Final Separate Battle Ratings by Gamemode Changes & What We’re Planning for Attack Aircraft with All-Aspect Missiles in Air Battles

In an alternate universe 😔

I’m working on a Huey D gunship, and am gonna do a “What if” Sweden upgraded their C Hueys to D, and operated the SS.11/RB-52’s on it instead, got it primed right now, but there’s a lot of work to finish. It’s either gonna get a “Stealth” night operation paint based on the M40 pattern, or the regular M40, thoughts?

Maybe in that universe we got the J35 MOD and the F-16XL 😔

No, you’re just claiming it is one, as noone confirmed that yet.
Idk why weird placements based on statistical artifacts suprise you at this point. It really might just be stupid people head-oning them too much and getting shredded.

MBTs? at 5.0? I heavily doubt it’ll do well around 7.7-8.0 ish where you actually fight MBTs, especially since by 6.7, you should just swap to the Me262 A-1/U-4.

SPS-K faces all aspects pretty much every single game. same with the J35A. A constant reminder not to buy premium vehicles.

Sad J35D noises

You ever try playing the Hunters since the All-Aspects showed up in their BR range?

Yeah, pure toaster bath levels of agony.

  1. It is not claiming - we talk about common sense based on experience.

  2. You might agree that your Air RB experience in general and particularly in this BR range is extremely limited (imho non-existent) - you come with assumptions and nothing else.

  3. There is no “surprise” right now - Gaijin said for ages that separate BRs for Ground RB and Air RB are not possible - and some planes are objectively way too low or way too high in their BRs.

  4. Too high BRs make planes hangar queens - and if you would have flown more than 15k battles around this BR range in Air RB like me, you would have known that the chances to survive a match in a 5.0 Me 410 (it was 5.3 years ago) is on par with a Stirling or a Yer-2 = zero.

  5. So as a hell of other Air RB mains expected lower BRs for certain planes in Air RB it is rather disappointing to see that gaijin increases Ground RB BRs instead of lowering Air RB BRs. And they have not adjusted props - that 's why i created post #243.

I kindly ask you to stop trying to answer questions not addressed to you - especially if you can’t back up your opinions with in-game experience in this particular case. Thx for understanding.

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Medium rare chicken aftermath levels of agony

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I have yet to see someone play the Alpha Jet since it went up to 9.0 in CRB. Can we get it back down to 8.7 where it belongs please?

agree the french Alpha Jet should’ve stay in 8.7 we don’t have good CAS at this br and it fcked up my 8.7 lineup

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This change killed the plane. I have not seen it being played once by anyone since my last comment in this thread and I mostly play GER 8.7 while being uptiered every game. It wasn’t even that strong for 8.7.

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Battle Ratings must be looked at again in the near future because there are a number of aircraft that are in precarious spots. The decompression was good to begin with but for sake of consistency I propose that the following aircraft be considered for another battle rating change and careful examination of their performance.

-AV-8B > Air RB 13.3
-F-16A ADF < Air RB 12.7
-F-4S Phantom II < Air RB 11.7
-F-4J Phantom II < Air RB 11.7
-F-5C < Air RB 10.7
-F-5A < Air RB 10.7
-F-111A < Air RB 10.3
-F-4C Phantom II < Air RB 10.0
-F-8U > Air RB 10.3
-AV-8A > Air RB 10.0
-AV-8C > Air RB 10.0
-F-104C > Air RB 10.0
-F-104A > Air RB 10.0

The early F-104’s were always decent due to it’s speed. It’s finally time to put it in a proper spot where it doesn’t massacre sub-sonics as frequently. The F-4C should be brought back down to it’s 10.0 position because the air-frame is mediocre and it’s AIM-7D missiles are mostly dead weight. The 10.0 bracket is a good bridge of balance where aircraft are technologically significant in some shape or form.

-Tornado IDS ASSTA1 > Air RB 11.3
-F-104G > Air RB 10.7
-MiG-21 SPS-K > Air RB 10.0
-Hunter F.58 > Air RB 10.0
-Lim-5P > Air RB 9.0
-Me 163 B-0 < Air RB 8.3

All Tornadoes given the strike aircraft trait are essentially the same in regards to Air RB game rules. They are bomb trucks meant to kill ground targets but lacks in dog fighting capability. The Me 163 can probably move down now since it always fights Korean war jets whenever someone flies it.

-Yak-141 > Air RB 13.0 | Give R-77, R-73
-Su-39 > Air RB 13.0 > Ground RB 12.0 | Give R-77
-Su-17M2 < Air RB 10.3
-MiG-21S (R-13-300) > Air RB 10.0
-Yak-38M > Air RB 9.7
-Yak-38 > Air RB 9.7
-MiG-21PFM > Air RB 9.7
-MiG-21F-13 > Air RB 9.7
-MiG-19PT > Air RB 9.7
-MiG-15Bis ISH > Air RB 8.3

I always thought the Yak-141 was a pretty good aircraft when it first came out despite it’s lack of speed. Now it’s not as relevant anymore so giving it some new missiles and raising it’s BR should spice it up a little bit. The Su-39 can get R-77 and make it a unique option for those who wish to fly it in air battles. It won’t be as good as the AV-8B but they weren’t really designed for the air-to-air combat regardless. The early MiG-21’s and MiG-19’s are antiquated, but powerful machines that in the right hands can perform very well with them and 9.7 feels like a slightly more balanced position for them. The MiG-15bis ISH is a MiG-15bis still and should be the same BR as it’s tech tree counterpart.

