Following the Roadmap: Research Bonuses Testing Has Concluded

Just further evidence of Gaijin’s anti-consumer behavior. How much more do you need?

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honestly makes me wonder this is why they delayed it, hoping a few ppl would go into rank 8 as there “top” vehicle and now dont benefit from the bonuses in other nations

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that was the best promotion, because the did give away a free Abrams in the end with a pack of GE

Let’s not conflate anti-player rhetoric with a sale event.

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Delay = people stop complaining for a while
Delay = more time to implement the nastiest feature

I unlocked the top German Leopard last night, now I can’t use Germany anymore for bonuses for other nations. Wonderful!


literally the same for me, got the AV8B like last month and now i have it the bonuses dont apply to USA


I wanted to ask if there is a specific reason why this feature doesn’t work on PS5. I started the game and did the update, but it doesn’t give me the research bonus. Does it only work on PC, or will the update for PS be released soon?

This is an extremely good point, the fact that so many players get so passionate about the game that they have this strong of an emotional response to bad changes is actually a good thing and i hope Gaijin sees it that way. It means that we care about the game and want it to be the best it can be so that even more players can enjoy it.

I would absolutely LOVE for these people:

To have a VERY early stages LIVE Q&A with the players about what they are planning to implement to give players a chance to stop something before massive amounts of resources are needlessly spent.
It’s just so sad to see so much effort go into something that basically none of the players will like or even want.

It must absolutely suck for the Designers/Devs/QA/etc to see so many people absolutely take a shit on something they have worked so hard on. So why even have them work on it in the first place? include the player base WAY earlier in the process and Gaijin can save so much time and money on something they later are going to have to redesign anyway. Everybody wins.

And to the Designers/Devs/QA/etc:
I’m very sorry that you have to see so many people shit on your work, but in all honesty; A lot of how this is implemented is actually actively negative, bad and could have been easily prevented.

There is a saying where i’m from that roughly translates to “home blind” which means that you work with something or do something for so long that you fail to see very obvious mistakes and issues with it, but an outsider can come along and just briefly walk by and instantly point out “hey isn’t that part wrong?” and save you a lot of trouble (or even actively solve an issue you’ve been stuck on for weeks).

So i urge you, please, involve the players WAY WAY earlier in the process of designing new mechanics. Issues like these really shouldn’t ever make it as far as this before being found.


Hey. It should be working for you if you open up your research tree, you will see the lightbulb icons that show you where your bonuses are and on what nations. There will also be a breakdown of what vehicles can get it currently.

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All good things… come to an end.

After waiting a year and a half for this huge disappointment, I think I’m done. I won’t support this level of greed and deception any longer.


Its also active on PS5

Gaijin is doing it on purpose! They’ve done it so many times, and will do it again.

The real question is why? Is there any foreign entity that would like Westerners to focus on something else than current affairs in Europe, as example?

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Hi @Smin1080p_WT so far nothing, yesterday there was the blue lamp, but today there isn’t. I will restart the system and try again. thank you

Oke console just got bonuses but onloy for planes…

It does should also (Tranfer) RP earned of the round into a diffrent nation when you have allready everything of that nation which you just played? Or is this just poorly written in the text?

but it is related, the guy on the video make a statement, funny at the time and in turn a pack was developed selling the “Abrams” for free with a GE pack due to the mishap

had to go to my store history to get this information, and yes i did purchase it.

It was a spare of the moment thing, great and funny promotion, and at the time a great deal

Be sure to let us know if it doesn’t show. A bug report may be best as we will be following them closely to make sure the issues are checked and ironed out.

it does not do this and is not planned to do this.

That would be fire ngl. Especially if its you.