Flanders Map is Garbage

I actually find this map to be pretty good all things considered. It comes up a bit often but so do a lot of maps. If I had to change anything specific, it would be to add more cover in the fields that are near the railroad in the middle but not quite there yet. You can move around in spawn pretty good usually but once you leave spawn you start quickly losing options for cover until you hit the center ridge on the map.


Its the same old process and the reason all the maps are now pointless and boring.

A new map comes on, we all get killed plenty because we don’t know the map.

We work the map out by playing (and dying lots)

We get good by working out the system. The sniping places etc

Then somebody moans about the maps and Gaijin sweep in and change it all and all our time and effort to learn the map is wasted and we have a map nobody likes any more.


I just wish we had the same map variety/diversity that we had in say, 2019-2020 tbh. Nowadays it feels like you play the same maps consistently.


I agree with that so much I could cry :) Even the last 3 years saw a balanced set of varied maps and good rotation.

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“Why dont you accept that some people like it and just leave it at that? You like some maps more than others. I hated it to when I sucked at it but I opened my eyes and used my brains and now I have worked it out I get kills on it.”

Firsly i take time to analyse map concepts and after that i compare it with my current vehicles paramenters. Like the other players i like some map and dislike other map. The main problem is came from the map rotator NOT WORKING and 5/10 time dropped to me this map which i disliked and 2-3/10 times a map which liked. That the only reason why i not leave it that easy, too much time dropped for me this map by the map rotator while i disliked it. Currently the only one solution i support to get rid of it if it remove… or FIX map rotator or allow to ban +1 map… I better prefer the last 2 solution but sadly the fix take too much time…

“When you play any map that you think is bad and should go ,ask yourself if the guys who came top 3 think its rubbish and should go.”

That’s intresting statepoint. Not too hard when a lot of player quit after 1 max 2 death and if able to destroy 3-4 enemy tank you easily get into Top 3.
In other hand in 70-75% i able to enter top 3 in this map and after this i still say this map has a bad concept.

“Can I suggest taking time to work maps out and learn them rather than calling for them all to be ruined or removed? Map knowledge is how we all get good or better and you guys f****g it up is not helping.”

Thats just partly true. Vehicle knowleges also important, if you know the map and the best ways thats not enought if you not know your and enemy vehicles parameters. With that expandation we will much more easily can decide if it fit for vehicles or not. When it not fit to map, mostly cause quit without enter battle.

Lastly i want to ask some questions if we argue to accept the this map :
-Red rock fortress why removed?(if you remember that map) I liked that and many people also, so why they removed? Why not retaken that?
-Also i accept to some people like it.Thats True. But, why always 2-5 people exist with 0 death quit this on map and mostly 1 death quit leaver more than in the other one? Cause it by concept or other reason?
-Why the map rotator not working and drop it as 3-4 times in row when it marked as a disliked map? What do you think? If you not belive me i send image:

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Red Rock was a map I disliked when I was bad at it and liked later on when I learned where the kills were to be found.

Again I believe it was taken away from me to play simply because others complained about it.

I don’t have an issue with you and I see you take no offence at what I say which is nice as it was a general complaint not a personal one.

It is the War Thunder principle I dislike that we all learn a map, invest time to get good then the map is pulled because those who can only complain do just that.

A map one does not like would be much less of an issue if WT had 30 or 40 maps in rotation, How long would it be then to see the same map twice in a game session?


Thats true, i agree with you .

“It is the War Thunder principle I dislike that we all learn a map, invest time to get good then the map is pulled because those who can only complain do just that.”

I agree with you again and i suspect why changes happend.

Gaijin develop new maps and put it into the game some better fit for players some not but near 2023 summer, they started to update anciant and older maps, because too much player complain about spawn campers and die after 15 sec in battle.
That was the reason why modified maps, but as i see they not select the best/good choise and cause in most case cause destruction and in some case we got a full new map thanks to conversation, like in Vietnam Hills can or Fields… Hills of Poland…and we can learn it no problem, but the original problem why got a modification not solved.

(My experience: … they decided the modification which caused mostly map destruction in 80% with terrain change and in 20% object/construction change. And in some map happend the rescrictid area changes which reduce playable place, reduce cover places, opportunities and make that maps as a full frontline or camping maps from spawn to spawn.


european province.PNG
how to destroy hürtgen forest.PNG

Terrain change mostly reduce ability of tanks and decide which tanks will rush one point. From this able to determine the battles end in different BRs.

In some map created lot of small hills around spawn but they as a fire fight. If the critical point of battle started, when spawn encircled, it provide only 2-4 save way which able to close by wrecks ,so safe path number reduced + planes bomb and kill easily stucked enemys. That was why one layer spawnprotection not the solution. Instead of this they needed to chooise multi layers spawn protection. So spawn located into small villages, where houses provide cover from different distace, location and angle and each layer provide cover but not all layer cover the whole. This one of the advance to more way and hide behind different cover object , ambush spawn campres or intruders.)

In other hand each updated map provide more spawn camping positions than before which Gajin want to avoided before, From this i expect more changes in future.
One example:


We are able to learn them again but to get more maps we need to create suggestions. That was how i see. What do you think about this?

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The problem is with WT is you need a idea of where the enemy are spawning from in order to simply survive.

Nothing to stop spawn pints rotating around the map like clock hands though Does not have to be east west or north south at all.

There is little actual thought given to the map set up ,its the same set up only the facade changes.

The trouble is the player base have a fixation with balance and wont accept uneven maps which is a shame.
It kills endless possibilities.

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After playing Flanders a for a dozen or so times I must say that is actually not half bad, I learned the quirks of both north and south spawns and quickly learned to enjoy, I’ve probably had the most intense and longest battles in Flanders.

However, the one cap conquest variant (which in all honestly, conquest is by far the worst game mode in the game) should have its cap moved to the middle of the map w, in classic Gaijin map making fashion, the south spawn can easily ride the edge of the map and get a clean shot of players as they come out of their spawn from behind cover of few hills, not to mention that they always get there first.

By moving the cap to the middle, it would effectively open the map to more flanking tactics and fewer people just rushing to one side of the map with almost no thought whatsoever.

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Infantry can also see better, then report on all enemy movement, including enemy armor, better than tank crews can see them in an urban environment. To many obstructions an infantryman can peek around that requires a tank to nearly or fulling expose itself to see around,.

Corners, blind intersections, large debris, craters, are just a few places ambushes are general set up. Ambushes that can be either armor or infantry forces.