FIX the Tornado IDS WT61!

The tornado WTD61 has only gotten stronger since it’s introduction. A lot stronger. They all have. Should have seen what they were like on introduction end of 2023.

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+Refitted FM
+No more Phoenix/Fakour gangs
+has bigger gap between WTD and F-4S
+no more FFAR rocket bombing

-abused by napalm armed MiG-21/23

+1200 chaff.

  • Best RWR in game (was pretty poor on introduction)

Only having 56 CMs sucked

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Yeah, It was utter nonsense XD

Fun fact: MiG-21bison was 12.3 since the first time she was sold in this game.

I think it is better facing bison than facing F-14A USN/IRIAF I think.

Trust me. I pre-ordered IDS WTD61 because I love Tornado.

  • Have you test flown it extensively?
  • Have you thought about what opponent it will face?
  • Have you considered if it fits the gamemode and playstyle you prefer to play?
  • Have you considered its role and the implication of this for its design? (the real Tornado, I mean…)

The Tornado is not new to WT, is advantages and shortcomings well known. There’s abolutely zero surprises there.

What do you expect of a dedicated bomb truck that relies on speed at treetop level to perform its role, which is to penetrate fast and deep into enemy territory to destroy vital infrastutcure and then escape fast and low back again?


I expect it to perform its role, which is to penetrate fast and deep into enemy territory to destroy vital infrastutcure and then escape fast and low back again.

Guess what: its not fast.

Yes. I made a list of aircraft that are better than the tornado in every way that sit at 10.3.

[insert all dedicated ground attack aircraft here]

This isn’t a tornado problem. It’s an ARB problem. yes ARB needs work, but the tornado is fairly well balanced for the BR at the moment. For the gameplay you describe, play SIM or advocate for an EC RB gamemode

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If its getting beat out by other strike aircraft im not as annoyed, but it gets beat by just about everything.

And again, that is not exclusive to the tornado.

Everything is, pretty much the only one that isn’t is the F-111s.

Well, in fact, Tornado is quite fast compared to her counterparts if we compare them when only consider ‘heavy, conventional bombs’ as payload.

I always was faster than those phantoms before FFAR rocketing became meta, when everyone was armed with 5x 1000lb, 12x 500lb, 16x 100kg kind of bombs.

unless they take a one-way ticket to hell with

  • no missiles
  • minimum fuel
  • full afterburner till reaches base
  • bomb, crash, and leave

But they always found ways to diet their payload with
108x FFAR(dead now) or 2x napalm
Lightest payload.

Thanks to the current ARB system.


As long as Tornado has AIM-9L with 1200 chaff, she is way better than most 10.0-10.3

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Chaff does literally nothing. I have notched and spammed chaff to no effect.

Yeah, looking only at ground attackers. Only that is faster I think is the F-111. Tornado is faster than most if not all others

Nah, having extra 1200 chaff gives the advantage of carrying more flares
(56 LCM + 1200 chaff)

While the rest of the planes need to split 60CM for chaff.

Edited: 56 CM → 56 LCM

Thats their own stupidity then. They shouldnt take any chaff

Also most missiles (even Aim-Ls) dont even need more than 1-2 flares.

F-111F is faster. I heard that

But I think F-111A is [faster at only paper level] because it bleeds speed too much, and the thrust ratio was meh, thanks to the heavy consumption of fuel.

Then enjoy your free death from AIM-9C or R-530.

Chaff might not be as important as flares in low BR
But a small batch is always helpful.

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It’s not helpful at any BR. The best way to dodge radar missiles is to fly low, and if you’re flying high, you’re better off pointing your engine at the missile and running away.

At lower BRs, radar missiles (~10.0 to 11.0) are just a nuisance. They aren’t a real threat.

Very untrue.

You are literally saying chaff is useful here. With chaff you don’t have to do any of these, putting you at a advantage over planes with less/no cms.


56 LCM and 1200 large chaff. So it’s even stronger than just that

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