Following the Roadmap: Vehicle Research Bonuses

Again only game in existance that punishes people supporting them with money…just cringe


Would it bankrupt you guys to not make it base RP but rather after bonuses RP?

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You’re calculating it wrong. I get your main point but your math is off.

If I have premium account and +100% bonus:
Let’s say 200rp as base.
Total would then be; 200(base)+200(premium)+200(bonus)= 600(total)
The 100% then becomes 200/600=1/3 (or ~33.3%) and not 50%

Nope my math is 100% accurate. Lots of discussion we had already and my math is correct.

Prem acc calculation makes +100% base rp + 100% prem vehicle rp… test it yourself you will see.

edit* wait what?`

if you get 400 without the bonus and u get 200 out of the bonus then the bonus gives you 50% more!

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Please show examples(with numbers) of the generous bonus when researching a rank VIII.

Saying 100% sounds good, but in reality it’s a pittance.

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I realized that I think we are talking about different things.

Your math is correct if you mean +50% gained and mine is correct if you mean percentage of total RP gained.

So basically its a +50% bonus that in the end will make up a third of your total RP.


depending on of you have a prem acc and playing a tali vehicle you get a different netto bonus from it, or in other words the size of the reward is different or in again other words the acceleration you get from the bonus is different… the more u have already the less you get out of it in terms of time safings

edit* and thats the crux about this system and why i hate it…

i have already a prem acc and talis on most, so i will get the most minimap time savings out of this system, as it gives me simply less total rewards.

My car has already 100 hp and not the basic 25hp, so 100% of 25hp is less noticable for my 100hp car then for the 25hp car


Absolutely :)
I just mean that the lack of the “+” signs in your first post confused me as I thought you ment percent of total and not percent gained compared to before :)

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ah i see, will edit it :)


Like it.

Unless I’m reading this wrong, the only real improvement is the increase to 5 battles from 3. I don’t understand why it couldn’t have been made to be based on total RP instead of base RP. Why not increase the benefit of premium account time? Seems still rather unremarkable.

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to make prem acc and prem vehicles less attractive to some players i guess? no seriously i dont know… its very against any logic other then what necronomica already saied:

Nah, optimistic would have been calling it a bandage or a first aid kit. A bandaid is basically the smallest form of patching a wound there is.

why in the hell would they do this??? They need to make money you know that???

But yeah I still stand this is only game that punishes you if you decide to support it with money.

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Well i dont know why they HAVE DONE IT ALREADY :D

This System IS a demotivator to get prem acc and prem vehicles… as this System speeds up f2p more then someone who IS buying prem tanks :D

in other games, you pay to win
in warthunder, you pay to suffer


Then what feedback did they take and implement beyond just upping the number of battles?

Looking back at the last post, a lot of players wanted just a permanent flat bonus. An increase of 2 more battles is…nothing if being honest. It took 13 months to come up with a still overly complicated system that doesn’t seem to add much benefit?

Rather disappointing.


Yeah tanks are most ussles premiums of all, since you need to have a line up to play tanks properly especialy high rank.

i 100% agree with you :)

This is very disappointing. Sim rewards has been in the drain for years as it is already. Just kicking us while were down now.

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the speed of gaijin when they see a chance to nerf a vehicle, ASAP
the speed that gaijin need to increase 3→5: months
truely a example of relativity lmao