Following the Roadmap: grouping vehicles, rank changes, and improvements to premium vehicles

I completely understand the sentiment about wanting to lean the weak points. However, there are a lot of experienced players who play lower levels. I really don’t like 9BR and higher because of things like people leaving after one death, so I play a lot of lower level. Experienced players know where to shoot with bushes so I see the purpose is to get an advantage over inexperienced players. Most people learn pretty quickly to just shoot the hull machine gun on the left of the Sherman, or go for the mantlet on a Tiger or Panther. 90% of the time when I am in my Tiger or Panther I know what my death will be like, my gun will be disabled and then the M18 will come around and shoot me in the side, or if I am in a Sherman, the T34, or Tiger will just shoot at the left side of the hull and hit that MG more often than not knocking me out.


Im pretty sure im agreeing with you but your first post is unclear to me. Firstly there is NO need for any to be foldered because unless something is coming there is only 2 vehicles deep on that line now once they are foldered. Leaving them unfoldered makes more sense. To be clear im saying the Conway and FV should be in the same folder, seperate to the tortoise if they must be at all.

They way it looks is they want each rank to be two deep if applicable, only place that seems to break that is where there are three familys like in the soviet mbt line. the issue is the foldering makes no sense, a look at the south African line is enough to say some stuff should not be foldered as there is no sense to it

I wonder if that is the trade off, you get a more streamlined TT, but now for some ranks you have to get every vehicle, so that in the end you get something different, but have to put in the same amount of work - equivalent exchange.

Gaijin can we have a toggle to see all vehicles unfoldered please?. So amny vehicles in folders now will make the bigger trees a nightmare to see what you have available and formulate line ups.

Secondly why is the brit tier 4 reduced to 2 deep instead of 3? Makes no sense.

Lastly couldnt you finally rearrange the brit tree to make logical sense like every other tank tree before it?


The trade off seems to be to rush the end of the tree, but as seen with some nations like japan nothing was actually foldered.

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yes, true

Yup, and it means as time goes on and older player leave snd new players join the MM is going to become a nightmare because people are skipping entire lineups they dont need to get to top tier so br’s will dissapear from the queues. God luck getting fast battles then or getti g a decent number of down tiers beflcause no one plays that br anymore.

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I think this is the most egregious strip


It should be the soldered ratels, the g6 then the eland in separate boxes perhaps at rank 5 which is currently empty , followed by either the rooikats in a folder then the oilfants in a folder.


The way i am interpretting this is you are basically creating a rush through the mid ranks and skip them, if anything this is going to intensify player fatige as they are going to hit high tiers without knowing what to do with even worse line ups. Like this change has no real effect on me, i have more or less every tree fully unlocked to rank 6 bar isreal, the only plus i am seeing is i am getting to skip the grind on some challies


Its just kind of funny, as when it came to foldering the british tree i am pretty sure the only place people wanted it was for the challies, as that block of grind was obscene. From a look at the air tree the only real foldering i can see is the shackleton being put in with the lincoln and a few things being moved in a way where i can use them for challenges any more like the beaufightrers and the whirlwind and the brigand for some reason.

for British air they literally didn’t have to change anything but they did for some reason


So you really grouped without paying attention to vehicle background, development and similarities right?

Otherwise there would not be a group consisting of Kpz70 and M48 super whereas the M48G2 is sitting ALONE


Unfortunately guessing rarely helps with this game…

There is no real attention atleast for british ground

all the changes for air are unecessary for the brits, so i dont understand the logic, it just seems they were obsessed that there can only be two vehicles boxes in each rank after rank two

I think the most ironic thing is they could have achieved the same effect by just unlinking each rank with a few exceptions, as due to the number required to unlock your still going to be grinding these walls of magachs for example. Its only really beneficial for top of the line trees where it was a mess like the wall of aforementioned challies


I have not seen any news about adjusting the RP cost for improvements. Will this be part of the roadmap?

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Hilarious. There is a T-34 and a Pz.IV grouped together in the Finnish line.

Seperate and place them at rank II. Seperate PT-76 and Comet at rank III.

So the branch should look like this:

T-34 (Rank II)
PT-76 (Rank III)
Comet (Rank IV)


There is a t34 and sherman one in the chinese tree as said its just been done so half cocked its funny.

if its not the same vehicle or based on the same chassis it should not be foldered i don’t see why that was so difficult.


How will the foldering of vehicles affect researching the next vehicle in the tech tree? For example, I have the T-54 (1949) researched, but it will be foldered under the T-54 (1947). Will I be able to research the T-55A immediately or will I have to first research the T-54 (1947)?

yeah i think this needs to be adress along with other planes that are loosing it. US F84F stays at rank V while other nation ones loose the air spawn. which seems pretty unfair given they are the same plane


Consistency between the trees has been an issue for a while, the m24 chaffee is a good example, the japanese one is rank 3, the rest rank 2 meaning its one of my go to for events/ battle tasks

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