Following the Roadmap: Research Bonuses Testing Has Concluded

At the end of the day…

You wouldn’t need a convoluted and somehow still massively underwhelming bonus mechanic if the base progression and research rate, especially in the ground vehicles aspect, wasn’t as terrible as it currently is.

But it’s just crazy how hundreds of comments on the initial announcement got ignored and zero feedback was passed along.


So basically complicating the entire thing even more huh
So now my france is completely ruined becuz i bought the very powercrept M4K and have no way to get to a more “meta” aircraft, even with just a spit more rp? Good job.


Great to know that some end-of-the-line vehicles don’t even count. Hilarious.

Gaijin, April Fools was a few months ago, I think you missed the launch window for this feature.


See, I get a different result, as I am researching high tier stuff while I play mid tier planes as that’s what I enjoy playing and I am not that worried about gathering in new high tier jets currently anyway. I just play BP stuff and am currently working to finish off this event.
“Individual Results may vary” seems to be a theme here . . lol
I do not see it causing me to play anything differently really, maybe a few games here and there should I find “extra time” during my day to play some stuff for this bonus. I does take me back to the old 2x - 5x bonus system we had way back when I started playing. I found that quite fun actually(but as there was nothing else to compare it to, we didn’t know any better) and I would “squad up” every evening when the bonus hit with Squadron mates and we helped each other and had a good time doing that. They replaced all that with the Daily Log In reward, which is ok by me . . btu my Squadron literally folded within a couple - 3 months because we stopped squadding and many players just left the game . . . go figure.
At any rate, this would seem to benefit the few, vocal players & high tier researching fanatics the most, but can still help most players a little bit at least.
Like many things in the game, may not be exactly what I want or benefit me personally a good deal, but that’s ok . . . I just say thanks and hope for something better next time.
In the past I had researched every vehicle in the game . … 5 or 6 times actually . . and I got nothing for that at all . . . . lol. “A feeling of personal satisfaction in a job well done” . . . I gave myself 3 atta boys and just kept going . . . . ☻

Do you have premium and did you use a premium vehicle that game?

@OrsonES @Stona_WT @Smin1080p_WT
I wonder does this Bonus goes to all nations which can get it via Vehicle type/rang or how?

I am terrified how you can screw up such a simple function and make everything so weird. People, the average player doesn’t give a damn about your articles and descriptions of how mechanisms work. No one is going to sit and read this crap 3 times to even try to understand what stupid things you come up with.

Give people a simple mechanism and you got a vehicle - you get a bonus for other nations. And you introduce 30 different * and let the average player wonder what kind of crap and nonsense you put there. Why make it all so complicated and weird? Stick it deep in your back. 1.5 years late to see such crap


Also Gaijin didn’t announce this of course but they just slashed bombing rewards for about ~25%. Gaijin giveth 20% for 3 games, Gaijin taketh 25% from all games.


yes and yes . . . . 4.7 BR line up researching tier VII for Germany.
I don’t really “grind” for new vehicles so much anymore. I just do the BP and work events some when they are active. I basically just collect what I can here and there and don’t worry too much about high tier stuff as I rarely play up there anyway . . . but always good to add to the “collection” . . I prefer a “low stress” approach to the game after being here 10+ years . . . just easier & more enjoyable for me . . .


Wait what is even the point of this system if the bonus is ONLY applicable to “non end of line nations”

So we cannot use the bonuses we have from top tier vehicles in other nations to boost the research on new/incomplete vehicles all because we have a top tier vehicle in that nation.

That has to be the worst addition possible


I see. I missed that you were researching a high tier with low tier.

lol . . . yeah, if I get more than 2000RP in a game, I did very well and/or had some good boosters running . . . you get used to it and when that RP gain is no longer your main focus . . . . things definitely get easier . . . to each his own


Hmm when will be open Dev server to test it 🧐

Test what?

Not working for me. Do I have to click anywhere to activate it?

I have 2 Nations fully researched, and when I play them, I don’t get anything in the battle results or RPs. I made sure I’m researching vehicles at Rank IV minimum.

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Doesn’t work for nations in which you have “top” vehicles.

But research should go to other Nations, right?

how dumb of me to go for the meta air rb and cas plane last patch.

I guess i will leave the last 20k research until i completed every vehicle for my german tree then

who am i kidding the 5-15k extra rp you could get each day arent worth it


I’m really liking the whole program, but I found an issue that I think was overlooked in the spirit of the research bonuses.

When we’ve got new sub trees added to nations that have been researched, there’s no bonuses to go around to help with the new sub tree.

My Italian tree:

My French tree:

I think one of two things could happen to rectify this.

  1. Once you hit the research tree bonus, for any nation that receives that bonus, any further research into it gets half of the current bonus.


I’d get 50% bonus for researching the AV-8B and the F-15C, instead of 100%. This would help with new vehicles for players and encourage them to branch out into other game modes/trees quicker.

  1. If we allowed 100% bonus to these trees, we’d have to change the parameters for research. To do this I suggest a separate bonus for totally completing one tree, and then having the research bonus applied to any tree that isn’t complete.


You really need to change how this bonus is activated, I can see some players getting royally screwed if they have a Rank 7 as there Jet then one day during an economy patch it goes to rank 8 end of line and they then lose the ability to take advantage of a bonus from a complete nation.

For instance if you moved the AJS37 from rank 7 to rank 8, someone might originally have got the bonus if they have and end of line jet in another nation but if you move that to rank 8 they then lose that ability because they are now considered “top tier”