lot of italian made veichles in the tech tree

So did you just make it useless for grinding new update vehicles? Great…


I apologize, I assumed that it was obvious since I said 5 games (the max for 1 game mode) and that I specified the ground RB mode specifically; that it was clear what I was referring to. I specifically did this at rank 6 to use the 75% booster, as I felt 100% was disingenous, and I performed very poorly in 3 of my 5 games. in my experience of having finished ~6 ground tech trees and ~5 air tech trees, rank 1-5 goes by lightning fast, and finishing all vehicles in the second half is where the effort rests, so I focused on the 75% to represent the lower end of the last half of a tree.

I was off, it appears all of Israel ground is actually around 4.5 million RP, so you get around 60% of a minor nation’s tech tree for free, on top of your normal research, every year; if you only perform average.

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Chinese unique tanks starting at tier IV…

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He doesn’t know it

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Israel is by far the smallest TT in the game? Seems disingenuous to use that as an example.
I’m not able to look at the total RP cost of Germany, UK, France, RU, US for example. Are they not in the 100s of millions for total RP cost?

There is no way the US, Russia, or Germany ground are anywhere near 100 million. (I have every single vehicle in all three tech tree’s ground trees). All 3 combined wouldn’t even be 50.

“gaijin is so stingy-”

holy hell! look at the generosity!

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Exactly. You have to be top 3 EVERY SINGLE GAME for this to be worth anything. Only the tryharders, semi-professionals and Youtubers are going to make that.


The multiplier to base RP is such a pittance, glad to see gaijin ignored all feedback on that and thought long and hard on how to give people a bonus that does not give any significant boost to researching anything.

So this UI is extremely unfriendly to people who are certain types of colorblind.

I can see all the colors but certain shades blend together unless I concentrate and stare so at a glance I can not tell you which is which.
Change the bottom one to have a red X or the like through it, something to differentiate the two outside one being shades of gray and one being shades of light blue.

Thanks for your answer but this is not what I ask

Wait? by what logic is that?

U get a % bonus, it dosnt matter if u suck or not.

Once again, the majority feedback seems to be against even this but unfortunately it just doesn’t matter. It’s already been added to the live server.

This is where I really start to wonder why bother having CMs or these forums, claiming they are a means to give feedback, when it’s clear that’s just not the case. We’ve had three separate dev blogs on this mechanic and every single time what Gaijin has announced news or updates it has been universally unpopular/negative. And yet we got the same exact mechanic as it was first announced months ago with two minor changes. Oh boy, 5 battles instead of 3. Oh boy, ranks 1-3 get a measly 25%.


it does!

U can play the same stuff as before!

The bonus is calculated on the vehicle u research, not the one u play.
That means, there is NO CHANGE in that. U get the bonus based on the vehicle you RESEARCH and not on what u PLAY.

It changes nothing what u need to play to research the next vehicle!

Does this mean that we must use last rank vehicle


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After 10+ years spent on the game, after almost 6000 hours of my life lost to play a game that isnt even fun anymore, after I dont even know how many thousands of euros spent, this single update made me think of deleting my account permanently.

I don’t get what you’re trying to say. Are you attempting to explain why free extra RP is somehow bad now and that now you will delete your account? Over a good thing?


You also took into account the skill bonus which does not have anything to do with this new bonus. Do the calculation again but remove the skill bonus and see what you get.

Try to look at it in terms of time saved per tree instead and you’ll notice that you don’t save that much time. Also try to imagine how many new vehicles they add every 3 months and calculate how long it will take for the total time needed for a tree to be back to the same it was yesterday.

Today it’s sort of fine as a bonus. In 1-1,5years? It’s going to be equal to having gained nothing in comparison.

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And it does nothing to really address the massive grind issue in general, especially if you are working on your first tree.

Gaijn should have just cut all RP/SL costs in half and called it good, to be honest.

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This or base bonuses off the final RP count instead of the base RP

You would still end up with the same issue though, it would just take longer to catch up to the same numbers as before the change.

The only way to actually fix the issue long term would be to either make some sort of cumulative bonus that would make the RP grind easier by approximately the same amount as the new vehicles add every major update. Or cap the total RP per rank in the same way they calculate modifications (more vehicles in a rank equals less RP per vehicle and vice versa).