all i see is the F16C had gen 2 and it got nerfed somehow but UK-Sweden-Israel still have their Gen 2 + i’m talking about Litening which most Top Tier jet got them it’s just the F16C mains gotta open their eyes more to get kills.
German and Italian Tornados had Gen 1 Litening IIs for ages as well. I dont actually know if its been fixed. Its a constant and common issue for basicaly every nation.
At this point Im starting to think its intentional
Ok a quick explanation here. Planes have 2 variables that corespond to what TGP gives. Plane sight and pod sight. Plane sight is the more important one, and it overrides all sight a plane can have (FLIR, weaponry sight and TGP sight), while TGP sight works only on TGP. F16 has both Plane and TGP values, gen 1 for plane and Gen 2 for TGP, that causes the TGP to be gen 1 as sight value is taken over the TGP value.
but they have one thing in common. They have a weapon with IR seeker.
That forces the mto have Sight value set at Gen 1 and it overrides the Pod value that is Gen 2 as i explained here.