Fighters bombing instead of doing their job

I personally think that gaijin should lower base rewards for fighters. Im flying my Su-22UM3K trying to research my modifications and MiG-23 who sacrifaces his R-24s to carry bombs and eats everything and then there is also the F-4S braindeads who now have the best SARH missile on the BR and still choose to bomb bases instead of fighting resulting in them getting smashed by some IR missile because they dont look behind themselves only at the base and then the battle is lost because what am I in the Su-22 supposed to do when all our fighters are dead.


First of all, thanks for starting a thread pointing out a systemic problem in this game.

Nothing is more infuriating than going to spade my dedicated bomber/attacker only for some premium Phantom schmuck, who doesn´t know any better than pressing spacebar, steal all the bases because he is 50 % faster than my plane. Not only are they stealing rewards from dedicated bombers, but they are also usually just wasted team slots.

I am generally against nerfing rewards, but enough is enough. People should not be able to get to top tier by pressing space bar 300 times. So a massive nerf for bombing with fighters should take place. I am talking something drastic, like 20 % reward only for bombing with a plane designated as fighter if you don´t have single player kill in RB at the end. Should also apply to ASB in a sense that you only get 20 % rewards for bombing, if +75% of your score came from bombing in a fighter.


I would make bomber aircraft base rewards higher and fighter base rewards lover at the same time and yeah the nerf for fighters should indeed be massive.


Finally someone is talking about this. I am so sick of playing actual strikers and bombers and having my bases taken by people bombing in fighters instead of actually doing their job. Playing things like the Tornado, Su-22, F-111, etc. and flying all the way to a base you called only for some rat in a MiG-21, F-4, MiG-23, etc. to steal from under you last second and getting rewarded for very disruptive gameplay. They actively detract from the game as they lose A LOT of their fighting ability by going for bases and often die immediately after getting a base so you’re left with nothing but to get shredded.
Much of the problem would solve itself by giving fighters a lower reward for bombing and strikers and bombers a higher one and then maybe even limiting the amount of strikers and bombers that can be in a match to only four. That way fighters are incentivized to fight since bombing gives them little and strikers aren’t having to fight each other for a base.
To make it worse the player lists when you hit Tab don’t even show the proper loads that people bring so if you don’t see who is bringing base loads at the very start of the match when everyone is on the runway, you have no idea who is and isn’t going for base. These problems have been happening for so long and it would be such a simple change that would make the game so much less of a headache.


Im sick of people in strike fighters and bomber’s wasting spots on my team shooting ai targets instead of actually using them in ground battles like they are supposed too… But in reality the same people cry about planes killing tanks with no counter so they never try so they hate me in ground battles and I hate them in air battles and all is Balanced…

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yes let’s nerf rewards more!!

This is just you being upset with an issue and trying to apply a drastic heavy handed and not very thought out short sighted “fix” that doesn’t actually fix anything.

It’s not helped with the bot accounts that do nothing but bomb and then stay dead for the rest of the match.


Thanks for sharing the fruatration; gaijin has an answer, and its “take a ticket to be seen- (pull number 587) Excuse me, can I please have number 5

Talking to yourself?


Su-25->Ground Attack.
A-10->Ground Attack.

By every standard, the majority of fighter aircraft have been General-Purpose. They aren’t set nor expected to do only 1 job. Their primary job is to fight fighters, their secondary job is everything else.


Strike fighters and bombers existed before ground battles were even conceived in warthunder.

The existence of a plane hinges solely on air game modes, ground battles might as well not exist for sake of aircraft.

And I say this as someone who basically only plays fighters (and strike planes that are actually fighters).

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Id say, its Gaijin’s fault that the grind is so unbearable and people gravitate towards the easiest way to do it.
And yes. It is sad to see players in dedicated ground ponders trying to reach their targets. We can only hope for a refurbished air mode.


Im not against nerfing bombing rewards for non strike-aircraft/bombers, but then also introduce the rule of max 4 bombers + strike-aircraft per team, since they dont contribute anything to the current game-mode of air-rb which is overdue for a rework for many many years now, but never change a running system, right?

I also believe its time for bomber-bros to get their own heli-pve like mode where they can click on AI the entire day if they please so.
I dont think thats asking too much for how many millions upon millions they make each month and considering the content of the latest patches compared to years back.

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People don’t use bombers because of this.
doesn’t matter if it’s a plane with guns or a Fox1, Fox-2 or Fox-3.

You should be. Negative reinforcement is not a good way to get people to change. We also don’t need LESS rewards… you think maybe there’s a reason all these ppl bomb?


I don’t get why ppl so mad about F-4 bombing when F-4 is a fighter-BOMBER

It’s made to drop tons of bombs and also shoot stuff down so why complain about an aircraft being used as intended


Being honest F-4 bombers I forgive. MiG-23/MiG-21 bombers however, curse them. They have very capable A2A weaponry that they sacrifice to carry bombs. F-4’s dont sacrifice A2A weaponry to bomb. I’d say if you’re flying an exclusively A2A fighter and sacrifice A2A weaponry to bomb, you’re in the wrong.


Sure, they want all they can get as fast as possible, even faster, without a learning curve at all.
If it’s a hightier jet, they ignore everything on their way until they have it. Then they come in the forum and crying about balancing, more weapons and other buffs.


Close, its because the grind in this game is so insane that the water flowing must find the path of least resistance… some of it is what you say but ultimately the reasoning is larger than that.