Great Britain
-Harrier GR.7 > Air RB 12.7
-Tornado GR.1 < Air RB 11.3
-F-4J(UK) Phantom II < Air RB 11.7
-Sea Harrier FRS.1 (e) > Air RB 11.0
-Harrier GR.3 > Air RB 10.0

The naval Phantoms are definitely good aircraft but they aren’t on par with the FG.1 or FGR.2 Phantoms that have more engine thrust, which you would be surprised how much it helps. The early Harrier models aside from the GR.1 have good missiles and flares to make up for it’s poor flight performance.

-F-16AJ > Air RB 12.7
-T-2 > Air RB 9.7

The F-16A models with sparrows are only marginally better than the models that can carry ground ordnance or limited without them but they are not on par with the F-15A.

-J-7E > Air RB 11.3
-F-5A < Air RB 10.7
-Q-5 early > Air RB 9.3
-J-7II > Air RB 9.7
-J-6A > Air RB 9.7
-F-104A > Air RB 10.0

The J-7E is a really good plane and competes with the F-5E in flight performance which may or may not also need a BR raise. The Q-5 series are basically MiG-19 platforms so they should not be 9.0.

-F-16A ADF < Air RB 12.7
-Tornado IDS (1995) > Air RB 11.3
-F-104S.ASA < Air RB 11.7
-F-104S < Air RB 11.0
-F-104S TAF < Air RB 11.0
-F-104G < Air RB 10.7
-AMX A-1A < Air RB 11.0
-Sagitarrio < Air RB 9.0
-MiG-17PF > Air RB 9.0

I don’t play the F-104S too often but I would think they need some breathing room with all the modern stuff that it is facing. The MiG-17PF/Lim-5P are Shenyang F-5’s without the missiles and are proper at 9.0.

-F-104G > Air RB 10.7
-Mirage 5BA < Air RB 10.3

The F-104G’s are decent starfighters with flares and such but there are more competitive airframes at 10.7.

-JAS39A > Air RB 13.7 | Give RB 99
-JA37D > Air RB 13.0 | Give RB 99
-AJS37 > Air RB 11.3 | Allow to equip six RB 74’s
-Saab J35XS < Air RB 11.0

The Gripen should not be 13.0 fighting early cold war planes, it’s just better to group it with the JAS 39C, give it AMRAAM’s and move it to 13.7. It is definitely good enough for that change. The JA37D should also receive better missiles and move to 13.0 making it comparable to the J-8F.

-Netz > Air RB 12.7
-Kurnass 2000 > Air RB 12.0

The worst thing the Kurnass 2000 should fight is an F-15. It’s a phantom airframe that’s going to fight F-16’s too if it gets up tiered.

Hopefully my changes seem reasonable to others.


*Or fix its FM and give it AIM-26s

You forgot to lower BR on Saggitario 2 and Ariete (Aircraft) .
Sub sonic fighters that don’t have missiles and go up against faster and better armed aircraft.

Saggitario 2 = BR 8.7
Ariete (Aircraft) = BR 9.0

AJS cant equip 6 RB 74 and it also has a worse engine when spaded then the stock JA 37. Additionally gaijin wont add RB99 to the gripen A because that would nullify the point of the C. Trust me i talked to Smin more than enough about it. The problem started when theybtried adding an early A model at the same time as the C. Had they added the A when the f16C was added then added the C to both sweden and SA then you wouodnt have that problem.

Any update on this? Forward spawn for the A10/Su25 was promised after the update but so far its been radio silent.

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And even with all the feedback about the SAAB J35XS, you are not going to do anything? Please, do something! The plane is unusable at 11.3!!


I have never understood the Air OR ground ballance of most cas, esp those with guided munitions, none of them should be below br 10.3 in ground rb, @cough cough A4E, while none of the early guided munition cas(tornado/A10/SU25K/T/AMX/Jaguar´s) should also be higher than 11.3/11.0 in air rb. Their ONLY advantage is their all aspect missiles and that cant carry most of those planes to be competetive in air rb alone, UNLESS they faced a buncha flareless planes. Most of the platforms are too slow or bad turners for them to be effektive figthing real fighter-jets even with all aspects onboard imo. There needs to be a bigger gap betwean flareless sub 10.0 planes and all aspect carriers in air RB, while still a larger room from the early all aspect carriers that has terrible fligth pref@mentioned vs actual good figther jets with all aspects in the 11.0+ range.

Stona_WT, Where is our ‘new attacker spawn point’ you promised?


@Stona_WT @Smin1080p_WT

So the aircraft have been moved up in BR but haven’t been giving their forward spawn despite the announcement in this post says both changes will be implemented together and after the next major update.

Why were they moved up when they haven’t been given their closer spawn? Can we get their BR lowered back down if they aren’t going to get their forward spawning point?

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