Following the Roadmap: grouping vehicles, rank changes, and improvements to premium vehicles

Yeah I was just making sure that they still remember that part.

Guys, this is awesome!

Also, what is an M1A1 HC? It’s placed after the m60s but I don’t remember seeing it in us tt before

considering it stops people from suffering in the F-13 mig I am all for it

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an M1A1 with a dozer blade it has been in game for a while now


I see a major issue with how some nations get the exact same vehicle at the same BR yet they are going to be placed at different ranks. This will give one nation a better research efficiency for playing the same vehicle. On top of that the same vehicle can be used in events or will give one nation a better point modifier for event points. Example of this would be like with Italy, the M18 Hellcat and the Sherman Vc in the Italian tree are both going to rank IV and the M24 Chaffee is rank III. The identical tanks in the American and British tech trees are all rank III and IV respectably and share identical battle ratings . There are more just like this in other trees. This gives a blatant advantage when it come to specific game mechanics.


Complete disregard for making a lineup however… what happened to:

we could carefully look into the position and ranks of all vehicles, and streamline them where possible.

when making


Now you need to grind out the entire left side as well, adding the ZTZ63 + M48 + M41D + M60A3 + CM11 to the grind that could previously be ignored whilst not foldering a significant amount of vehicles and still having 2x ZTZ96s and 2x ZTZ99s.

Whilst you might save a bit of RP by foldering a ZTZ88 and 1 of the 3 99s, it no longer leads to a viable lineup with each of the 11.7 vehicles being in a different tree.


A few things I don’t like:
-M4A2 moving down to Rank II
-M18 moving to the Light Tank line. There was never any valid reason to change it from a TD to a LT anyway.
-M19 and M42 haven’t been foldered for USA or Japan
-Ystervark/Crusader folder - Yster/Bosvark folder seems to make more sense
-G6/Eland should be swapped around in their folder.
-Warrior/ZT3 with the Striker after? Warrior/Striker with ZT3 after would make more sense.
-Sherman Vc should’ve been foldered with the Tipo IC

Overall, whilst they’re hardly flawless, I think the folder changes are brilliant; I expected something very lackluster but I’ve been happily proven wrong; A lot of vehicles have been moved to their proper lines, incredibly niche vehicles like the S-Tanks are no longer necessary, Israel’s Magach Mountain has been cut down to manageable size and much more. There is an elephant in the room though - Where are the Naval folders?


Agreed. It seems like they didn’t consider lineups at all in some cases.


So are we expecting the changes with this upcoming update or sooner?


Cuz I’ve got a tech tree to grind!!

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Yes, all they needed to do was give the M18 scouting like other light tank destroyers rather than entirely changing it’s classification.


Very good, all very nice, but when to correct the damage model of all types of projectiles? Because it seems to me that that would be extremely more interesting than having the T-44 100 moved from rank IV to rank V.

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Three new floatplanes in the graphics is interesting: Fairey III, O2U, GL.832… want to tell us a little more about those?


It is very good to see Gaijin made efforts on reducing the redundant RP.
However there are lack of LOGIC CONNECTIONs in some group.
Especially in ground forces,
USA: M4/T26&T25 maybe because they are all experimental vehicles?

Germany: Stur Emil shall be grouped with Dicker Max, Marder 1A1 grouped with BMP1 instead of Marder1A3? DF105 shall be grouped with SK105 etc. almost all tier 5-7 vehicle groups in this line is confusing in logics. M48 should be grouped with the M48G

USSR: Same problems in the light tank line. Group amphibious tank and IFVs same to be confusing. Only BMP3 and obj.685 use the same chassis and they r not in the same group. Besides, the SU85, SU152, ISU122 group is also confusing.

UK: Conway should be grouped with FV4005 and the olifant & Rooikat group same to be confusing.

CN: PTL02 finally in tier VI! CM25 should be grouped with M113, move WZ1001 back to ZTZ99A

Italy: No big problems, but maybe move AUBL to tier V and group with T13 is better, there are only 4 tier V vehicles.

France: Maybe move AMX13 HOT to the tank destroyer line is better and group SK105 and AMX 10RC is confusing, considering the upcoming AMX 13 105 in one day.

Sweden: Grouping Strv 81 and 101➡Strv103A➡Strv103C➡Strv104/105 may be better in logic

Israel: So far so good.

Besides, it seems that the same vehicles have different tiers in different nations like the AML90 is tier V in FR but T4 in UK and ISR. The M36B is T4 in JP and ITA but T3 in US


They answered that.

Moving the F-84F’s to Rank VI is a bad idea. They’ll be useless without their air spawn. Please keep them at Rank V, or if you do rank VI, keep the air spawn.


And what is the deal with increasing ranks of vehicles, how does that affect the RP and SL requirements?
Rank VI is generally 220k to 270k RP, rank VII is 340k to 400k RP.

They’re hidden vehicles that have been there since floatplanes were added to ships. Basically only devs have access to them so they can show them off and test them.

I know what they are, there’s lots of hidden vehicles. These three just showed up on today’s graphic, while all the others didn’t (and two of them aren’t currently shipboard planes). Just wondering why.

The French one is currently on the wiki shipboard aircraft list, the other two are not: Shipboard reconnaissance aircraft - War Thunder Wiki. All the rest on that list (that weren’t legacy floatplanes) are not on today’s graphics, just the French one and the new US and British ones.

This is actually a very decent change. And thanks for actually remembering Britain exists. Considering this exactly what im grinding out currently. this is literally a 50% RP reduction for me. This turns the next few tanks from being a 6 month grind into something more reasonable. So… I think its time to research something else, prehaps finish of the SPAA line and wait to get more challys until this RP drop comes in then.

This needs some tweaks, folders at the very bottom (top tier stuff) drops off the bottom of the screen.

Would be good to get that list, I know exactly what vehicles need to go up but that I know probably won’t


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