Following the Roadmap: Research Bonuses Testing Has Concluded

It was explained in the blog they considered ranks 1-3 easy to get through and rank 4 is where they think the difficulty starts increasing.

And I understand that explanation, but it doesn’t make the bonus any less ineffective. If they want to incentivize people to start a new tech tree, there is no incentive.

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The incentive is from 25% to 100% extra base RP for 3 games.

Which itself is an incentive to buy a premium vehicle in the said faction! ;)

I’m referring to the fact that there is no bonus for Ranks 1-3.

Dude, I was being sarcastic. The bonus is working as designed for Gaijin, that’s all we need to know.

if you ask me, and check the history of the gaijin, the only reason for this bonus is Promotion and trying to safe their ass.

The reason for the “roadmap” is because of a Hefty Reviewbombing and Puplic attention, without the puplic slap in the face they would not have done anythink.

So its neither, not motivating people, not a loyality bonus, its just silencing the masses. (wich is a very common tool, used everywhere in the world)


Anecdotally, most players are not alive longer than 3-4 minutes in ARB Rank 5 and beyond. Maybe double that time below Rank 5.

It’s moot for purposes of this convo, but I’d argue that the average player has at least 3 or 4 “you’ve left the battle before it’s completed” messages at any time—which is dumbfounding.

That is what makes this RP bonus so laughably anemic. A majority of the playerbase doesn’t stay alive anywhere near long enough consistently to take advantage of a base RP multiplier like this.

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I like this a lot. Moreover it incentivizes vehicle diversity within matches versus everyone playing the same handful of meta vehicles at each BR over and over again—which is one of this game’s greatest weaknesses.

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What they need to do is what WoW has done in the last years to counter the Grind (leveling)

Reduce the Top tier vehicle costs to what they where supposed to be, it was back then around 150k and a few thousand for a module, with more and more content the grind increased and increased…
now top tier cost 400k and modules 20k+

WoW fixed that with the Level crush, they once hat 120 level, it was reduced back to the original 60 levels. And it worked perfectly.

Now WoW has 80 levels again but an immense XP bonus to counter it.

A grind to the top should cost a specific amount of Time and this time should not increase with every new top tier… but Gaijin have not come to that very same conclusion yet…

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RP can easily be cut in half across the board but instead we get these pointless little changes whilst also adding hundreds of thousands of RP of copy paste vehicles in the next update.

The one big update that was supposed to massively reduce RP requirements only reduced it by like 800k for a tree in the case of Germany, which was negated shortly after when they added the PSO and 2A7 for 830k.

Yes, and whats the reason they havent done anythink yet? Cause theres no alternative game out there that has similar gameplay… so people play WT and buys stuff and as long people buy stuff they dont see the necessary to change anythink.

Tbh i would do the same if i would be on their payroll.
The only difference would be that i would try to make the game enjoyable and try to beat LoL in the long run…

make game enjoyable
get more people to play the game
get more gamemodes for old and new players to enjoy (like a good PVE or Tank only mode/ WorldWar / smt competitive without p2w bla bla bla)
get more player again
get competitive modes running and giving out awards
Do PR and get more people again
Get again more Gamemodes and try to get younger generation this time
make ads
get more people to play
make competitive stuff changing its meta every now again to keep stuff interesting
and so on…

and on the way there i would implement regular map changes, just to spice stuff a bit up and keep stuff interesting.

and depending on the people that play these gamemodes i would introduce combined search, so you can go in queue for more than one mode if you enjoy more then one

also would rework the crew system as it sucks right now and could be more enjoyable for everyone and so on and on…

there is so much stuff u can try and experiment with, so much stuff that NEED a rework, so much potential to get a ton of players back and also new players…

but whatever… that will likely never come true.
usually you would say, games come and go… but look at WoW, that game is still around even with a ton of competition… as long as there is no BIG competitor to WT there will never be a change.
And when they have only a small competitior they repeat what they have done when Armored Warfare was around… they start developing like crazy for a few month/years till the competitor cant hold up anymore and then they go back to the state it was before… same what puplic markets to, undercut the new one till they have not enough funds and let them die (or buy them)… then go back to normal prices.

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What are you trying to do with your reminder? Is it useful at all?

Did you call the cops on your neighbors recently?

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I’m just telling you that your post breaks the rules so that you have the possibility of changing it before getting punished by them. No need to be rude about it. Had i “called the cops” i would just have flagged it for moderation without telling you .

No competition isn’t as bad of a factor as no ambition, the devs have zero desire to make a better game, they see it as a cash cow and will only do what is necessary to keep the cash coming, which means do the bare minimum of supplying hay and water to keep the cow alive.

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The mechanic turns out to be extremely underwhelming, to the point it feels like a slap for an old player, because it disqualifies any nation with a top tier vehicle from receiving the bonus, even if you have multiple top tier vehicles in other nations. It’s supposed to stimulate researching more tech trees and branches, and it completely fails to do that for people who were already doing that. This may be an extreme case, but it’s an existing case nonetheless:

Yes, I don’t play tanks these days. But if I would like to go back and get a decent American lineup, it would be more efficient for me to NOT play the game and wait for Gaijin to add something past ADATS because it blocks the US tech tree from receiving the bonus, which I have because I have top tier Soviets too. So might as well not play it at all. I can’t sell it, I can’t do anything about it, and the most ridiculous part of that is, I got the ADATS because I was building a diverse all-purpose lineup for America back in the day. Got burnt out in the process so much I stopped playing tanks completely, but my point stands.
Sure, this is a case of an extremely neglected research. I have much better research in the top tier air. Is the reward better there, though? No. Take a look!

This is my state of top tier air. As you see, I am a half decent player with a fairly wide access to different planes. Does the bonus promote researching new aircraft for me? Not at all, because all the tech trees I am interested in already have a top tier vehicle in them! I can’t get the bonus for the Benelux tree because I already have M2K5F. I don’t have a bonus for Japan because F-16AJ is considered a top tier vehicle. However, Yak-141 isn’t, and since I don’t have Su-27SM or MiG-29SMT (these two are the only vehicles I don’t have in the tree) I do get a bonus for USSR. A .3BR difference makes or breaks the bonus, and this is extremely arbitrary! Okay, you might say, you don’t have top tier China or Israel. Well, problem is, that bonus doesn’t benefit low tiers too, so it has no effect until I go through half the tech tree.
What another extremely arbitrary thing about the bonus? Coastal fleet. I didn’t play the mode for ages, and never really had the urge. But I managed to get PR-206 back in the day, and you know what? It provides the bonus for me! I don’t know why, I don’t feel I deserve any bonus, because it never was top tier, and was merely rearranged, but for some reason it works.

TLDR, there implementation lacks consistency and fails to achieve the declared goal to the point people would do the opposite of the suggested behavior, because the mechanic disqualifies nations with a top tier vehicle in them. Please, solve this.


We don’t know if this is intended or not, and this is a test not the gold implementation.

Intended or not, it defeats the purpose of the bonus for any player with a wide variety of nations already researched, despite having top tier in another tree. I can’t provide feedback for something that doesn’t exist, all I can do is to point out this major problem.

I totally understand why we shouldn’t receive a bonus from the same tree. At a glance, the reward is designed around single nation mains and it’s supposed to get people trying something new. I am not against them getting a bonus at all, but the mechanic fails to support the variety for the people like me who already were researching a lot of stuff for years on end, and in my case the mechanic contradicts itself on too many levels.

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it’s intended, it’s been stated before. It may be changed in the future but this is how it’s meant to work rn.

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Yet there’s no post.