Following the Roadmap: Research Bonuses Testing Has Concluded

It’s live right now on Normal servers. until the 29’th

I think you are misunderstanding how this works, which just goes to show that Gaijin over complicated it and didn’t explain it well enough. It works when you are playing a nation in which you don’t have any “top” vehicles. It only works if you have “top” vehicles in some other nation.

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Only those that you don’t already have a “top” vehicle in.

hes not getting the bonus because hes considered “top” in nations that have only 1 vehicle in rank 8 so the bonus from other complete nations does not apply to that nation.

They really should change that, my USA aviation just got screwed because I have the AV8B as my only rank 8 with Fox 3s but because its considered “top” i dont get a bonus from my UK or german being “top”

Could it not pop on things it doesn’t apply on?

I wish I could work in Gaijin. Do nothing whole year, produce some shitty update in one week and do nothing one more year.

Just imagine this, whole Gaijin company: game designers, programmers, CM’s even pizza-boy from nearby Dominos testing THREE BONUS BATTLES!


Most players think the bonus shouldn’t be taken away at all just because you have unlocked an bought a top in the new tree. It’s weird and discourages players from buying and using the top vehicles.


Thanks for the explanation.
Why would they remove the bonus for a Nation in which you have the top vehicle? It doesn’t mean you unlocked everything else in that Nation…
Just wow!

lol no, report this bug and wait 3-4 years

Im curious can anyone confirm if USA with just rhe F20A negates this bonus if you have another complete aviation line to rank 8?

This is utterly stupid indeed!
I researched France and Germany and

  1. I can’t use them to research other nations
  2. Other Nations can’t research them

Just WOW!


This is so…needlessly complicated?
All it is is “x-percent more research for a vehicle for the first 3 matches per TT depending on the highest rank of vehicle unlocked”. This doesn’t AT ALL help research new nations as it does nothing for rank 1-3.

AGAIN - what the ENTIRE COMMUNITY expected was a passive research bonus for nations you don’t play.
Say you have US top tier air with nothing else to research (or want to research), you could then chose to research Germany air with the RP you get for US air, similar to how helicopter research can be done through ground games in tanks. It doesn’t even have to be a “100% of RP goes to the other nation”, just a portion would be fantastic.

Instead we get this convoluted mess that is way too akin to the previously BETTER first match of the day = double RP WHICH YOU REMOVED some time ago.

Ask yourself this: Who is this research bonus thing for? Is it for new players? Is it to reward veteran players? Because as it stands, it rewards NOBODY. Sure, extra RP is nice and all, but for this to be hyped for one and a half years, the community expected more than this. We expected a game changer.

I am very passionate about this game, which is why this may seem like some angry response - but I just want to see improvement where it is promised. This is lacking in that regard.


So the F-20A would not take away the bonus.

Yeah so them purposely seeing a single Rank 8 in the normal TT as being “top” is stupid, I still have 6 jets in Rank 8 for USA to research but because I b-lined it too the AV8B before this test and got it I now lost out on using this bonus from my UK/German/French/Israel top tier bonus

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Apparently Gaijin is already aware, even the announcement post list that this is what is supposed to happen

Why this is that complex?

+10% bonus FOR ALL BATTLE/BR/NATIONS each time we reach the end of the line in a nation (so +100% max with 10 nations at rank VIII) and that’s all good and easy to understand.


Gaijin often employs these tactics, which is nothing new. It’s a strategy to boost sales of GE and premium time

(you can let it go if it happens 1 or 2 times, but everytime there is an event or new mechanic introduced, its designed to frustrate and infuriate the player base into purchasing the above)

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Exactly. A solution like this would have been simple, and probably much easier to implement in-game than this convoluted mess we have now.

It seems like Gaijin spent all of their development time for this feature trying to figure out how to give as little to the players as possible.


They only pushed me into not spending any more money on them!
And I’ve spent around 2000 euros in the previous years. So much wasted potential on all parts!

It took over a year to come up with this garbage solution, seriously? This and everything Research Points related has been a complete failure to uphold the promises made that led to the Roadmap in the first place. It seems the apologies and promises meant nothing. Just like the skills bonus, this is all but worthless and obviously engineered by greed and to do almost nothing to address our concerns and make the grind any better. Those concerns you promised you cared about. Yeah, right… It’s not even worth testing. It doesn’t have to be so complicated. After completing one tech tree simply cut the RP in half for all vehicles in other nations past the WW2 era. It’s that easy and would fulfill the promises made. Anything less is insulting, deceitful and a huge disappointment. It’s time to keep your word.