Following the Roadmap: Research Bonuses Testing Has Concluded

Please do away with this.

It discourages players from researching/acquiring/playing the top vehicles, because that will make the bonus dissapear.

It also punishes those players who have already acquired an end of line vehicle, but still have a great part of the TT not yet researched.

Just let the bonus apply permamently for the TT


No, they most definitely shouldn’t.

Something like a permanent 5% bonus for each nation you get to top tier with which stacks would be much simpler and better than the current system.



I just cant think of a single reason as to why gaijin doesn’t want to reinforce the creation of full, proper lineups and instead wants you to have 1 top tier vehilce and go to the next tec tree… I am sorry Gaijin but I am just speechless

No it wouldn’t.

No where does it state that.

3 games with a 100% base RP bonus?

Lol, Lmao even

As soon as you get an end-of-the-line vehicle in one nation you get the bonus for all other nations except the one you were researching. Give me a single good reason as to why this is “good for the player”

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Why no bonuses for the first 3 ranks. I thought this was to promote people to start playing new nations? Kinda seems like the first 3 ranks is whay theyre going to be playing first


So you’d rather the current system? Literally anything else would be better than how it is now.


I like the idea, but I think 3 matches is too little to make a true difference.

For an user who plays, say, 10 matches a day, the bonus RP added from the 3 matches is merely the equivalent of a single additional match’s RP.

When I look at the Chinese tech tree, which would be my 9th tree… I see all those millions of RP required to reach the top tier MBTs… and this bonus doesn’t really encourage me to embark myself into grinding a whole new tree, honestly.

I believe the bonus should be for, at very least, 10 matches, instead of just 3.


So i had 2 bad games out of the three and one mid game. I have premium time.

Screenshot 2024-08-22 143320
Screenshot 2024-08-22 143212
Screenshot 2024-08-22 143154

My total for these three games:
2826+1188+1326=5340 RP

My total bonus in these three games:
942+442+396=1780 RP

so a +33.3% total gain out of the +100% to base RP bonus. For three games

full screenshots

That isn’t going to even start to make a difference in the time it takes to unlock vehicles.


Observations about the system:

It is much more beneficial to “true” free to play player, as it takes only base RP into account.

What i would change:

I would remove limitation of removal of the bonus upon purchasing of top vehicle. This feature is hostile to the player for no apparent reason. There are multiple top vehicles, an on multiple tt you can reach top rank while leaving a decent chunk of the tt not researched. I will use an example of my own TT.

Im missing 15 vehicles from this TT, and as i bought the top vehicle, i am excluded from the bonus to all of them. That is hostile for no reason, if i had the power i would make that bonus be applied no matter if you have a top vehicle or not. Especially that getting more than 1 TT with top vechicle gives you nothing at all.

What i would like to be changed:

Make the bonus apply to total RP, or increase the amount of battles. Many players would like it to be permanent, but i assume Gaijin devs do not want that. So that is why they went with 3 games per vehicle type. But in that situation the bonus is underwhelming. Players would expect if its only 3 games its a tradeoff for a big bonus. Currently it is not. I would like it more, if it were to be changed to total RP, so things like premium, talisman and boosters are also counted. If that is not possible, i would like it if amount of battles it applies to is increased, 3 is quite underwhelming.

Increase based on amount of TT: Lets use a exemplary player. That player spent countles hours researching multiple TTs, and is left with for example 2 TT left, the player is not rewarded for their dedication, they get the same bonus as someone who got just one TT. I would like it more, if bonus was increased based on amount of TT player has top vehicle in. It would encoureage players to grind more, while at least partially mitigating frustarion from grinding again and again, that causes players to quit.

Bonus for lower eras: I dont know why there is none. Grind there also takes time, so why is the help not apllied there? I would like it more, if the bonus RP were also apllied to lower eras, after all, that is where the new nation is started. It would also help mitigate seal clubbing, as the less time experience players spend in lower eras the better for new players.

Ability to sellect when to apply the bonus. As it is limited in numbers, ability to apply it when ever player wants would be a good change for the players, as they could apply it to good games, deincreasing the level of flustration, that will rise after wasting it on a bad game. I would like it more, if we as players could sellect when to apply it.

This sums up my feedback.


Utterly confusing and underwhelming at the same time. Well done!


WTF does this mean???


Cool, you guys didn’t listen to any of the feedback the first time around so it’s very obvious you wont listen to any feedback the second time around.

To make things even worse, you confirmed the garbage that you posted in the last thread about this with it being for “vehicle type” instead of game mode, so you’re forced to choose between having a ground battle without CAS if you actually want to get decent RP for CAS by doing separate battles.

Speaking of how this stupid system works with the ground tech tree, it forces you into choosing between going for SPAA or into having more research into MBTs. Well done, now CAS is going to be even more dominant than before because people will want to keep the bonus research for their MBTs instead of wasting it on a single SPAA.

Also, ignore the idiots saying just a 5% increase instead of daily limits would be better because it wouldn’t. The current system shows that the bonus RP barely gives anything, probably because it’s based on base RP.

Waited a year for this system and after a couple of games it really makes me not want to play the game. This game has far too many things that make it frustrating to play while also not providing suitable rewards for people who have stuck around and completed tech trees or spent money.


Steps are 1.0, 1.3, 1.7, 2.0 etc.
Example here.
Max Br 13.7 F-14B is 12.7 in all game modes, so it is not counted.


Overly complicated, hostile to the player, provides minimal benefit, and doesn’t even help you start a new tech tree.

What was the point of all of this again?

The ideal solution would have been a small, cumulative bonus that applied to every battle for each tech tree and nation you have a top vehicle in. If players want to play just one nation, the bonus would still help them, but if they want to branch out, they can “collect” a higher and higher bonus by finishing more tech trees.

The bare minimum needed to get the version of the bonus Gaijin have released for testing into an acceptable state is to make the bonus apply to ranks I-III and allow the bonus to stay on for nations where you’ve unlocked a top vehicle. But that’s just the bare minimum.


This is what we’ve been waiting for a whole year? I’m very disappointed. Everything was done to ensure that the player received nothing.

  • Not all ranks
  • Only base RP bonus
  • Only three battles
  • Not all tops is tops