Following the Roadmap: Updated Economy

I have read the map like 10 times, how the heck did I even miss that? back to the dumb corner for me

I am not a fan of the new economy changes. I gave them a fair amount of time before forming an opinion. My complaint is that I am unable to play the game as often as I like or as often as I used to because my weapons are constantly in repair status. Oh, we are supposed to have progressed to a point where we can afford to purchase repairs? Well, forgive me for being incompetent. If I spend silver eagles on repairs, then I can’t afford upgrades or assigning new craft to crews. This problem doesn’t seem to effect Tier I and II vehicles but the problem becomes exponentially worse with Tier III and up. I’ve encountered many who didn’t like playing the Naval trees and it’s gotten worse now that ships are down for a week at a time.

Imho your comment is highly subjective as you compare your own style of playing to progress with the impact of the “improved” wt economy for the whole player base, which is from my pov very positive.

Depending on game mode, skill, BR and your individual strategies most players might agree that with some experience there is no SL problem, it is a RP problem which hampers progress.

So if you struggle to afford repairs you are simply progressing too fast. It makes no sense to get to rank IV if you are not successful enough to gain enough SL at rank III to pay the repair bills…


Big progress has been made- I am looking forward to the next update!

Particularly interested on the next SL and RP mechanics.

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Me too. They need to keep moving and get to at least a few of the summer update changes soon.

They still not have re-earned my trust after how they condescended and refused to listen for so long. I am sure they are hoping we are happy with the scraps they have given us from step 1. It is not nearly enough and we should not have to wait so long for more improvements.

Well, no one will try to force convince you. We published our RoadMap, we already implemented some changes from it and we will implement more when we ready.
In RoadMap you have picture with info what is planned when. We have a lot plans for SUMMER.
Summer started 21st June and ends 23rd September.

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Thanks for the reply Stona. I still hope for the best, but the extreme, punishing grind of this game coupled with some PR missteps (how free to play works response letter from some exec) has embittered me admittedly and yes, my patience is at an end which is perhaps unfair to this new effort.

I hope all gets implemented as soon as possible and I hope the changes are not slowly reverted or replaced by some other tactic that takes away much of the fun of playing the game. I will only be convinced when all these positive actions happen, so it is good we stop wasting words in the in between.

I wish you all the best.

I’m excited for the new Helicopter grind mechanic, currently its pure pain even with premium

at this point, gajin propably wants to release the SUMMER update as one bigger one, thats why i can see why it needs a bit longer. This works out quite well since a lot of stuff are connected with each other, what most people are looking forward to is the rp changes and the foldering of the ground vehicles, but this goes hand in hand with possible br changes if the trees might get major changes, those alone are a big change on top of that the rest of the silver lion mechanic and progression updates and you get a sizeable update already.

As far as i concerned i am looking forward to the changes which should come in the coming month, we waited so long that time doesnt make a big difference anymore

Stops players leaving the round after a death. - In every real live game, the team would punish such people. you allow it I just want a fair chance to win. I don’t see that you developers even begin to understand teamplay. And no, it’s not just the players who bought a tank in the higher range because of your sales strategy, you want to offer a solution with vouchers for that. They’re idiots that you don’t give a time penalty for if they only have one vehicle in the deck. - Without fun no money to you. As simple as that.

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War Thunder punishes people that leave after one death. It always has.

Lower rewards & crew locks.

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People who give useless comments too. Players do not get a time penalty if they only have one vehicle in their deck. So much for your “always”. Of course, that’s for the amateurs who buy a vehicle at a rank they don’t know. They should get vouchers. But Gaijin now have the community they deserve. People like me who don’t give any more money because of this and people who don’t have any respect for the team

not sure if this does mean the planned summer update changes

Updates that happen during European summer.

and maps like Poland (winter) with rock and hillside melting snow that turns them into bushes

I don’t believe I have an RP problem as I am currently sitting at 23 million + RP. In order to use all this massive RP, I need to spend actual money and I have set myself a limited budget because I am retired and living on a fixed income.

I am not sure if convertible RP have any use for anybody.

From my pov those “special” RPs were simply created to target players which see this as an unused resource and do not like wasting something. So they are created to lure players into real money investments - not more, not less.

I read several posts in the last years about convertible RPs - the usual outcome was always that the conversion rate is way too bad to think about investing real money…

It’s the same strategy like in every other f2p game, i recommend to ignore such things in general…


Why Parts and FPE changes have been silently reverted to “pre-boycott” state?

I’ve assigned few stock vehicles recently and as far as I can see it is impossible to use one repair.

Speaking of economics, will all tanks that go up in BR increase their purchase price and components?