Following the Roadmap: Research Bonuses Testing Has Concluded

A meager handout.

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As I said on another thread;

As someone with 8 tech trees, the mere RP equivalent of a single extra match a day is FAR from being anything remotely resembling an encouragement to jump into a 9th tree’s grind.

So what, with the current iteration of the bonus, it will take 93 hours over 47 days instead of 100 hours over 50 days to reach the Top Tier vehicle I am actually interested in?

I’ll pass.

I have already spent thousands of hours grinding multiple trees since 2014. In order to jump into the ship of grinding another tree, it will take more than a 7% reduction in grind for me to consider it.



  • Something is better then nothing.
  • Event, premium, squadron, special vehicles do not apply so it’s not P2W.
  • Very clear in the UI which vehicles count so it’s easy to understand and work towards.


  • Per tech tree type. Meaning you have to get to top tier in each branch (ground, heli, etc).
  • Reward isn’t really “worth it” or makes a dramatic impact.
  • Doesn’t give a bonus for rank I-III


  • Make it a one battle bonus equivalent to a 300% booster once per day per tech tree.
  • Apply this to all ranks including I-III
  • Combined Helicopter bonus with ground or aircraft bonus (you unlock the heli TT by reaching rank V in either & can grind out with ground XP)
  • Have the bonus only apply if battle activity exceeds 70% or more.

Guys we need to be hard headed, this better than nothing mentality should not fly with this change, the grind is long. They pitched rp bonus almost a year ago that was supposed to help but what we have a joke of a system that aims to hurt the player and make a scratch in the grind. Either introduce a system that the player want or don’t release it at all.


I honestly like this, or at least a similar system to prevent wasting the booster in bad games.

This would honestly be nice to see as a standard feature on all large boosters, especially single use ones. And considering boosters replaced double RP weekends I’d still say this is far from “too good”, but just a nice quality of life improvement.


But this doesn’t make any sense… what kind of game mechanism will encourage people NOT to play whatever that is new in the game?

edit: typo


When I scroll down and see all those thoughtful players are trying to provide details on how the mechanism may not benefit the players and the game, and followed with reasonable suggestions on changes in order to make it beneficial to the game in a contained, polite, and sincere manner, it just make me feel sad because similar player posts were there on the previous blogs and they were ignored, and the same thing may also happen here as well.

You guys mentioned you dont like spamming dislikes and “that won’t provide any help”, but now players are being polite here and giving constructive and operatable feedbacks then shouldn’t you guys start to listen and make changes?

This guy, being the first of the line, points out one of the most critical failure of this testing mechanism, that any in-game mechanism should not discouage players from playing the game. Please, at least change this.

And why base rp only, again? I think players have already talked about how little this will do when we are adding the skill bonuses into the game, and you guys clearly know that (ofc because you guys spend a little more than 12 months calculating for this mechanism). This completely ignores the resources (preimum vehicles and accounts) and efforts (skill bonuses) that players put into this game, and a “claiming” 100% bonus on Rank VII+ vehicles only appears to be a 10%-20% final bonus, which is far-off from what you guys said in the very beginning:

Remember how this post ([Development] Analysing 15 thousand entries of your feedback from the Economy Survey - News - War Thunder) made us think that this game is finally starting to going back on track? And now we are seeing only 1/3 or 1/4 of what we were promised will be given to us, what do you think players will think now? Please, apply the bonus to the total amount of rp (make rank VII+ a 75% or even a 50%, at least corresponding to what you guys said initially, if you think the current +100% to total rp is way too much), so that it can at least be somehow significant.

LISTEN to the players, Please.
FIX the issues, Please.


I mean, need I say more ? This bonus is pathetic


WT is the only game i play that “punishes” me when i unlock and want to use a new item.
The way this has been implemented is laughable


It seems i forgot to post it yesterday
Day 3:
Game 1
Game 2
Game 3
I dont feel like doing so rn, so ill calculate it later.

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I still think that a system based on how many units have you spaded would be simpler and better to promote players not only play other nations but other vehicles in their tech trees and other trees.

For example, every 10 spaded vehicles you would get a permanent +1% that would apply in every match of every tier (I’d accept to skip tiers I to III in this scenario) of every tree of every game mode. Premiums should also count and they could even do that spading atrociously bad vehicles would give an extra +1% per each of those vehicles. Also, the multiplier should apply over final RP, not base one.

After 8 years playing I currenly have 1394 vehicles spaded. None end of the line. I have every ground up to 8.0, every plane up to jets and a few ships. No helis. The problem from where I stand is that my purpose in the game is to collect vehicles and spade them, but spading the remaining (which are still hundreds of vehicles) feels tedious, as I need dozens of games for each unit. So I play less and less every month. However, with a +139% permanent booster feeling of progression would be restored.

And of course, all the above is referring to modifications RP. Boosting new vehicle research is also fine but I don’t mind it that much.


We all know what Gaijin is interested in – and it’s not our suggestions!

I played quite a bit yesterday, trying to utilize this bonus fully. The way that you get three battles for every nation encourages you to play three battles with one nation and then switch to the next.

Normally, I play with auto-repair on (and usually a premium account but mine expired recently), so I don’t worry about crew slots being unavailable, but I would assume that for those players who don’t use auto-repair, this system would fit very naturally into their normal playstyle, since switching to a new nation would allow them to use different crew slots while other vehicles are repairing. However, that still assumes that those players must have Rank IV vehicles ready, since this bonus to encourage you to try other nations doesn’t help you start other nations.

The reward is pretty pitiful, almost unnoticeable without Premium active. It doesn’t really feel like much of a bonus, and because I’m having to switch nations to make full use of it, I can’t spend all of my matches working on a single vehicle I’m researching.

The way I normally play is to focus in on one vehicle each day and grind specifically for it, and then if I get tired of that gameplay I switch modes (Ground, Air, or Naval-- I enjoy all three). The way this bonus is set up requires that you already have top vehicles in each mode in order to get the bonus, which does make sense but means that I can’t fully take advantage of the bonus since last update, my F-15J is no longer a top tier vehicle.

My previous comments on the inadequacy of the bonus still stand, but now having played with the bonus, it’s remarkable how unintuitive it is to actually use AND it still gives a pittiance of RP.

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damn…took you the whole year just to come up with literally useless research “bonus”.
I would rather have permanent bonus of 10% than just 3 battles per day even if it was 300% booster.


A premium account doesn’t even affect the bonus. so the bonus will be the exact same amount even if you have premium account. So if you get 1000 base RP and the bonus is 50% (500 RP) the total is 1500, if you have premium that only doubles the base so it would be 1000 base + 1000 premium + 500 bonus=2500 RP. in both cases the bonus is still 500 RP.

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Did they ever notice how counterintuitive this is?

A bonus on total RP would increase the appeal of premium, which makes them money. How can you be so stubborn not to noticeably help the grind that you throw away such an easy opportunity for profit…


They could even have been as complicated as they usually are and marketed it as a “separate” effect of the premium time to make it sound more appealing than it actually is (instead of just bundle it and say +X% RP on base and bonus RP).
As in:
"Not only will premium time double the amount of RP gained, but it will now also turn the new nation bonuses from 100% to 200% !!! " (with the percentages listed for each rank as being doubled).


You guys keep dreaming, it’s free!
Gaijin doesn’t care about dreams, though.

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ah yeah, making people not research top tier and research all tree before buying them… is just stupid man, this is not what they have promised in the first roadmap, they just gave us overcomplicated x2 bonus and only for top tier for 3 game and even funier it work like booster and u cant play sim with them bcs they work 30 minutes each…

No shit, did I said thats good either?
Dont think so