I have been playing this game nearly 6 hour everyday and mostly on 10.0 because stock grind gives reach points, after the last update RU 10.0 became so bad. We will start off with 3 sections.
1.Fix BR match maker
Is really annoying that I get full up tier with my full 10.0 line up to 11.0, I have tested it and recorded it, I played 20 ground RB, 17/20 was a full up tier, 2/20 was a 120 spawn point or 130 ( kind of the same) and 1/20 is a full up tier. Really Gaijin? How am I support to stock grind?
2.SPAA (Anti air)
We used to have the Strela-10 on 10.0 but now got move up to 10.3, I don’t understand how it was broken compare to the German Gepard 1a2 when they have 4 stingers and 35mm guns that kills everything and is sitting in 9.7 while Strela-10 only have 8 missiles and 1 PKM that does nothing at all and is sitting in a much higher BR, how is this far at all, I would not mind if the Strela-10 was on 10.3 but please also put Gepard on 10.3, and move the FalRakPz 1 on 10.7 or 11.0 to make things balance.
3.Match make again
Please Stop putting Soviet vs Soviet, before the update (buffs and nerfs, not the major game update) We don’t get as much same nation vs the same nation, but now we gets it very often, I am not sure if this is my luck, but the team could just have done 1 nation vs all nation like for sometime (if u get what I mean) I am not sure how this works, but is definitely unfair when the other team get Soviet, Sweden, Germany etc… while we are with like Italy and Britain ( not much plays 10.0 but yes to 11.7)
Do you have the 2S38 by chance?
Soviet 10.0 is a double edged sword. It sucks in 11.0 and Type 90’s will run you, but it dominates 9.0 games, especially anyone who’s stock with HEAT.
The Strela change I don’t get honestly (Tan-Sam too). They both have no radar and you’re left squinting vs any capable CAS.
we all have this problem ? Doesn’t matter if ru us germany etc
wow the strela was and still is busted gepard 1a2 comes not even close to it
Also going by that logic 2s6 and the pantsir should be br 9000 because of guns and missles
you wanna know why its like that ?
its because everyone and his mom bought the obj292
probably a t80ud or t72av and or 2s38 and the su25 and got a full lineup
And that the obj292 on 10.0 is op is rather obvious.
but Russian handholding prevails? :)
Russia got the strongest 10.0 line up by far make it 10.3 and you get the bmp2m as well which doesn’t care about armor
This is the same for all nations. I cant remmeber the last time I wasn’t left trying to fight 11.3s in my 10.3 GB line up.
Trade you the Stormer HVM. No Prox fuse so things like Recon drones cant be downed, good luck locking onto anything if there is a cloud and just hope you havent pissed off Gaijin recently, otherwise every missile will phase through the target
This is because the Soviets are OP at that BR and everyone knows it. You have one of the strongest and most robust line-ups at that BR, with a million premiums and event vehicles. You literally have a vehicle for any siutation. That is why you get Soviet vs soviet all the time. Because too many people play soviet to not have that.
They don’t actually do this.
Players do this by saturating one tech tree at that BR.
The Soviet Strf 9040C ain’t gonna help him much.
It does pretty well at shooting down Helicopters, and is workable for shooting down planes. It is a light tank in Warthunder, but is actually an Anti-Aircraft Artillery system.
actual level 1 opinion
A single tank that people thinks is OP doesn’t carry a entire BR, specially for Soviet Union that got one of the highest amount of 10.0 vehicle (counting Air)
To 9.3 to 11.3 USSR is one of the worst on my opinion of vehicle option,
And the worst of them are the premiums and everything people says “OP, move it BR.”, personally for me, it’s bad, before T-80UD when USSR only had T-72AV (Turms-T) as MBT for grinding was one of the worst positions in this newer scenario and it changed with the addition of a new non-pack premium MBT,
To put this in perspective, in my account, 10.0 is the worst stats, maybe be skill issue or something else but still.
And for now I’m just jumping this BR to 11.7 trying to find alternative ways to grind the Tech Tree without playing 10.0 even if I have T-72AV,
10.0 for Soviets is 9.3 for Israel, Italy, France, China, Sweden, and Britain.
Of course USA and China also have as good 10.0 lineups as USSR.
China’s line-up isn’t as good due to numbers. You get 2 capable MBT’s vs like the 4 (almost 5 with the T-64B) of the Soviets.
Both line-ups have meh SPAA but the Soviets have better light vehicle’s if you have the BMP-2M/2S38.
China just needs more tanks, it’s not like they’re lacking either. ZTZ-85-III anyone?
China has their own BMP-2M now, and it’s prettier as well.
Good AA, but it’s unarmed compared to Gepard? apparently having radar and twin 35mm cannons isn’t considered an advantage.
gepard might be able to defend it self Yes but for pure anti cas the gepard comes not even close to strela performance
Also why did he choose the gepard and not the ozelot 9.7 or roland 10.3 ?
I mean i could now say that the zsu23-4-4m? is op because of guns and missles and my poor ozelot doesn’t even have a 20mm
so his point is just … ;)
It’s rather a bmp-3 but .4 BR higher. The bmp-2m is still king of light tanks at 10.0
why i play american 11.0, downtier after downtier of russian premiums in m1a1 and ipm1 :)