Final Separate Battle Ratings by Gamemode Changes & What We’re Planning for Attack Aircraft with All-Aspect Missiles in Air Battles

Each missle is a free kill oportunity. I do not disagree that they are unfair, all im saying with this change 9.3 becomes managble

bro no jet without flares should be seeing them period… why is this logic just going over peoples head

I really dont understand why the buc ever lost its airspawn. Basically ruined the aircraft for me, because now you rarely get a base and often just get interecepted long before you reach the battlefield with basically no defence


Respectfully, I have played the Su-25 and AMX quite a lot and yeah the AIM-9L and R-60Ms are “I win” buttons, but ahistorically removing a feature that has been on a plane for the past two years to keep them at a lower BR makes no sense.

The Su-25 will now no longer be able to see the following list of aircraft lacking countermeasures:

  • F11F-1
  • CL-13B Mk.6
  • F4D-1
  • Q-5 Early
  • MiG-17AS
  • F-86F-40 (Japan x2 and China)
  • Etendard IVM
  • G.91Y
  • F-86K (Germany, Italy and France)
  • J34
  • Hunter F.1
  • J29A
  • A32A (has chaff but does not have flares)
  • Sambad
  • Super mystere B2
  • Sa’ar
  • S.O.4050 Vautour IIA (France x2 and Israel)
  • S.O.4050 Vautour IIB
    Furthermore, the 9.3 aircraft you mentioned will now only be seen in a full downtier where the number of 10.3 aircraft per team is limited to 4.

Ultimately, this will massively reduce the number of flareless planes, especially flareless subsonics that these planes can see.

Furthermore, planes like the F-104A/C, MiG-19S/PT and Lightning F.6 are already too low. Even if you were to move these all-aspect-missile carriers further up in BR, these aircraft would inevitably go with it, since all aspect missiles were the very thing keeping them down at 9.3 anyway.

Yes, for the most part, moving them up another BR step above this would be nice, however the actual solution to this issue is BR decompression, i.e., having more BR increments to more accurately place vehicles and to reduce the spread of vehicles which a certain aircraft can face.

I understand that you might still be angry about this, but this change will greatly improve Air RB. I understand that it will not be perfect, but at some point we need to be content with what we have.

I wasn’t too pleased about this either. If you want to be childish, go and discuss things on reddit.


F-104A/C, MiG-19S/PT, Lightning F.6 and Mig21 should go back to 9.7 now, and they can move the sabers and Mig15s back up as well


That would be nice, yes.

the fact you list half the aircraft “it doesnt see” but the not the ones “it still sees” shows why my comment exists… your logic is flawed and bias because it still faces flareless jets which was the ENTIRE crux of people complaining yet somehow “this is a good change” when it hasnt solved that crux of an issue.

So do tell me where I am wrong. the fact you and others are still defending this change is actually commical

Where’s the bias?
Stop bringing this argument in God damn circles.

I listed aircraft it will no longer see to prove to you that this change is going to be doing something good for the state of the game. I know it still sees flareless aicraft - but it will see those aircraft at a lower frequency now.

If you cannot see how a change this simple will benefit air RB, I have no time for you.

Learn to spell

you ignore the jets that still face the su25 if it goes 10.3… yet are defending this change as if it solves the problem when it hasnt solved anything… as it still will face flareless jets so do tell me how that works :D

As much as I want to agree here. They would be DOA. I just did a handful of matches to test out the red top buffs/nerfs and all were uptiers. I barely got a shot oppotunity, not too mention actually get a kill. In most matches I was taken out at long range by an Aim-9L or Aim-9G and I had no defence, you simply cant turn well enough to ever hope to dodge either. If they got their missing all-aspect lock ability. Then maybe, but right now. 9.7 would be a death sentence.

But I am hoping that others can move down, like the Hunter F6 and Harrier Gr1. Flareless planes at 9.7. 9.3 would be great for them. IM sure many others can move down as well

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For gods sake you’re gonna try and pull the “Russian Bias” card?
Dude, the A-10A (E) is still going to be at 10.3.
No, this change absolutely hasn’t solved everything but it’s a massive step in the right direction which is huge when we’re talking about Gaijin. Why do you have to be so nihilistic and negative about a good change? Just because it doesn’t fully solve the issue doesn’t mean it’s not good.

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I actually didnt ignore it, I gave some pretty detailed thoughts about it.

I said while it is regrettable that they still do see all aspect aams, they will see far less of them, and that many of the aircraft you listed are not able to be kept safe from A-10s due to the current compressed state of BRs. If the MiG-19s was to be at a BR that is fair, and not be able to see all aspect missiles, the A-10s would have to be 11.3 minimum, where all the IRCCM attackers are.

Rage consumes him, petulant child he is.

Are there any plans to look over the BRs of lower-tier aircraft, and to look at AB in general?
Sweden currently has some BR issues with the J21s and J22s which need to be addressed.

They forgot the 8.7 aircraft with air to ground missiles for Britain. It seems like every BR change they always forget something

You mean the Buc S1 with AGM-12s?

it cant go up or down.

AGM-12 arent that good and the aircraft itself is very very limited. I get more success with the bombs.

Hunter F6
Lightning F6
Harrier GR1
F4C Phantom
Shenyang F-5
F104A chinese
F104G chinese
Sagittario 2
F100D french
Mirage IIIC
Mirage 5F

So you just ignore this entire list then are we if su25 goes 10.3 lmfao. go home. please defend this and tell me “this change is good” im done with your nonsense

a-4e has to be at most 9.0 so he plays with 8 to 10… and ayit is fine at 9.3