Please ad an Finish F-15 to the game
*to the Swedish tech tree
I dont think ive ever seen an ad for a “finish” F-15.
Assuming you mean a Finnish F-15 its probably related to the fact they dont have any, and never has had any.
Might u be confusing the F15 with an F/a 18? Thats the one finland actualy uses
The closest we have is US F-15’s participating in training exercises in Finnish airspace.
Oh sorry I mean the F-18.
ok you will get it when it come their is the sub tree so you will get it when it comes like the F15
AIM-7/AIM-9 only F-18 from Finland would be neat. Save the AMRAAMs for the ground attack capable one?
Yeah as it could carry 10 AMRAAMS might be for the best
Weren’t Finnish Hornets A2A only?
maybe not the later ones would have to check
so like i thought, they will get them once they add them into the game like everyone else
First one was. 2nd one had ground attack re-introduced.
Ah, fair enough.
Yes, they did get that capability later in the service
Can we please change the name of this post to the “Finnish F-18” or " F/A-18 Hornet For finland"
Yes, I am new, but how can I do it?
Just press the pen by the title and Save
He meant F/A-18 which will come