Following the Roadmap: grouping vehicles, rank changes, and improvements to premium vehicles

I really don’t understand why Gaijin punishes you for reaching the end of a tech tree.
Just wasted 20ish minutes for checking how much RP is needed for spading vehicles. And its shocking, only basing on BVM tree.
IS-2 (52.9K RP)
IS-2 1944 (71.3K RP) (+35%)
IS-3 (85.1K RP) (+19%)
IS-4M (130.9K RP) (+54%)
T-10M (145.8K RP) (+11%)
OBJ-435 (188.3K RP) (+29%)
T-64A (194.9K RP) (+4%)
T-64B (242.4K RP) (+24%)
T-80B (243.4K RP) (+0.4%)
T-80U (280K RP) (+15%)
T-80BVM (487K RP) (+74%) !!!
This really needs to be changed. Rest of vehicles is fine, but top BVM difference its insane.


While overall theres a massive amount of positive theres some things I disagree about.
I disagree with the Striker moving a rank and going to the end of the British TD tree.
My personal experience has been the Swingfire is better at going hull down and controlling portions of the map so I don’t think the Striker should leapfrog past the Warrior and ZT3 to be the last in the line.
The M4A2 is 4.0, a 4.0 should not be moved down to rank II solely for the sake of being foldered, it should remain as a rank III.
Likewise I don’t believe the Ontos should be shifted to rank IV as I don’t think 6.7s should go down, rather just move it over before the T95.
Same for the Waffentrager, taking a 5.7 to rank III to folder it with the Nashorn doesn’t seem the way to go.
The Rooikat and Olifant being foldered together twice doesn’t make sense, folder the Rooikats and Olifant’s with themselves, foldering the Rooikat mk1 with the Olifant mk1 and the MTTD with the Olifant mk2 is weird.
The Crusader AA Mk II should be before the Ystervark in the folder if those must go together, not the other way around.

While foldering is good I’m not sure about some of the Swedish things, T-34/Pz.IV and PT-76/Comet don’t feel like things that should be foldered together


What will happen to end of the line modifications RP cost? Those vehicles moved to end of a certain line will get them?

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I agree, but it doesnt actually change anything, they are both the same BR. It just means you get warrior first

Im liking a lot of these changes. But there are some confusing folder choices on my cursory glance:

Marder A1 foldered with BMP, and then Marder 1A3 foldered with DF105. So to research through that tree now you have to research the same vehicle twice still with the different vehicles being in folders. Doesn’t make sense.

Similarly, you have an FW-190 A-5 foldered with the A-8, and then a second FW-190 A-5 foldered with the D-12. I feel like the 2nd A-5 should go into the folder with the first A-5 and A-8 and then the D-12 should be by itself. (Or move the D-9 up and put it behind the A models, and move the A-5 back down to rank 3)

I think what you have done with the F6F Hellcats is a bit weird and they should stay as they are as well. Same with the F8Fs.

Grouping two Ki-44s with two Ki-61s is also a strange choice, they should stay with the same type of aircraft.

Just generally some confusing choices like the above I think could be optimised for more logical progression. Im not too much of a fan of the idea of researching essentially the same vehicle twice (even if its a slightly upgraded version) for progression while having the different and more unique vehicles be foldered.

One last thing: Im not a fan at all of pushing more vehicles down to rank 2, due to the limitations of your system for completing the battle pass and events. if this change goes through Id also be very eager to see some refinements and changes to that whole system, such as changing the minimum rank to rank 2 or as a better option, making the limitation be based on BR instead of rank.


Vautours are moving because of AB, they have a 9.7 BR at rank V and some rank VI aircrafts have a 9.0 BR. So it was very weird to unlock them first.
They can still lower their BR in RB if they suffer too much of the lack of air spawn. But it is way more logical this way.

I think that bushed should be able to be shot off, but not hidden, as that defeats the point of bushes at all

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Overall I really like the changes !
Still, there are quite a few more aircrafts I was hoping to see foldered…
Especially in instances where two different versions of the same jet have very similar playstyles.

DISCLAIMER : I am mainly an air RB jet player, so I will only be talking about aircraft from Rank 5 and up for use in air realistic battles.


  • F-104A and F-104C should be foldered as they are extremely similar and even have the same BR.
  • F-4C and F-4E could be foldered given they have the same same role and playstyle, just 1.0 BR apart.
  • F-14A and F-14B should be foldered in the future (I am guessing the only reason they aren’t is because they are considered to be the US top tier )

Germany :

  • Su-22 UM3K and Su-22 M4 should be foldered as they are extremely similar.


  • Su-7 B and Su-7 BKL should be foldered as they are extremely similar and even have the same BR.
  • Su-17 M2 and Su-17 M4 it could make sense to folder them to streamline research of future vehicles.

Great Britain :

  • Swift F.1 and Swift F.2 could be foldered to streamline research
  • Hunter F.1 and Hunter F.6 could also be foldered to streamline research
  • It’s too bad the Phantom FGR.2 and Phantom FG.1 cannot be foldered as those two are so similar it’s almost copy-paste at this point.

