First person ejection seats

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Planes need to have a first person ejection seat camera view, this will help make simulator even more immersive than it already is right now as when ejecting it throws you into a third person kill camera perspective which immediately takes you out of immersion, especially for those of us that play in VR it can disorientate them and for those that use a monitor it just feels like you’re playing Air RB or arcade.

This would also allow for some really cinematic moments/ trailers for the game to have as you are the perspective of the pilot being sent out while seeing your aircraft crash or explode beneath you. A first person perspective of an ejection seat also isn’t something that is done in many games aside from the top of the line jet simulators like DCS and falcon 4.0/ BMS, it would help bring the Warthunder flight sim standard up a little towards those that are seen as “better”.

Attached I made my own little animation to show what it would look like in an F16.


I like it +1.


+1 looks so cool
Might make me feel dizzy but would be nice