Following the Roadmap: Research Bonuses Testing Has Concluded

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Fixed! It’s perfect now!

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I feel like a better system would effectively either be a rework convertible RP or in essence, it would behave similarly.

Completing a path in a tech tree allows you to bank a percentage of your total RP into a separate pool. That pool of RP can be spent on any vehicle not in that nation. This pool does not require GE to spend.

Each line you complete in a nation gains you an increase in the percentage pooled.

1st line: 5%
2nd line: 10%
3rd line: 15%
4th line: 20%
5th line: 25%

If I have every line of the US Air Tree completed, any match I play in the F-16C, 25% of my total RP post match goes into a pool I can then spend on anything in the Swedish or Japanese or Chinese Tech Tree.

I play a match, my total RP reward is 5000 (just for example) and I have three lines done. So 15% of 5000 RP, a total of 750 RP, goes into a pool I can spend.

Or, instead of a pool, you can select any other vehicle and each match, the “bonus” RP just goes to that vehicle until it’s researched (sort of like squadron vehicles). In my personally opinion, I would not let it stack with each nation you complete. Just because I have US and say Germany done, it’s not 25% + 25%. It just means I have now two trees that I can use to get that bonus.

Example: 5000 total RP post match.

5% = 250 bonus RP
10% = 500 bonus RP
15% = 750 bonus RP
20% = 1000 bonus RP
25% = 1250 bonus RP

This would be a permanent bonus, not limited to x amount of matches. Additionally, you have to use a top tier vehicle in a tech tree (so you can’t just use say the F-4S) but it would also incentive premium account time since you get the bonuses with that. You don’t lose out if two of your three matches goes poorly.

That seems far more useful to players.

Edit #1: I would keep Gaijins “Rank IV and up requirement”. You do need to actually start the tree. Maybe drop it to Rank III and up but yeah.


It’s not good at all! No one will pay for this !

Not a bad idea, you get to fill up a pool and cash out to research a vehicle.

70$ is nothing for a jet, dude!!!
And you can get one if you like to gamble!

Sort of the point.

It further incentivizes a revenue stream for Gaijin (that being premium time, it has to be benefit to Gaijin), its mot game-breaking in terms the amount of RP gained, players aren’t punished with three bad matches (I’ve had nights where I just play terribly and get two tapped back to the hanger before I get to do anything), and it’s still meaningful in terms of actually being a bonus.

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Tell me you didn’t read beyond the first two lines without telling me you didn’t read beyond the first two lines. Nowhere did I mention paying any IRL currency to access this bonus.

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This implementation is a complete joke and the fact that even premium bonuses for vehicles don’t apply is the cherry on top, had to shoot yourself in the foot twice with that one.

Are we supposed to get excited about getting the equivalent of playing 3 matches in a biplane for our jet? it is going to take months of playing for average players to get what is the equivalent of 1 or 2 matches just bombing bases in a premium jet.

This really just feels like ticking a checkbox instead of actually trying to improve the game.


I´ve thought of this idea myself before, and I would love if Gaijin would implement a system like this (of course they won´t, the snail just thinks that it will bring them in less money even though I don´t believe that would be the case)

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Totally agree. Especially since the system flags all the other tech tree vehicles regardless of the rank - so if are researching a rank 1, 2 or 3 vehicle in another country it is still flagged per the research bonus, but get a bonus of 0%. It should be changed to either give lower bonuses to the lower ranks (such as 5% rank 1, 10% rank 2 & 15% rank 3) or not flag those lower rank vehicles at all. What is the point in flagging a research bonus of 0%? Wow. Overall, I like the changes - is a big improvement over the current situation of no research bonuses for other tech trees at all (after get to top tier in one country).


WOW… This is… useless!

The whole point of the Research Bonus plan was to be able to research other nations while playing a nation where you had everything or almost everything. After the initial proposal feedback, I thought they would at least change something. Asking for feedback and then not listening, typical gaijinning.


Gaijin doesn’t need to listen as long as you play the game <3

Funny how they push these crappy changes during events and major updates, right??!

Not true. I play XBox and am seeing the bonuses for Bluewater on all nations except US since I have the top tier USS Alaska researched & purchased in USA.

I’d rather see a permanent bonus for all nations based on how many vehicles somebody has spaded than this. I currently have all ground trees fully spaded up to 8.0, and current proposed system offers no reward for me despite having spent way more time than needed to get to top tier in any given tree.


You played the game as Gaijin designed it: pay walled ! <3

I would semi disagree with this just because spading a vehicle does give you an RP bonus already. Each full tier you unlock gives you whatever the bonus is for that tier. I remember using the modules of the F-14B as a bonus RP source for my F-15A and F-16C. Like I know the last two tiers of modules both give out like a 20,000 RP bonus each.

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I disagree with you. We shouldn’t have to grind THAT MUCH to play units we enjoy.
In The Hunt Showdown, by Crytek, you can only pay for cosmetics, as example.
You can unlock all weapons within a few days.

Gaijin, this is extremely disappointing on every player’s behalf. Firstly, the second you get a vehicle at the top you got no bonus for the whole country. This should be removed and make it so other vehicles in the tree get the bonus, at the same percentage. Secondly, having it so only 3 games per day have the bonus is ridiculous. I feel like people would like it more if there was no limit at all or make it so the more vehicles or countries have top tier, make it an extra 3 or triple the game amount.

Sincerely a very concerned player