Japan :

Nothing much to say or do here.
The only possible improvement I can suggest is foldering the T-2(K) and the F-1 simply because they are the exact same platform just with different weapons and CCIP.

China :

As this is one of the least popular nations I would suggest streamlining the research as much as possible by foldering everywhere it makes sense.

  • Q-5 Early and Q-5A should be foldered due to how similar they are.
  • J7-E and J-8B should be foldered to streamline research as the J-8B is often considered less effective than the J7-E and is therefore skipped anyway.

I also suggest foldering the Taiwanese line as much as possible since it’s all imported US equipment that the vast majority of players are already familiar with, and therefore do not want to research or play again.

Italy :

Same thing as China.
The tree is not researched by a lot of players because they find grinding US equipment one more time unattractive.
My suggestion is therefore the same as for the Chinese tech tree :
Folder as much US equipment as possible to streamline research.

France :
I see a lot of changes here !
Pretty much everything that needed foldering has been foldered as far as I can see.

I also notice some misplaced aircrafts are finally going to the line where they belong !
My understanding is that Line 1 is for light fighters of French design, Line 2 is for dedicated heavy fighters, Line 3 is for Fighter-Bombers, and Line 4 is for dedicated Bombers.

According to this definition, here are my suggestions :

  • Move the Etendard IVM to Line 2 after the F-86K in order to better regroup carrier-based aircraft (which is something many players of the French tree have been asking for).
    The Etendard IVM is sparsely used as a dedicated bomber in WarThuner anyway, so it would also further help decluttering the dedicated bomber line.

  • Considering the Mirage F1C and Mirage F1CT have almost identical performance in the air-to-ground role, I STRONGLY suggest moving the F1CT to Line 1 right after the F1C and removing the Magic 2 missile from the Mirage F1C, and finally foldering both aircraft.
    This will help create a more cohesive progression curve for French fighters and fill the big gap between the Mirage IIIC and E at 10.3 and the Mirage F1s at 11.3.


Rank unlock requirements need to be also adjusted.

For example when Harrier GR7 got moved to rank8, the required vehicle amount to unlock rank8 didn’t change. So it went from 4/4 rank7 vehicles researched and bought to 4/3 rank7 vehicles researched and bought. It got later changed to 3/3 rank7 vehicles. (you still need all rank7 TT jets bought)

Which means you have to buy literally every british plane that isn’t foldered, just to get the tornadoes…

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I’d disagree on this. There are significant differences between these 2 jets and they really operate in 2 very different ERAs. they would ideally be far further apart than they are currently. But you are right about the Swift, that could probably be foldered.

@Stona_WT what will happen with vehicles you have researched over 50% and they get foldered?

This, right now its schizo, you have the g6 and the eland in the same folder, if you want to group the eland into something the ratel 90 is the thing you should folder it with, its got the same gun, is an armoured car of similar play style.

foldering should represent similarities or familiar links in aircraft, as it is now it looks like a bot had a look at the British tech tree and combined them randomly. Like why are the rooikats and oliphants in two separate folders, just folder them up by type, so its less random. the tortoise being shoved ing with the conway also makes more sense, as its way closer to the fv4005 in terms of playstyle.


Yup I agree, just pointing out a place where grind can be reduced.

Their choices on the british tank tree have never made sense even at launch but then they messed them up worse over the years to where they make little to no sense. The change to having the conway foldered under the FV4005 makes no logical sense at all. They have nothing in common, no shared design history, different game styles and platforms. The conway should be foldered with the FV4005 if they have to be foldered at all.

I’m guessing you would then have it unlocked on patch day.

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Yeah true. Not a huge amount of places on the air tree it can be applied though. Britain gets so few new aircraft and havent done so for a long time. There are a lot of TT additions that could be foldered when added, but never seem to get added (Lightning Variants, other Hunter Variants, Buc variant, etc) Until we get those, I domt think we have much above BR7-8 ish that can be foldered. But there is hope at least for those new additions, if they ever get added

Though I am surprised they decided to lower the Gr1 instead of foldering it with the Gr1A.

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I know, but they are closer in play style to each other then either are to the tortoise, so the logic of their foldering makes no sense. it just seems they only want to folder stuff if there is more then 2 in the line, like why is the is-3 and 4 separate when they are functionally identical in game?

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Please cut RP and SL requirement for helicopters rank 6!
Their cost is absurd, like if they are rank 7.

Also, move PT-76-57 to rank 6 since it is 8.3, and it is the only 8.3 at USSR rank 5.


in my opinion the Swingfire and Striker should be foldered together as they are very similar with the striker being very similar, plus if the warrior is before it who will get the striker as the warrior is superior in most catagories at the same BR

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Also the south african sub tree has been handled horribly, like they have no rank 5 though, even if the 6g or eland could fill that gap