[Feedback] Loss of unsinkability mechanics

Points 1 and 3 won’t work
Planes rarely make it to the battlefield at high br due to the sheer density of auto-aimed proxy-fuzed AA fire while PT boats get one-shot by any HE shell above 127mm

I don’t think torpedo/suspended armament reload will help either due to the plane being dead before even dropping it’s armament and due to torps not being very useful at higher br


33 seconds is some kind of madness))


I’m not going to waste a boat spawn on a PT boat.
Don’t suggest something stupid

You are missing the point entirely. It doesn’t matter if I’m playing RB or AB.
6.0 cruisers will have an even smaller chance when they dragged up to fight battleships because of this mechanic.
If you can’t really see that, you don’t play naval. I can pull up your stats to verify that.

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PT boats are not worth a spawn point for ships. I’m not going to spawn in a PT boat over a battle cruiser or battleship. You are a detriment to the team 9 times out of 10.
Torpedo replenishment is fine as it is in RB and arcade. A decent team with torpedos can lock down all ship spawns by spamming salvo after salvo.

All this new mechanic does is make ships glass cannons.

Congratulations you get 2 tapped and now you are dead.
Rinse and repeat.
No sp left for a plane

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I propose to make a system similar to tank RB. For example, 450 points from the start. An aircraft with a large bomb (> 1000 kg TNT) costs 120, with an average caliber of bombs or torpedoes 80, a fighter 50, a boat 50 - 70, a destroyer 100, a cruiser 120-170, a battleship 200 - 300. Points are earned in combat as well as in a tank RB.

In fact, frags can be done, but there are no guarantees. If it costs a lot less to get off the plane (see the comment above), this may work.

Naval spawns are fine.
Planes are just about useless to use anyways. It’s worse now with the addition of more modern AI ships with better AA weaponry…

A proper fix would be a squadron mechanic implementation where when you spawn in, you get 3-4 other aircraft (AI obviously) with the same load out that attack the same target you do.

1 ship and 1 ship alone can lock down airspace.
I can spawn in a bravy and delete every aircraft spawning in without problem.
You need to stop thinking aircraft are relevant to naval when it comes to CAS. They haven’t been relevant since day 1…


I do not agree that the spawn system is good in realistic battles. Crowds of battleships in small bays look and play strangely. More than Jutland in every fight.

I fully support squadron mechanic implementation.

Brave is a problem, but it is weak against other ships. I think it must be expensive to spawn, probably 300 points.


I would prefer that in RB there is a torp. reloading point near the spawn - with a PT boat you are lost if you want to reload on a enemy cap

there is also Douglas and Saetta hiding behind islands and killing every plane with ease

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I hope we get some sort of response because it kinda feels like this is what they want to do so they just gonna push it through.


@HK_Reporter There is an even more interesting proposal for mechanics. So that the compartments are divided into 2 sides, and not into a single body as is done now.
This is described very well on the ru forum


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The area that is allowed to be damaged should be limited to near and below the water line.


The more detailed subdivisions for the hull the better. IMO not only the port and starboard should be subdivided but also the upper and lower hull.


Also citadel and non citadel, because ships with all or nothing armour schemes could still be sunk when destroying the unarmoured compartments


If the aiming and damage mechanic changes go through, it seems the ideal ship would be something like the HMS Tiger or USS Wilkinson. They could kill anything in seconds. The ideal counter would a ship that was made entirely of the thinnest wood or metal with absolutely zero armor so neither AP or HE would fuse. That would make proximity fuses the best in the game.

This is to say that this completely flips the naval meta 180 degrees which will kill naval arcade as a mode. There will be no reason for anyone but braindead bots to play. We veterans will quit. Guaranteed.


I wont quit, too stubborn, but i dont support the introduction of this


Totally agreed. The aiming and damage mechanics go through, it’s going to kill playership in naval amoungst its base, and will do nothing to popularize it for “new” players who don’t play it simply because they think ships are boring. Making the gameplay WORSE won’t fix that.


I have one more question. Everyone who plays naval battles knows how poorly the reward system works for both destruction and assistance in destruction. My question is, how will this work with the new flooding system? Let’s say I made one compartment black, the other red. Then someone gets into the red compartment, they score a frag for him, and they don’t even give me help? Or do they give help and 40 silver lions, as it is happening now?))

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