Final Separate Battle Ratings by Gamemode Changes & What We’re Planning for Attack Aircraft with All-Aspect Missiles in Air Battles

Why does it sound like you were afraid to propose such a balanced solution? Do you really think community would dislike it more than the current state? I feel like these kinds of solutions to other big problems are being kept away for some reason.

Please god don’t do this to the Su-25

So close, you are so close to realizing. The reason why the matchup is uncommon is because flying a flareless aircraft against an all aspect missile is a death sentence. If you create an all weights fighting tournament, you shouldn’t be surprised that all the featherweights have no desire to directly compete against heavyweight opponents (and thus opt to not show up in the first place).

I would love to fly my Hunter F.6, or T-2, or even give stuff I’ve been putting off like the MiG-21F-13 and F-100 a try. But I don’t and I won’t fly them because on top of the extra difficulty of an uptier, they also are forced to play “4km of airspace is lava” with every A-10, Su-25, and TRAM which can out skill them with a whopping 2 button presses.


I have mixed feelings about it. It may work in maintaining status quo with a higher BR. But it could also be worse for everyone.

Though should be given to more than just the handful of US and USSR aircraft. Many would benefit from this buff

Exactly what we were looking for, finally the advance spawn is back. Gaijin you know what is the right thing to do, it does not matter what some of the people say, War Thunder is about realism and authentic combat, it is a small step to get these done, it’s a small step in the approach to bring back skills and air combat knowledge back to 9.0 to 11.0.
Anyway the key point is attack aircraft should be better at attacking the ground, they should be doing their job and get good rewards from ground target, and more importantly, they should be better at doing this than fighters, their weapons should only for self defense purposes, so that they actually make sense in their niche.
Anyway, brilliant, thank you gaijin, I understand a lot of people will question such choice because they just wanna sling out missile without learning how to fight, but you know what’s right for long term.
(I replied this on steam too)

You have now explained why this is tone deaf. I absolutely understand the intention, but it will damage every single BR, not just affect top tier aircraft. Specifically, long range bombers and their primary method of income will be slashed, causing lower BR grind for these aircraft to be increased. Also, on average, top teir matches rarely go beyond 10 minutes, in which bases are usually bombed at around 5 minutes. The bases will not respawn in time before the match ends, effectively negating moving these aircraft down in the first place. This suggestion should have never been made, period. No discussion. It would be different about making a poll about redistribution of rewards to make it beneficial by role. I’d be responsive to that, but never to “Do you want reduced base reward for a ~possibility~ of reducing attacker/bomber BR?”. It yet again circles to BR compression, a continuous problem from BR 8.3 and up.

'Kay, major issue with your stance here. I am not advocating for a PvE mode. And you are correct, this mode is called “Air Battles”. I happen to notice it is not called “Combat Air Patrol” or “Interdiction Battles” as well. Trying to say it’s not called something specific is using a strawman argument. Air Battles has always included some sort of objective that planes need to achieve, and when it includes ground targets and strategic targets (bases and airfields), there are planes that are specialized to perform those roles.

Ground battles are not suitable for grinding attackers and bombers. You suggesting this is indicating to me you lack understanding of the problem of these aircraft because you only care about fighters. You also completely glossed over the base bombing problem by throwing in another strawman. I do not WANT 16 bases, I WANT the aircraft designed to do these roles as the primary aircraft to execute it and not have it picked up by F-104s and F-4s instead. Strike aircraft and Bombers are not well suited for A2A combat, they shouldn’t be always forced to do it as a way to earn income.

If you take away the rewards for aircraft to fulfill their role then what point is there to have attackers and bombers? Not everyone is using vehicles just for fun, there needs to be meaningful progress made no matter which vehicle you are using. I dare say this “Fighter only” meantality is more poisonous to War Thunder as a whole.

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Good news.

So now and A-10A Late will be able to unleash hells of AGM, before switching to Air-Air mode → seems fun.

Thanks! 👍

Finally mig21 SMT, MF & Bis in same ground BR.
Maybe one day gaijin will put all the Yak3s,Yak9s &La7 in the same ground BR. Gaijin does not seem to be able to comprehend the huge difference in performance in the same ground BR between different sub-models of the same model of fighters.
Oh, they put A-7E & A-7D in different air BR, despite their effectiveness in air combat is extremely similar.

And J-7E at 10.3 is… quite something.

I understand it doesn’t have much in the way of CAS, but at that BR it will absolutely club anything that flies

With any luck it can now get some major buffs

  • it’s missing AGMs and AAMs on the outer pylons. So we should have 6x Aim-9 or 6x AGM-65 loadouts

  • TIALD should be Gen 2 not gen 1, but it should get Gen 3 sniper tpods

  • MAWS is completely wrong and the placeholder MAWS needs replacing.

  • BOLs need major buffs back to IRL levels (both flare and chaff)

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From previous topic:

We’d like to reiterate that the separation of Battle Ratings for lower ranked vehicles will be carried out as part of future planned Battle Rating changes.

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Ain’t A-7E have AIM-9L

AIM-9G in 9.3? A-4 aircrafts remains capable of dealing some fighters.

Maybe AIM-9D at 9.3 will already be good enough, don’t you think?

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I’ve read through most of comments in this thread, I can’t help but have to say that the basic amount of realism is the absolute red line for a lot of players, me included. Deleting payload on jets it straight up non-viable, when people are playing WT they expect a minimum amount of “Role play”, if you will.
WT is suppose to be a military sim game with some degree of realism plus gameplay, vehicles in game should and have the right to perform how they historically would - at least gaijin should attempt to make them so. These late cold war attackers in real life have all-aspect AAM, then that is how they should be.
If they are ever so problematic as what you said, then just raise the BR more and give them more perk in air to ground attack. As I mentioned before, for example you could add targets with armour that is specifically prepared for guided munitions (so that let’s say su25 and A10 can dump there ATGM and LGB on), maybe you would raise the reward from tanks by 100%, so that it is a better target than the truck if you have ATGM on your aircraft. Thus you would effectively lift their BR up while keeping their effectiveness in battle.
Anyway, the problem really is there’s no niche for subsonic attackers, most of the reward from A2G in air AB is the base, which you could destroy them better and faster with fighters like F4S or Mig23, to put a few. I suppose we should decrease the reward from base by some degree (definitely not too much tho), and increase the rewards from ground targets, especially those with armour that’s only viable to be taken out by high calibre gun or ATGM, thus attackers could own their own niche. Moreover, you could add more potent SAM or SPAA with even better reward, to make the game challenging and fun for attackers. All those goes for tickets as well, destroying a tank should not cost the same tickets as destroys a truck.


Are all attackers being moved closer?

Otherwise, how did the A-10 and SU-25 come out with a buff for some reason…

The purpose is never to buff/nerf them, is to get them away from low BR so that a lot of jets without flares will be playable

There are no American land vehicles in 10.7. And yet you raise the br of the A-10 to 10.7 so that if you play it with 10.3 tanks they will face 11.7 tanks

In summary, for people who play lower br do not face A-10s in unfair conditions, people who use A-10s will face much superior tanks in unfair conditions.

Doesn’t it sound illogical?

Wouldn’t it be better to make those planes unable to play games with less than their br and that would solve everything?

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(Laugh in French)

don’t worry, next BR update will make them to go up in BR if required, or go down if required :D