Fighters bombing instead of doing their job

Im not against nerfing bombing rewards for non strike-aircraft/bombers, but then also introduce the rule of max 4 bombers + strike-aircraft per team, since they dont contribute anything to the current game-mode of air-rb which is overdue for a rework for many many years now, but never change a running system, right?

I also believe its time for bomber-bros to get their own heli-pve like mode where they can click on AI the entire day if they please so.
I dont think thats asking too much for how many millions upon millions they make each month and considering the content of the latest patches compared to years back.

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People don’t use bombers because of this.
doesn’t matter if it’s a plane with guns or a Fox1, Fox-2 or Fox-3.

You should be. Negative reinforcement is not a good way to get people to change. We also don’t need LESS rewards… you think maybe there’s a reason all these ppl bomb?


I don’t get why ppl so mad about F-4 bombing when F-4 is a fighter-BOMBER

It’s made to drop tons of bombs and also shoot stuff down so why complain about an aircraft being used as intended


Being honest F-4 bombers I forgive. MiG-23/MiG-21 bombers however, curse them. They have very capable A2A weaponry that they sacrifice to carry bombs. F-4’s dont sacrifice A2A weaponry to bomb. I’d say if you’re flying an exclusively A2A fighter and sacrifice A2A weaponry to bomb, you’re in the wrong.


Sure, they want all they can get as fast as possible, even faster, without a learning curve at all.
If it’s a hightier jet, they ignore everything on their way until they have it. Then they come in the forum and crying about balancing, more weapons and other buffs.


Close, its because the grind in this game is so insane that the water flowing must find the path of least resistance… some of it is what you say but ultimately the reasoning is larger than that.


This will change nothing at toptier. There are no bombers.

The only way to change behaviour is to reward actions to the effect they have to the battle.


this literally already exists word for word

No - you have a limit of aircraft designated as bomber (at prop BRs, 4), but there is no limit regarding strike aircraft. That’s why you see teams with up to 10 Wyverns and 4 bombers - leaving 2 slots for fighters…

His wording made me think he meant 4 bombers + strike fighters.

At the BRs where this is actually even approaching an issue, the planes taking the bases from the dedicated bomber type aircraft are usually fighters, not strike aircraft.

This would be massively reduced if you could only buy premiums 1 tier higher than your current highest unlocked tier in that particular tech tree, and to unlock a new tier you had to spade a certain number of tech tree vehicles in addition to unlocking them. Enough of this constant premium spam at every BR range in all game modes, why does Gaijin even bother putting in hundreds of vehicles into the game every single year if the overwhelming majority of people just spam a small handful of premiums and unlock everything without learning a damn thing about actual gameplay.

no it doesnt, currently it only exists for bombers, introducing it to strike aircraft would make air rb way more pvp focused which it should be, just make a pve mode for people who wanna press spacebar on red circle

The premium Phantoms reside at BR 11.0 upwards. Now what dedicated bomber is there at 10.0 upwards that could encounter those premium Phantoms? And isn’t your dedicated bomber a wasted team slot as well?

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This problem would only be solvable if fighters with almost identical performance and relatively equally capable pilots faced each other.

But one, single battle in the game offers a lot:

  • high range of br in battle, for jets and above there are huge differences
  • aircraft in stock, without modifications, or aircraft with researched modifications, or premium aircraft in full modifications

So it logically follows that there are players who will pull the shorter rope in the battle and they simply have to help themselves with the intervention of ground bases, AI technology…

If someone wanted a balanced duel, e.g. MiG-21 vs. Phantom II, although MiG-21, was originally supposed to be an opponent for F-104, so the closest you can get to it is in some special event, where the player list will be equipped with a mix of MiG-21 versions vs. a mix of F-4 or F-104 versions, only guided missiles, on the ground only zone “A” (no AI vehicles and bases) which will be colored blue/red depending on the course of the air combat …
But, given the number of aircraft in the game and their distribution in the technical trees, the number of game modes,this is simply impossible in a normal daily game…

I think this topic needs go to the top, becoz this is the most frustrating problem for me at high tiers.

Gaijin adds more and more fancy strike aircraft and ammunitions but you have massive torture to reasearch this modifications. Try to spade any dedicated strike aircraft above 8.7…
Zero chance to do this, coz any br higher than 8.7 is 5-6 dedicated fighters rush to bases. Braindead Mig21s cringebombing, F4Ss sometimes Mirages, Mig23s
In high BRs you cannot kill many ground targets for grind, and you have not enough speed for the bases. cannot fly to the sides and wait for base respawn, becouse the match is ending after 4-5 minutes.
How can i spade the A-7 or Su-22, Su-17, Su-25s, Buccaneers(you litterally cannot earn any RP without basebombing…), Harriers, AMX ?
I dont wanna more rewards for this planes, i wanna nerf the fighters bombing RPs, for not take all the bases.
Or wanna new gamemode for strikers

And no you cant go to grind this planes in ground RB…

All of these premiums, that are funnily enough some of the best vehicles at their respective BR ranges, having access to efficient base bombing is a major issue, although one that won’t ever likely be fixed given the revenue generated by milking americans for new premiums


Amazing move,
blaming AirRB for things going wrong in GRB…

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Bro have never been in a su22 or mig27

A su-25 job shouldn’t be bombing large targets, but attacking convoys or other ground targets.

We need this, not band-aid fixes.
Air Realistic, Enduring Confrontation - Suggestions - Devs / Passed - War Thunder — official forum

Your not being able to bomb anything in a slower jet is by design since being limited to 4 bomb targets for a 16 player team is a bit ridiculous, they could at least respawn after a minute, but gaijin does everything they can to make your grind worse. Killing ground targets that require a bit more finesse than bombing bases give very bad rewards and make you very exposed since they all are in the middle of the map

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