[Feedback] Loss of unsinkability mechanics

Once again, the RU forum provides a well thought out and executed idea. I support it.

However, people have discussed this type of system for a long time now, which looks comparable to a simplified version of the system used in Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts, if you’ve ever seen that game.

Gaijin is more than capable of building a system like StarPom suggested, and in fact it might even be simpler than the current system which records breaches. The problem is that they want TTK to go down, presumably for faster matches and simpler gameplay. At least that’s my assumption, given all of the changes over the past couple of years to make ships sink faster.


I find it disturbing that there have been no response to this feedback, considering they have responded to the tureet basket debacle for Abrams and Leopards…

This whole mechanic might be the nail in the coffin for me and war thunder if it gets implemented!


That was my first thought when I saw that thread as well. Ground players deserve to be able to give feedback on damage model issues, but that should be the norm, not the exception.

Particularly, I think adding these hull destruction mechanics will have a bigger effect on naval forces, than adding basket hitboxes to a handful of top tier tanks will have on ground forces.


tbh it was fine the way it was, you just need to aim. A good player has no problem killing any ship in the game you just have to get better. This is just a not needed and unwanted nerf for good armored ships that takes away skill and rewards people who cant aim. Light and Heavy cruisers will suffer even more with this system bc one salvo from a ship with alot of turrets is enought to make them sink.

I hope this gets never added and they forget about such a system bc its bad for gameplay.


sure you can take out ships like the Scharnhorst easier but the the same will happen to you, imagine beeing in a 6.0 Heavy or light cruiser.

I think and hope they are not gonna add it and never will.


Yep, If anything this changes makes Scharnhorst one of the strongest ships at top tier as it has one of the fastest fire rates. And yeah, the HE spam from ships like Helena or Atlanta would become insanely OP… Again


for the current event i use my 6.0 US lineup and it is very good against all light and heavy cruisers. And im fine with not beeing able to kill a Scharnhorst or other Battlecruisers since thesse light cruisers where never made to do that. And you have enought other targets driving around. You can kill the Scharnhorst at 10k+ ofc if you are firing at the main belt it wont work you have to aim below the waterline. I know its not easy at these ranges however at 5 -8k its a walk in the park, this all is just a massiv skill issue. i killed Scharnhorsts with the Baltimore by firing below the main armor belt and if a Baltimore can do that a BB will it as well. Imagine people complaying that you cant pen a Leopard 2A7 at the turret cheecks, Every one will tell its a massiv skill issue and now one will come up with a HP bar for Composite armor.

Also pls stop adding such massiv changes during events.

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You say that, but HMS Belfast rather thoroughly punished Scharnhorst when it tried to attack the convoy she was escorting forcing Scharnhorst to retreat due to battle damage :D

The main issue with Scharnhorst is that you have to hit an incredibly small spot in exactly the right way. To date, the ships best suited for doing that like Hood, had such poor accuracy that 95% of your shells would miss the ship, let alone the pixel size target you had to hit.

With the changes to accuracy, with the 15" British guns being more accurate than even Schranhorst’s guns iirc. That should hopefully change

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According to discussions on this topic,
Hyperbolically, will SKR gonna share the same problem?

We Can sink SKR faster than now
BUT They will also sink you faster.


Hopefully… She’ll be affected by the new coastal mechanics and wont be quite so tanky :D

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Glad that there is one less to worry about :)

But still, thousands more to go. :|

Yeah, Im genuinely fearing the Atlanta spam when I play 5.7


its like always get GJ has a solution for a problem that is caused by something else.

Most if not all ships (except the Italien one) where very accurate even at extrem long ranges. for example: Tirpitz during gunnery trails in Agust 1941was firering at the target ship Hessen which was moving independetly from the Tirpitz and hit here at 25km several time with only a few ranging shots. the proved that the 38cm gun had a dispersions of only 360 meters at 21km. in WT you have the same dispersion with late WW2 cruiesers at only 8km.

Give me the chance to hit more accurate and good players can aim at the weak spots.


As of right now “frigates” (including SKR-1 and 7) fall under the “Loss of Unsinkability” mechanic like bluewater ships.


Steel hulled coastals, and frigates did not have that cumulative damage mechanic on dev. They also did not appear to have the new loss of unsinkability mechanics.


Well, then it’s funny that steel hulled cruisers and battleships have those things while coastals and frigates don’t have.


Oh no

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