Final Separate Battle Ratings by Gamemode Changes & What We’re Planning for Attack Aircraft with All-Aspect Missiles in Air Battles

Do you plan to add the su25t / su39 to this list? I think their BRs are too high compared to their efficiency in air realistic battles

So just because the Tornado has a lower br It did not magically become more useful. Its expensive as heck to spawn, has only one option against ground if we don’t count the autocannon that further costs SP to run it with armor target belts…
Iam looking at 918 Sp just to spawn it with aam+dumb bombs+armored target belts…
4x bombs 718SP or with +belts 896SP

Upside is that while its slightly more expensive to spawn than a fully loaded Su-25, at least its not instant Pantsir food.
Kinda useless change when the aircraft is more useful/oriented towards/ for air rb.

Su-22M3 is at the same br in ground, is way cheaper and more effective fully loaded…

  • F-104S (+TAF and ASA) for whatever reason doesn’t get br decrease in GRB, despite F-104G does. Planes share very similar A2G capabilities (and A2A) and having 1.0 difference between F-104G and F-104S is a pure bias against Italy. If F-104G gets 10.0, F-104S should get 10.3 at least (due to few more bombs).
  • Tornado issue remains unsolved, because you don’t want to decrease br of regular variants or increase premium/event brs, so planes with identical capabilities in air battles get different brs (by 0.3).

What about AMX? Or it only gets br increase?
Btw yesterday I saw 2! AMX (including myself) in a single battle, isn’t it too much for Italy? Would you like to nerf it more now?

Yeahh babyyy!!! That’s what I’ve been waiting for, thats what it’s all about!


The Ja37C should go down to 10.3 in ground. The mig 21s went down and are simmilar in thier strike loadouts. Ja37D could also go down to 10.3/10.7 the big difference being form the D model is more flares and aim9Ls.

Aj37 should go to 10.0 and Ajs37 to 10.3 in ground. They are high in br because they have good flight performance and good Air to Air loadouts. But when it comes to ground they are very limited compared to other strike aircrafts at the br.

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Air is lava
when planes with all aspect missiles are 4km close to planes without flares.
Dude, you couldn’t put it better than that

Air is lava!

This sounds great! However I would like to note that the A-7’s should also get the closer spawn as they are also subsonic attackers.

I really just dont understand people sometimes…
Finally we get a GREAT step in the right direction from mighty snail and you still find a way to complain about it.

Also thank you very much, Gaijin. Amazing change that will greatly improve air RB in the 9.0-10.0 range!

But they aren’t going up in air RB?

The US has plenty to fill the gap.

Italy…not so much.

Both Alpha Jets went up from 8.7 to 9.0 in Ground RB. The German example has countermeasures, in-addition-to an actual lineup to play it with using 9.0 vehicles. Missile-carrying AA begins at 9.3, right? The German one MIGHT get into a game without missile threat from AA, but has countermeasures just incase. The French example has NO tanks to play with at 9.0, so it gets uptiered to at least 9.3 every game if played with closest BR vehicles. That means it faces a missile threat from both AA and planes for sure every single game, and has no countermeasures. Why would anybody use the Alpha Jet over Etendard at 9.0 when the Entendard is also a Strike at 9.0, but performs better? Countermeasures would help equalize the choice between the two if kept at same BR.

PLEASE bring the French example back down to 8.7 so it can at least be played with a real lineup. Lack of countermeasures is enough for a .3 BR difference because countermeasures allow the German example to fight MUCH higher BR enemies (ground as well as air). If not, can you PLEASE add countermeasures for Alpha Jet E at 9.0 like the German one has?!?!

Did the Ayit really need to be placed at 9.7 in ground RB? Israel literally has no ground vehicles at that BR… In order to use it we either have to drag 9.3 tanks into 9.7 where they can be forced to fight 10.7 tanks, or drag the Ayit up to 11.0 which no one would ever do because we have much better aircraft at that BR. You might as well have just deleted the aircraft, it has no purpose now.


Merkava 2D, and Tzefa D/E. And given how unreliable Mavericks are, replacing them with GBU isn’t that outlandish of an idea, which brings you back to A-4E.

The easier solution : create a br cross limit, if all aspect missile start at br 10.3 then that vehicle can’t go below 10.3
Same goes for ground, early sam zsu … m4 at 9.3 can’t fight aircraft 8.3-9.0

That will fix a lot of stuff, easier and better to understand ( because now the aircraft br will change only if i change mode grb or air, unless you add that to the bottom right as arcade/realistic/sim)

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ty, a10 more unplayble as time go on

Any way to know the grb br before purchasing (choose crew) ? Because now the br in tech tree is different to the one in the crew slot

Merkava 2D, and Tzefa D/E

A premium tank no longer available for purchase (as far as I can tell) and a single helicopter do not count as a lineup to play with, thanks. The Ayit used to have a lineup of 4 MBTs, an SPAA, and the Tzefa B to play with, all regular tech tree vehicles. Now it has 1 unavailable to purchase premium tank and 1 helicopter. That is BS and you know it.

What should have happened, IMO, is they should have left the A-4E and the Ayit where they were, and taken the guided bombs away from the A-4E and the guided A2G missiles away from the Ayit. The A-4E would be distinct from the A-4H by having a bombing computer, and the Ayit would be distinct from the A-4E by having guided bombs, and they would both still be at appropriate BRs for the kind of air to air missiles they carry, and they would both still have a lineup of ground vehicles to use with them.

The A-4E being at 8.7 with a bombing computer would be fine, many aircraft at and below that BR still have them even post-patch, including a 8.3 premium in the Israeli tech tree.

There was no reason to move their BRs around to BRs where one of them doesn’t even have a lineup to play with when they could have and should have just adjusted their air to ground weapon options.

I mean its only fair for these aircraft to go up in BR.

Like the A-7K went down to 10.7. It only carries 2 9Ls is not that fast and really cant regain its speed if lost.

The A10 is slow yeah but first of its massively maneuverable that it can turn on a time and head on aircraft coming at it and spray them down with its gun, lots of flares and on top of that any plane without flares is dead.

Attackers cannot be guarded because they simply “arent as good after using their weapons” and if thats the way they wanted to balance it pretty much every aircraft would change BRs.

9.3s have to walk on eggshells so at least moving these to 10.7 they have a chance to defeat rear aspect missiles. You may as well give the A-10 early its 4 missiles and make it 10.7.

I appreciate Gaijin listening and responding to the community so quickly, I think this will improve things for everyone, both lower BR fighters and the attacker players. so long as they spawn far enough back that they don’t end the game before the fighters get there.

Ayit and A-4E were legit the only viable ground attack aircraft Israel had, and the only vehicles in the Israeli tech trees, except the AML-90, that aren’t overtiered or subpar.

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