Following the Roadmap: grouping vehicles, rank changes, and improvements to premium vehicles

No way you wrote that bro, no way the MBT-2000 goes behind the WZ.
Like I said, if he wants the MBT2K he’d still have to grind the entire leftmost line even if he already has the WZ

You have never flown the saab, have you?

It for sure doesn’t perform better in any way than f84…

if it is added as shown in the roadmap then he will not need to grind it, I am basing this on the published techtree that is planned so I reply with that in mind, until a different one is show that is how I will treat my answer to the question

Also I would like to see the F-16ADF be the first F-16 in the folder simply because if something does get added after people can go for that if they do not wish for the block 10

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In the Italian tech tree, the Ariete PSO should be foldered under the Ariete P (PSO is like a prototype) and the Ariete AMV should be foldered under the C1 Ariete.
The Sidam 25 mistral should be moved down to rank VI and be foldered with the Sidam 25. I believe these would be great changes and most Italians should agree.
While your at it rework the Br’s so top tier air is = to top tier ground and decompress top tier like you recently did with WWII and Cold war more balanced top tier
Also, with the M1128 Wolfpack and 2S38 going up to rank VII will the price go up? if so could it be kept under 10,000 GE for convenience.
With some squadron vehicles moving up in rank Aswell such as the Swedish T-80 U will it cost mor Siver lions to purchase and/or squadron points?

Lol, same to you 😨. SAAB-105OE is my best grinder:

  1. airspawn
  2. AAM missiles
  3. plenty of food in form of F-84F, B-57, IL-28 and so on…
  4. decent energy retention

Almost all the time I have little to no difficulties against fighters, can’t say the same about F-84.

I don’t care if buccaneer is your best grinder, as it doesn’t mean the plane is actually good.

Last i checked F84F also has.

Extremely easy to dodge so they are very situational, but that is indeed a plus on the saab.

And F84F has plenty of food in form of Saab105, canberra, il28 and so on…

But it’s slow as shit and doesn’t turn anywhere. Energy retention without said energy really doesn’t matter.
Anyone with a brain can just boom&zoom OR turn fight your ass.

Also the guns are infinitely harder to aim, they have low ammo and no tracers.

Both F84F and Saab105 suck, but atleast F84 has better loadouts for bombing.

My question to Gaijin is: Will there be any form of compensation for those who already have researched top vehicles or any other for full price? It sounds nice that some will cost 70k less RP or 1 mln less RP, but what if some of us already got them researched? They are kinda wasted they time and effort for it…


Does the store compensate you when they lower the price 2 months after you made your purchase?


I definitely appreciate the consideration that has gone into making the tech tree update. I think a lot of the changes are positive for players starting research on the trees from the beginning.

However, the changes can have substantial negative impact to players in the middle of researching a tree. For example, their research goal vehicle moves to a different tree that they have little research in or main line and foldered vehicles swap places. Research goals are part of the meta-game of War Thunder and at high tiers can take hundreds or even thousand hours of gameplay to achieve. For me, I have many more vehicles researched than purchased and some of these changes would require me to essentially repeat my recent progress (e.g, US air 2nd column ranks 2-4, recently unlocked rank 3 that now requires rank 2 completion). If the changes go through as proposed without any accomodations for players, I see about a month of play time for myself repeating research to get back to where I am now. Longer term, it seems that my overall RP costs are probably reduced and the changes are more clearly beneficial.

I think there should be some discussion around how to make these changes to the tech trees without entirely resetting player’s progress towards their personal goals.

A few ideas that come to my mind:

  1. Include a SL sale on vehicles that spans the implementation period. Starting a little before the implementation and ending a little after the change.
  2. Any vehicle in a folder would provide the 50% reduction to all other foldered vehicles. In the case that a mainline and foldered vehicle switch, the player still gets the benefit.
  3. Any vehicle in a folder counts to further progress in the TT.

I hope to hear other thoughts and ideas on this!


The Saab105 gets CCIP for it’s bombs and rockets though. And once you learn how to aim the guns well, they take anything down with a few hits.

Saab105OE doesn’t get CCIP or bombs for that matter and 105G can only equip 2 1000lb bombs if you want guns and AAMs.

Sure you can learn the guns and they hit hard if you actually hit, but don’t even try to say they are anywhere near 6x50cals.

the mig 17 is quite diffrent from the mig 15, It handles more differently and does not compress as much. you are aware this will help players who are in 9.0 hell, It would make them go to the supersonics and make researching much easier. that’s the point of this change to help players who are stuck in br’s to help them progress to the next one

Honestly, and it may seem a bit ungrateful, but what about those that have spent those millions of RP already? Having US, Germany, USSR, and France to top rank already just feels like a huge waste of time now. It would be nice for those players that have already put in all of this RP to get some sort of compensation for MONTHS and YEARS of grinding (or hundreds, or thousands of dollars) for millions of XP to be deemed “unfair” to realize you got to grind through everything at the peak of difficulty. This is a great change for new and mid level players don’t get me wrong, just seems like you missing thousands of loyal players effected by this system.

And to quote Schindibee
“Imagine going into a shop asking to get money back because an item is now cheaper that it was before… ;-)”

This is more akin to a class action suite against Gaijin for abusing its players for years. Its a crass and poor excuse to not offer some sort of remorse for those who enjoyed the game enough to play despite the disadvantages and poor excuse for progression or have Gaijin already forgot how we got to this point?

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Here’s my general thoughts.

In the American aviation tree I think the F-80A-5 and F-80C-10 can be foldered together. Not really sure why they are still separate.

In the Russian ground tree I think the BMP-2 and BMP-3 should be foldered together and the Obj 685 and 2S25 should be together.

I also think in the Russian helicopter tech tree the Mi-24V and P variants which are both 9.7 BR and near identical weaponry should be foldered together.

Honestly certain combinations make no sense like the Rooikats and Olifants.

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the object is literally on a bmp 3 chassis, look at my proposed changes, and they are foldered much more logically.


I think the USN fighter line changes need to be looked at, it’s complete chaos and follows no logical progression now.
I would suggest ranks 2-4 be reworked to something like

F4F-3 (F4F-4)
F4U-1A (F4U-1A USMC F4U-1D)

F6F-5 (F6F-5N)
F4U-1C (F4U-4)



That is similar to what we proposed here, but you can make it neater by folding both bearcats. and the second buffalo in with the first one

We cover that in the proposal, as those two aircraft are completely unrelated.

Yeah I considered those too, but getting the hellcats sorted out was my main concern.

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