Fix Heli Grind!

it’s been half way through the year and the helicopter grind is still terrible. not only is it slow but its extremely painful even with the help of ground forces. the state of heli PVE is in shambles, games are too large and too long for the amount of rewads given. i played for roughly an hour and only 9k RP without any boosters or premium time, not to mention there was 4 people in the match (me included) and is dominated by, go figure, russian helicopters. mi24a absolutely outshines every other helicopter at its BR, having a whooping 6 pylons and able to carry 128 rockets with addition to 4 atgms with a range of 4km making it the only real way to deal with annoying gepard convoys. other helicopters only have 2-4 pylons and mostly without ccip with the exception of the z9w but that heli only has 2 pylons. Ai is bugged sometimes, being able to eat an entire rocket to its side and being difficult to kill or climb completely verticle on mountains. and this isnt even mentioning the modules grinding
my ideas to fix the heli grind:

  1. make it so aviation can also grind helicopters with or without some restrictions
  2. revamp heli PVE entirely. make it more like air RB with smaller maps, smaller match times and bits of AI scattered around and spawn every few minutes. fix AI like convoys as they sometimes go underwater (southeast city) and the only way to kill them is with bombs and guess what heli has bombs? only russian ones
  3. give better rewards for heli PVE
  4. give bonus RP to helis
  5. reduce RP cost for helis and their modules
    these are just some ideas to help ease the helicopter grind. i know as a ground RB player that helis are not fun to deal with but even then, its even more unfair when the only players that can have access to helis are veterans, youtubers and wallet warriors spending $60 for a premium heli

if this could get +1 it would be great as maybe gaijin will notice and actually do something about it. especially with the current displeasure of the chinese side of things. if we can spread the message we can get gaijin to do something as it has worked before

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What you are describing here is paradise , it is also improbable to happen. The current system is just frustrating enough that youll spend money, which is why it wont change.

if we could probably review bomb gaijin again it might get a change. we can only hope and i really dont want to spend $60 just to progress a bit faster which really wont make a difference

A review bomb will change nothing. Also refrain from the subject of as it might land you a few days of forum mute.

there’s already increasing negative reviews after this battle pass and rocket changes + nation bonus outrage. The bomb is already falling…

heres a match i had.

4th place with a ascaore of ~1000. i only got 7k towards my next heli and 5.6k to modules. as you can see i played for an hour but only got barely any RP towards my research. this is why we need a fix

and this isnt to forget i need a total of 279k to fully spade this heli

ikr, it’s just kinda weird heli rank 5 and 6 are 350-400k RP while planes and tank are 150-220k

personally, i would take being able to grind heli’s with aviation. that is the bare minimum i am hoping for but somehow, some way, devs will decide against it stating it would be somehow “too easy” i.e aviation has quite high RP rates compared to ground which makes grinding through air significantly easier than ground. And the current heli system is designed so that you either suffer through ground grind or pay your way there through premium helicopters or using GE on convertible RP and SL.

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