Following the Roadmap: grouping vehicles, rank changes, and improvements to premium vehicles

instead of moving the leo 2k, they should move the T-72M1 to a new line and include the earlier ground vehicles of the DDR, (other T-series tanks) while keeping the 2k in place and then they could place other experimental designs in front of it

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I think it’s a opportunity for China Ground Vehicles to have 5 lines, and there were some mature proposals in the forum,(foreign trade line,Taiwan line,MBT line,AA line and TD/LT line)


Looks good, but could be much better. Like with the US tree, the f104s should be foldered along with the phantoms and f14s. In the ground tree, the M3A3 Bradley and the m60 TTS should be foldered with their predecessors and the M1A1 HC and the IPM1 should swap places. Also, don’t think we didn’t notice you put more vehicles into rank 7 so you could justify a rank 8.


IPM1 is in the correct line.
I feel personally insulted at your request, sir.

all the trees are going to look ugly now, sad.

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USA F-84F is still rank V, Italy, Germany, France and Isreal variants have all been pushed rank VI … how logical …


Then he’d still have to grind that whole tree for the MBT-2000 which is a solid addition for the 10.7/11.7 lineups.
CM11 is also a very good tank imo, the armor is a bit lacking but the turret can work at range.
And it has the same reload speed as the 105 Abrams, the fastest reloading M48/M60 in game.

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i think the Su-7s and Su-17s should be put in a folder

put Su-7B and BKL together and Su-17M2 and M4 together

also thank you for taking feedback o7


My favourite Rank 3 aircrafts for Daily/Special Task (2+3 & 5 points) are all downgraded to Rank 2.
I’m talking about br 3.3/3.0 on USA, USSR, UK, Japan, China, Italy, France tech trees. Almost all are downgraded.
Truly don’t like it at all.

Also as a note, keeping in mind Task grinding & Rank changes = most of my crew setup (Elite/Ace pilots) now should be rearranged → spending more money. Nothing of this would happen with “this user-friendly update”.

Just to point out that I spend specifically gold for Talismans on a few of mine Rank 3 “workhorse” aircrafts for fulfilling Tasks.
Now => no use of that particular aircrafts on Tasks → vaste of gold.

Don’t forget (as a clearer picture for this reasoning) - all these Rank 3 aircrafts (with or without Talismans) had better position for grinding XP for Rank 4, 5 … than now being downgraded to Rank 2.


US air players have been a bit less skilled than… others


Hands off from all F-84F, there no a single reason to touch their rank due to their low BR! 😡
While Sweden SAAB-105 perform much better and has 2 (two) air-to-air missiles 😵

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Any chance the Bf 110 C-6 could be moved up from Rank II to III?


not if he gets the WZ1001 which is being moved to end of line, since it is not moved yet

The M1A1 HC isn’t. It’s a variant of the M1A1. The best solution would be to folder the IPM1 with the M1 Abrams and then have the M1A1 with the HC foldered and then the M1A2 with the SEP foldered and just put another m60 after the TTS like the M60-2000 or something.


I agree with almost all your suggestions.

There are two that I dont:

The Japanese and Italian chaffees should not be moved to rank 2, all the other chaffees should be moved to rank 3 instead. They deserve it.

And the Finnish Pz4/T-34 should be rank 3, because so should their original counterparts be.


The italian chaffee has been rank 2 for a while, the only one that has been rank three for the last year or two has been the Japanese one

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Please don’t make the M4A2 rank II. It would ruin the american lineup.


I won’t lie, I find many of the proposed folders very weird. I think it comes down to me being used to folders with vehicles that are close, not meant to compress the tree overall. As several of the proposed foldered vehicles are unrelated both in design and playstyle. Still, there are some changes I would propose.


Folder the M26 and M46.


Move the Marder III back to rank 2, and folder with Marder III H, and instead folder the StuH and StuG’s together.

Folder the Tiger H1 and Tiger E, and folder the Tiger 2 P and Tiger 2 H.

Folder the M48 Super with the M48A2 G A2 instead of the Ppz-70.

Folder both Marder A- and 1A3 together and leave teh BMP-1 alone. And either leave the DF105 with the Marders or leave it alone.


The SU-152 folder can keep the ISU-152. But move out the SU-85 and folder it with the SU-85M, and then folder the ISU-122 with the ISU-122S.

Folder the T-34-85’s in rank 3.

Folder the BMP-2 and BMP-3, and object 685 with the 2S25.


Folder the Archer and Achilles.

Folder the Ystervark with the Bosvark instead of the Crusader AA.

Folder the FV4004 Conway with the FV4005 instead of with the Tortoise.

Folder the Rooikats in one folder and Olifants in another. Don’t mix them.


Folder the ST-A3 with the other ST-A’s instead of with the Type 61.


The AMX-13 HOT can be moved down and foldered with the AMX-13-90.


Folder the M11-39 with the L6/40.

Folder the StuG with the 75/46 M43 instead of the 90/53 M41M.


Folder the Pvkv m/43 1946 and Pvkv m/43 1963 instead and leave the Ikv 103 alone.

Folder the Strv 101 with the Strv 81, and folder the Strv 104 and Strv 105 leaving the Strv 103’s alone instead.


Folder the Merkava 4M with the other Merkava 4’s.


I agree with several opinions voiced here - folders for not related but TOTALLY DIFFERENT vehicles, who have vastly different handling and strengths and weaknesses makes zero sense in my opinion.
That is not intuitive either, when you look for a vehicle.
Who would have guessed that the BR I Italian Ju-87 is hidden under the Ba.65?
Or that the US SBD-3 is hiding behind the TBF-1C…


Wz1001 should be grouped with ztz99a, instead of moving to the first line. This relocation of wz1001 doesn’t make so much sense.
The first line could be all export and import vehicles. Please consider this.
Thank you so much.