Following the Roadmap: Research Bonuses Testing Has Concluded

So yea, day 4, i will calculate it later

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Yes, that is what i play. 3 games every day.

Spoiling the fun for 45 enemy players a day. Nice!

You know, i have to make it fun to myself once in a while

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What is the purpose of this test?
Are you expecting a sudden spike in RP gains? With that formula? XD
Don’t you have your secret statistics, of which you calculate BRs and such? You should be able to emulate the results using those.
Are you testing our patience maybe? To see if the angry mob rise again seeing the leftovers you are throwing?


researched and purchased… i have it researched but not purchased and it did not worked for me

Based. Such thing confuses me so much… many of the changes doesnt even make sense at all

They know exactly what they are doing.

Honestly though, the way they have implemented the bonus (in this test) they kind of have to test it to know the effect for sure, it might make many players change their playstyle and/or make many players NOT change their playstyle.
They have no way of knowing how many players will change up their routine to try to maximize the bonus payout and how many will continue playing like nothing changed.

That being said i personally think they vastly overestimated both the effect it will have on progression as well as how attractive the bonus would be to make people change how they play (which shouldn’t even be a thing to begin with, why should i be forced to play a certain way to get a reward?).


They’re not testing the bonus efficiency.

They’re a software development company: they’re testing if it’s stable and without bugs.
As it is, their test will largely be a success!!!

Unless they are testing our patience …

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They’ve at least stated that they also test efficiency:

As i said; they can’t really know the economic impact until after large scale test due to how its designed (they can only guess and estimate). Had it been “+10% on everything permanently!” they wouldn’t have had to test it as those numbers would be readily available to them for calculations. but since the bonus looks like it currently does a VAST majority of players will have to change how they play to get the full complete bonus, a change probably 90% of them wont make. but since Gaijin can’t know with 100% certainty how large of a percentage of the player base will change habits to get the bonus they have to test it.

I think you can guess again.

What do you think Gaijin’s favorite metrics are? It’s Sales!

Efficiency has been computed for maximum monetary profit, and that’s it!

You want to convince me otherwise: give me an example when Gaijin used “playability / progression” metrics to improve a feature. I’ll be waiting !

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I didn’t say anything to the contrary.

i even started with:

so i don’t know how you got the idea that that was what i was saying.

It wasn’t clear if you spoke of in-game research economy or revenue.

Oh sorry then, i have historically used “RP gains / SL gains” and “economy” to differentiate the two.
Might have to change “economy” to like “sales” or something in the future to make it clearer.

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Many points were already mentioned and described in great detail, so i’ll just add a bit from myself about the actual current implementation:
From all the previous news posts about this reward bonus, for some reason (i feel like it was directly mentioned in one of the posts) i really expected the bonus to scale up with the number of Nations the player has the Top vehicle in.
So, in current form, in my case i have Top Air unlocked for US, USSR, and Sweden. I expected my amount of “daily bonus battles” on other nation’s air to scale up from base 3 to 9, adding up for each nation i have a top vehicle unlocked in, and when i get , lets say the top M2K in French tree, the bonus would go up to 12 battles for the remaining trees.
Another small point is that it would be nice if the bonus would also apply to modifications research, not just the vehicles themselves.


Seems about as useful as convertible RPs. Would have rather seen the effort spent on new and better maps in addition to fixing bugs.


I apologize if I’ve expressed this sentiment before, but I’d be curious to know what Gaijin’s design ethos for this bonus was, @OrsonES .

If there are a large amount of players who reach the top of a tech tree and stop playing, then the idea behind this bonus makes sense, as it (supposedly) encourages them to instead pick up another nation and play that, increasing their play time… except that the bonus doesn’t apply to the first three ranks, so it actually does nothing to encourage a player to start a new tree from scratch.

If it’s just meant to be a loyalty bonus for players that are already at top tier and want to keep playing top tier, it doesn’t work because it a) is not active after you have a top vehicle in any given tree and b) doesn’t give enough RP to reduce top-tier grinding and doesn’t assist with modification RP.

If it’s meant to encourage players to try new modes, it doesn’t work because the bonus applies only to vehicles of the same type as the one already unlocked.


The bonus is working as designed for Gaijin’s own purpose. Thanks for the question, though!