Finnish F-18C

same for the f111f i think

Shouldn’t be worse than the US model. They should be the same. Seems more so gaijin doing the usual and trying their hardest to screw Finland over lol. I’ll dig through some stuff later, currently on vacation in köyliö for the time being so im unable to properly use any resources on my home PC.

Just to save us a headache for the time and instead of wasting time trying to find thrust charts.

@Smin1080p_WT was there a specific reason the Finnish F18 has weaker engines than the US model. None of my info before stated they should be weaker but im not home to be able to check. Seems like it could just be a deliberate choice by gaijin so i figured id ask.

I am 100% fully prepared to be ignored since you’re probably getting spam pinged.

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Thanks for the update

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come and light this fire now xD

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Well, after seeing all those discussions.
As a joke, it seems we only have two nations in War Thunder.

Better Premium netz in the same BR of the Regular one, with 120 extra CM
And Same F-18C hornet in same BR but worse than US counterparts…

According to F-15E/Ra’am problem before, I guess
If the Finnish F-18C had better specs than the American F/A-18C (Late.)

Forum might be burning a lot much hotter than this.

We Brits also awaited an extra 5 months for the Aussie F-111C’s extra AIM-9L on wing pylon(4->6) in Feb 2025
(Update (Battle Ratings) - Updates - Game - War Thunder)
while USAF F-111F had 6 AIM-9L when it was released on Dance of Dragons (Sep 2024)
(War Thunder "Dance of Dragons" - Changelog - Updates - Game - War Thunder)



Considering how **** the CV9030 is and the fact that via the swiss Germany will get that dumpster fire i am for it why not.


still no hmd ???

no and it will not be getting it at all

the Finnish F-18C is the pre-MLU 1 model and as such did not have an HMS IRL

Unless they change their mind and make it the MLU 1 version

Source: Community Bug Reporting System

Thanks and I know it’s a pre-mlu but 14.0 with all the other flaws is ridiculous.
I hope for an exception like with the Rafale even if I feel like it’s going to be a big no from Gaijin.
For an HMD we’ve known much bigger historical mistakes in this game.

Honestly we need Smin to answer because heres the problem. 14.0 MLU 1 will likely be another 400k jet or just not added, MLU 2 could go 2 ways, premium or TT both of which are not worthy past 14.0 so why not bend the rules and at least allow for the current F18 to have the MLU-2’s A2G so its not entirely worthless

yeah i agree it should be 13.7 not 14.0

the mlu1 in tt would be the most logical in view of the asraam and new fox2 that will arrive, the mlu2 after or in a subfolder under the mlu1 because there is not much difference either and the pre-mlu 1 in premium because it is not very technologically advanced and it is not a paper vehicle (event).
I heard requests for the 18D, if only it was not made only for training (from what I understood) it would be a good compromise I think.
But here is my opinion, simple and effective I find.
But if we can talk about it with an admin or similar who can inform us, yes that would not be bad.

yeah or 13.3 would be perfect but he have to much missile

Hate to tell you but Gaijin refuses to folder 90% of the nordic TT vehicles cause it would be too small then. Which just means we waste time grinding 400k rp while everyone else only grinds 185k rp for their foldered equipment.

ah but I suspect that, that’s why I put “or” but even if the mlu2 comes after the mlu1 in tt, I would already be happier than at present with one of the worst (if not the worst) 14.0 in tt.

The worst lets not kid ourselves. When has gaijin shown an ounce of care for Finland?

That’s true, but for an hmd or a2g weaponry, at what point would gaijin refuse us that? They did give the hmd to a rafale c f3.
Afterwards, I’m mixed for now, there’s still a little time for the devs serv to be updated and that MAYBE, they add one of these requests. (yes I dream a little too much, I know)

You’re first problem is thinking we have as much outcry as france