Following the Roadmap: Research Bonuses Testing Has Concluded

Still limited to 3 matches… so glad you read the feedback …


How does a bonus that promotes maximum play during a single given match, also promote 1DL?

Oh no… as if they wouldn’t take advantage of any bonus given.

And this would be way better for any botter as they play hundreds of matches, and not 3.

I preffer a lot of 20% (as per screenshots of testing in this thread) bonuses to a boring flat 5% as it promotes playing a diverse set of nations, and not grinding 1 nation continuously using the bonus of 1 other nation.


Day 1
Game 1

Game 2

Game 3

Time to sum it up
RP earned: 18 079
Bonus: 4 108
Total: 22 187
Increase: 22.7%
Is this good enough? Decide yourself

Day 2:


So what was the point of the thread from a couple of weeks ago if the feedback from that was to be completely ignored? Infact from the first time this was announced there was problems with it but again, no feedback was listened to.

And the fact you stop getting a bonus for a nation once you get a top vehicle is a joke.

The only way this could have been implemented worse is if you needed to pay for it


No they buffed how much you got for the bonuses after the initial feedback. For the rest of it, there wouldn’t be sense for it to continue after reaching the top.

Good thing, this should really be the standard for implementing new mechanics in general!

This i don’t like, this means that as soon as i unlock and buy the top vehicle in a new nation after the first the bonus disappears for the new nation even though there are vehicles left to research in the new tree.

And i am experiencing this issue right now, my first nation was Sweden and i have unlocked and purchased every vehicle possible in all three trees. I started USA trees about 4 months ago and recently unlocked and bought the top vehicle for USA ground but still have 5 vehicles left to unlock in the rank 4 and above. those vehicles will not benefit from this bonus at all. why?

I have no idea what this is even supposed to mean. i have read it 5 times and still don’t understand.

This is VERY bad! That would mean that if i unlock the FlaRakRad i lose the bonus for the 4 other rank 8 vehicles in german Ground tree if i purchase it. this would then force me to NOT purchase and use that vehicle (if i want to keep the bonus for the rest of rank 8) and instead unlock all the others before i purchase it.

It really should only be ONE vehicle that is clearly marked and is the last in the tree total, not per branch.
This specific feature of the mechanic actually sucks really hard. and i don’t say that lightly. It really stifles rank 8 and makes players have to choose to gain the bonus OR use the fun new vehicle. That REALLY shouldn’t be the case and is absolutely atrocious game design.

This also sucks. I understand if the rule would be for newly added vehicles, but why take the bonus away from foldered vehicles and others not yet researched? it doesn’t really make sense… a player can still get that bonus if they don’t purchase the “top vehicle” so it really wont affect the speed of progress and will only hinder players from using a fun new vehicle if they still want the bonus. I personally really cant see the reason for this.

these are way more resonable than previously mentioned (NICE!) but probably still to low, i hope you’ll realize this once the test is over and you review the results.

which is sort of “meh” and weird. this means that players that pay for talismans/premium time/etc percentually will gain less advantage with this bonus. How does it make sense to give paying costumers less of a reward?

This i like! good one!

It would be nice with a “Hide all” option as well.

Additional thoughts:
the interface seems cluttered as it is and i would like to have to option to hide the icons at the bottom above each nation tab.
How will this work when new end of the line vehicles are added?
How will it work if vehicles change BR and are moved arround?


  • Nice to have a more reasonable bonus but it’s more than likely to small as is.

  • Losing the bonus for the nation you are playing as soon as you purchase one of the “top vehicles” really sucks and actively discourage users from buying and playing a vehicle they have just unlocked. it feels more like a punishment than a reward to then use that vehicle before unlocking everything else in the tree.

  • Having multiple “top vehicles” is the worst idea ever and horrid game design (i VERY often wonder who you hired to make decisions regarding game design as they sometimes are so bad that i conclude that the person has no education in the subject at all or even have malicious intent).

  • The visual indicators are nice but could be less cluttered and a “hide all” option would be nice.

I just realised that if i unlock and buy the AV-8B plus in US air to be able to use it as CAS i lose the bonus for 7(!) other rank 8 planes. so if i want a top tier USA CAS plane and still get the bonus i have to unlock the entire tree before i purchase the CAS plane.

and if i unlock and buy the USA MH-60L DAP i lose the bonus for 6(!) other helicopters in that tree.

Edit 2:
Wording and clarification.

I really hope to get some answers to my concerns and thank you in advance @OrsonES @Stona_WT @Smin1080p_WT .


So what about researching the rest of the vehicles in the tree or any new vehicles being added?

This should have been implemented as a flat out bonus which stacks with each nation you get to top tier with. That actually gives an incentive for players to grind out more nations to get a better overall boost.

Currently this is completely useless for a lot of players.


We waited how long for this?
A research bonus to encourage playing more nations that doesn’t include a good chunk of trees?
That ignored every bit of input on how a multiplier to base RP will give next to nothing?


Hahaha, thanks for listening to the feedback, really.


I still dont get bonus for anything LOL. Nice


What happens when naval realistic battle last over 31 minutes since its a thing that happens reasonably often at top tier. Does 2nd bonus get wasted on the last 1 minute? Thats pretty sad given its not sim and you cant just leave early to not waste bonus without repercussions like in EC air sim or EC naval.

Leads to situation when you will j out of the match pre 30 minute mark cause that rp bonus is worth more than sitting around for bit more and contesting the cap in the 60 minute limit games. Those dont last that often to 60 minutes but over 30 minute ones happen.

I mean, my grind isnt this big, but its more the idea, isnt it suppose to be a reward to have grinded already?

Indeed you now see situations that are odd, where a vehicle is suddenly moved to top rank and now you wont recieve the rewards anymore… what if they add a new rank? Will you get the bonus again? its very complicated, its easier to you give the reward to people that grinded the game a lot already, its not like its a massive bonus anyway! It just makes things WAY less complicated.

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The bonus should remain available regardless of whether you already own a top-tier vehicle. Why is this even an option?

What if someone cleverly navigates the system, and then Gaijin rearranges the vehicles, making one of your unlocked vehicles the top tier for that tree?

This mechanic would be better off not existing for everyone’s benefit


It’s only once you fully research and purchase the vehicle. You can research it and switch to researching the vehicles around it or in another line without purchasing it and still keep receiving the bonus for that nation.


Which i fully explain in my post is an issue. i just missed to include “and purchase” in that specific sentence. The issue is still the same.

it actively discourages players from purchasing and playing those “top vehicles” of other nations than the first.
it feels like: “we want to encourage players to branch out and play other nations! but not top tier!”


I still dont have any bonuses???

Better remove the bonus which is just an insult in its current form.

What the community wants is permeant bonus per nation you unlock a top vehicle in for any other nation (even ones that you have a top vehicle in).

E.g. you get 30% permanent bonus for all other nations, per nation you unlock a top vehicle in.


console usually get updates/tests later than PC.

wait you are joking, right? I had a download file and evrything…man this Gaijin is soo MID its starts to be laughable…

So a lot of us were dead on the fact that you guys didn’t listen to any of the feedback on the original dev post. The fact that is was received quite poorly pretty universally and instead of offering any interaction with the player base, you doubled down and continued with the same system players told you they weren’t happy with.

What is the point of these forums? Why have community managers?

“Hey we don’t like this proposal.”

Absolutely zero engagement from the very people meant to interact with the community.